that picture is very problematic. i wonder why apple chose such triggering image.
Other urls found in this thread:
Epic! Simply epic!
>Employing white males in 2017
wew lad
is he working on anything even remotely apple related? Looks like a key lock
>1.53 million (literally over 3/4) of those jobs have to do with """"apps""""
what a fucking joke
>responsible for 2 million jobs
what a fucking joke
>1.5million jobs attributable to the app store ecosystem
What actual bullshit.
Why aren't you supporting taking jobs from the poor, Sup Forums?
After all, everyone does it. It's the newest meme since 1980.
I wonder if they count free app developers too :DD
Looks like the apple hate has started. Better grab some popcorn.
what about the 99% of apps that are bootleg garbage?
>some guy takes 10 minutes out to test water resistance
>his whole company employee count is added to the total
get fucked
>trying to actually point out something that's actually bad worsening the economy
commies gtfo my board
>t. mactoddler
What? I thought Apple's app store is the most strict about what kinds of apps are allowed and even how they are made/designed (UI).
They are, he's probably relating his shitdroid or poodows experience to iOS.
>that pic
>boo hoo we can't steal more money from a company
They may be, but they still have over 1000 flashlight apps.
All tax is theft, may as well put it to good use
>Company worthy nearly 1 trillion dollars
>8 billion dollars worth of taxes
You know, 8 is a drop in the bucket in their eyes but a fucking monsoon to many financially struggling federal programs that provide real-world benefits.
I personally wouldn't count app developers as jobs. If anything they created 1.5 million unemployable people.
You mean the same kikes that closed down all their US production and shipped all the jobs overseas to China when they started making iShit?
I can't wait for Apple to collapse and take all those American jobs with them.
It's gonna be glorious.
or just steal less
>muh programs
god forbid people take responsibility for their own lives
Because this is just a huge PR stunt to take away the attention from the tax evasion fiasco they got themselves into.
They literally owe BILLIONS in unpaid taxes.
And as always they won't deliver just like when tim cuck promised to not provide the FBI a backdoor to apple products despite there already being one the FBI used later.
kys statist
>They literally owe BILLIONS in unpaid taxes.
Unless the IRS is auditing them for those "unpaid" taxes they "owe" they don't actually owe anything. Much of their tax avoidance is because of loopholes and provisions that allow them to do it such as subsidary companies using other countries to move money. Its why Luxembourg is such a lucrative country despite having a really high tax bracket
Government is underfunded.
State highways, roads, emergency services etc seeing budget cuts, reducing services for all.
The mactoddler cuck mentality:
I'll pay MORE taxes so apple dozen haf to, i LUV apel!!!
Just because it's a federal program doesn't mean it's social welfare.
CPB is a big example of this. PBS and NPR are vital information sources for many people, especially in places where NPR is literally the only feasible place to receive news (in remote areas such as some Alaskan regions). Without PBS, we'd never had Sesame Street and many educational programs for children; research has shown educational TV notably improves educational outcomes versus children who don't. This is also very important for poor families who potentially cannot afford pre-schooling.
PBS also provides many informative documentaries and general programs that are a welcome sight in the age of reality TV and mockumenaries.
The National Endowment for the Arts, literally 0.013% of our federal spending, provides a boost for art education and local agencies that feature dance, theater, etc.
These programs are struggling for funding, but yet are a modicum in the larger context. The missing 8 billion dollars Apple excuses itself from via loopholes can be a direct lifeline in saving these programs.
not an argument
What's it like living in your own cum bubble of ignorance?
Mactoddlers will defend this.
>2 million jobs
Apple does not employ 2 million people.
None of those things are in the Constitution. You know what is? The 10th amendment. Look it up some time.
The federal government has the power to levy taxes and establish a federal budget. So yes all those federally subsidized programs are constitutional
What are you gonna flip your shit over PBS being unconstitutional? tell me about how much constitutional law you've studied since you've rapidly started googling shit
Stick to a single point, goddamn. What do you have issue with? First you're implying that taxation is an issue and all of a sudden now you're pushing the 10th amendment?
Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 boyo
Look, I can google shit too and somehow use it as my defense
Nor will they be able to afford to. Their cash cow (iphones) is already bleeding like a pig and countries are threatening to force apple to pay taxes they owe.
God I can't believe colossal cocksuckers like OP exist. Defending a company that should have paid BILLIONS of fucking dollars to the US in which they fucking live in is absolutely abhorrent.
>why aren't you supporting the economy
I try to stay as far away as possible of any burger-made IT thing as they tend to be utter garbage designed for braindead shit eaters.
Call me when you fatasses know how to develop good things
nice argument liberals
>the constitution
>well it says right here they are allowed to
>hurr liberal
But I do, OP
Support quality American innovation instead of substandard Chinese imitations
>Wanting to tax our country's most productive citizens
>t. statist
>Being this disillusion.
>Wanting the gobberment to steal from you
>da gumbit can't tax me!
>says right here under the constitution you love they can
>have no idea what I'm talk about
>got called out on it
>time to start flinging shit I guess
That'll be the day when pigs fly.
>Believing in a document written hundreds of years ago as an excuse for people to rob you and your neighbors
>Bro it says they can steal from you where you like it to or not right here on this piece of paper and if you say no you deserve to be taken to jail will all those others who don't want to pay taxes
>t. goldstein
>assuming it's the same user
>applel chinkshit
Pick one.
pot meet kettle
>yea that shit isn't in the constitution!
>yes actually it is
>No one actually gives a shit about that old ass toilet paper.
man this level of damage control and autism can only come from people who have lost all arguments and refuse to admit they're wrong
These only get reported because people hold Apple to a higher standard; it's automatically assumed Chinkshit will destroy your home
Literally chinkshit. Only gullible morons think it isn't.
not an argumemt
Also macs are so unsafe they are literally BANNED from going into space. Think about that.
This is like Muslims coming to Sup Forums
Again I'm not that user so I have nothing to prove don't assume you fucking dark piece of trash
Thank god I'm not going to space anytime.
You're arguing points that 99.,99% of the world gives no fucks about.
>Thank god I'm not going to space anytime.
No, your fatass will be wheeled off to a hospital burn unit for sustained 3rd degree burns all over your body, then to the ICU for going into cardiac arrest from clogged arteries, and wake up to have the doctor tell you that your macbook burned your entire house down but you're "lucky" to be alive.
quality > quantity
>Allowing the government to help others is bad
Just a reminder that the government helped you at birth by legalizing your birth certificate.
poorfags want what they cant have
I have an s7 for my phone though
but seriously, find a flaw
The apple logo
The government, if it wills to, also helps get you money. By saying that you want to cut off social programs, you want less money and benefits.
Are you numbfucks simply mad because "social programs" contain the word "social" in it?
>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade
>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life
>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss
>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?
>innovative techniques for testing water resistance
This is so stupid. Just dunk the shit in water and you'll test the water resistance.
nice copypizza walenda, how about some original postings?
>coastal hipster faggots
Don't you mean pooinloos?
>mactoddler cant refute a single point
>Not employing white males in 2017
wew lad
>Government is underfunded.
So i guess 90% of the job is maintaining the software side and the remain 5% is the logistics and the 5% is the design and technical team.
So farmers and others should give up and work for apple i guess.
>Better grab some popcorn.
do we get ice cream at interval?
What possible reason could they have for doing this?
better test of water resistance
>it's automatically assumed Chinkshit will destroy your home
Electronic devices spontaneously combusting is not a common occurrence. It happens more often with Apple devices, and to a certain extent Samsung devices, because of their choice of materials to use in batteries (Lithium Polymer vs Lithium Ion). Apple also has a tendency to try to make their devices as thin as possible without any consideration to how to cool them. Hence, Macbook Pros turn into hot plates fairly quickly if put under any sort of work. Imagine -- all of that heat, transferred throughout a thin aluminum chassis, with a battery prone to spontaneous combustion.
Sup Forums needs some new memes everyone copies the same posts
America really does need a new constitution. Why does every other country get new ones all of the time, but ours is literally a bible substitute?
Yeah because the Galaxy s7 didn't have a higher water resistance half a year earlier right?
They mean they have just been busy cloning Steve Jobs.
so apple employs 80k people whats this 2m figure?
>And we're just getting started
Not if you keep fucking up all your products you're not.
you know all those rednecks that sell phone 'cases' in malls? they're counting those
>PBS and NPR are vital information sources for many people
You mean fake news garbage.
>research has shown educational TV notably improves educational outcomes versus children who don't.
bullshit claim
>This is also very important for poor families who potentially cannot afford pre-schooling.
No, it's been proven that pre-schooling does not improve children's scores as demonstrated by Obongo's pre-school for all program.
>PBS also provides many informative documentaries and general programs
So do dozens of other channels. So why do I need to fund for this shit again?
>The National Endowment for the Arts, literally 0.013% of our federal spending, provides a boost for art education and local agencies that feature dance, theater, etc.
I don't want my money being used to make garbage propagandistic so called "art'. I'm sorry but a fucking musical about the early AIDS epidemic does not deserve my money, fuck off faggot.
>The federal government has the power to levy taxes and establish a federal budget. So yes all those federally subsidized programs are constitutional
No, just not retard. What you said is only true if you believe the interstate commerce clause is constitutional, which it clearly is not. And not "Providing for the general welfare" does not fucking include children's cartoons.
>Stick to a single point, goddamn.
I'm sorry you are too much of a retard to follow an argument with more than one point. How is that my problem though?
>federal programs that provide real-world benefits.
No such thing.
She's canadian though?
So a company should not be allowed to move to another country? How very fascist of you.
>I want to operate on this market!
>w-what, you're supposed to follow these tax laws to do that?
>every other company does it?
>yeah, nah, I won't pay those taxes lol
>if you want to stop me, your anti business
poorfags mad lmao
>Apple creates 2 million jobs for for Americans to build actual, physical products that people use in the real world
Is apple sending american workers to china?
The way they counted that you might as well claim 99% of software development jobs are "caused" by Microsoft
So what they're really saying is:
>80,000 actual jobs with us
>1.9million jobs with other companies or "jobs" where some Chinese american makes a police scanner app and is now rich as fuck
It's a roundabout way of saying "80,000 jobs"
>800 MHz
Every fucking time. Even a raspberry pi 3 has a higher clock speed
Not to mention most of the 80k is probably retail employees.