>AMD sponsored title
>Designed to run on AMD built consoles
>Fury looses to 1070
AMD even tries so hard :^)
>AMD sponsored title
>Designed to run on AMD built consoles
>Fury looses to 1070
AMD even tries so hard :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's say sunshine for everyone.
it runs well on everything it seems
What game is this? Another shooter?
Honestly does this shit market make anything but fucking shooters?
Western devs are incapable of making a good story, characters or gameplay and shooters don't need those.
Piece of shit RX480, you fuckers got me this time.
Never will listen to you retards again and on the other forums.
The GTX1060 is by far the better card, not only faster but also way more energy efficient.
Runs a ton cooler and has a bit of OC headroom too
It's a Bioshock clone.
And it runs better with emulators like CEMU.
I won't be fooled again.
This!!! Fuck AMD!!!
Arkane game that runs very well? On launch? Wew, miracles can happen.
>he doesn't undervolt his card
Where the fuck is the 5xx?
Too bad it looks like shit
Always having to tweak dumb shit
Works better runs cooler out of the box.
About 12% faster but they can't post that.
It's still a fucking achievement for Arkane.
>muuh age like fine wine
Yes, in 3 years the 480 will have in game X 18fps while the 1060 get 15fps.....AMDWINS AGAIN
>undervolt the card
>0 headroom for OC
>card falls even more behind compared to an aftermarket GTX1060
Don't forget to disable Nvidia telemetry and log into your facebook.
Literally normalfag, I bet you leave your 3D driver settings at defaults too.
Haha, normalfags.
Where's keklers on that list?
It's TPU, they had 4 AMD card reviews from June 2016 to April 2017 but over 30 Nvidia ones.
what the fuck
there's a prey sequel coming out?
when did this happen?
why are you so mad? why are you so poor that you don't get an amd AND nvidia and let them run eachother to make a personal experience on which works better for you?
It has nothing to do with OG Prey.
waitâ„¢ 3 years for the amd drivers :33
It's a re-imagining literally the most cancerous thing coming out of gaming these days
>biggest marketing campaign since bioshock infinite on some similiar type of story driven action shooter
>didn't notice a single bit
>First person shooter
You need to be over 18 to post on this site.
oh damnit, could've guessed as much
I'm glad of my 290x, the rx480/580 is a meme card.
The 290X cost $549 at launch. The 480 cost $200 at launch.
>Why it no be betterer?
The 290X is also 3 years old.
I know tho but it's age well
>using the smiley with a carat nose
I don't know why anyone even bothers with "tech enthusiast" sites anymore, they've got their heads so far up Intel and Nvidia's ass it's not even funny. Between these clowns, HardOCP 480p benchmarks of a 2006 game, and Tomshardware still shilling i5's on their "Best gamur CPU" list, you've got a trifecta of retards.
>All frame rates in excess of 120fps anyway
>Focusing on the weird oneshot design from two years ago vs. a far more current NVIDIA card
Nvidiots really are grasping.
You forgot gamersnexus benching the 7700K at 5.1 GHz.
>can I have 120hz amd?
>60? what's you need is 30?
What makes this laughable is that it's an amd optimized game too and still runs worse on their own hardware. There's literally a dedicated page on the amd website saying how good this game is on amd hardware lmao.
>another full force gayvidia pajeetpooup shill thread
and yet, the nazi guy still hasn't banned you from posting fake clickb8 news on his decaying website
Ain't there a few gimpworks games that run worse on Nvidia?
Anyhow, worrying about some 10% difference in some crappy FPS seems like a waste of time
its vega optimized you doofus
>$200 at launch
>45 posts
>17 IPs
Really makes you think.
I bought a RX480 for $230 dollars
In my county the cheapest 1060 is $300.
Did I meme'd it up?
>Optimized for a card that's going to get a paper launch and take more moths for people to even get their hands on.
Good way to show off tech.
Makes me think you're a fucking retard and should kill yourself.
no pajeet, you are the one that needs to go shill your clickbait website sponsored by novidia on reddit
complete the blue whale game
*teleports above you*
*stabs in the head*
Nuffin personels, kiddo
Did they release the game with the same name? This shit needs to stop.
VPNs are going to be HUGE when you get them over there, Rajesh.
Not sure who are you listening to? Sup Forums? Anyone with just some basic knowledge of computer architecture can tell you a GPU doesn't just boil down to simply all the marketing bullshit they post on the outside of the box.
Not him but if you think TPU shill Intel/Nvidia, you are stupid
Also +1 ip, faggot
>cryengine title
>designed to run on AMD built consoles
>amd suck
>tfw running a 390
I'm sitting pretty, as far as I'm concerned.
Holy shit I forgot about this shit is it still a thing? I was going to buy a 1080ti
Don't worry about it, Nviida only collects anonymous statistical info
>if you think a website that posts unfair reviews and fake """news""" clickbait articles shill Intel/Nvidia, you are stupid
wew lad, are you in charge of the subreddit for the site?
you might wanna take a look on the catalog and see the amount of threads with backlinks to that (((website))) before forming an opinion
Why should they collect that data when I spend 700 dollars on a gpu? It should at least be opt in.
To improe your experience
You can disable it in the nvidia control panel.
Are you even aware what telemetry is used for?
Every modern software uses it, iOS, Android, Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Ubuntu, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Safari, Origin, Steam, uPlay, MS Office, Adobe CC, Windows Defender, Kaspersky, ESET, Bitdefender and the lists goes on.
Hell, just for using typing Google's captchas' in Sup Forums you're already part of the Google botnet.
>this entire thread
>this entire thread
>le gimped drivers mme
>fury x still loses to 980Ti
what do you need 60 for?
nvidia paid shills.
AMD's current drivers are ass. I've been getting performance issues and overheating since I went up to 17.4
Has AMD even released drivers for the game yet?
Seven hours ago. When was this bullshit tested?
It says in the article, you fucking retard.
AMD: Catalyst 17.5.1 Beta
which is the prey optimized driver amd shat out today.
AMD just doesnt have the influence to leverage their sponsorship. It's sad really.
Vulkan hasn't been released yet for prey. Enjoy your shitty DX11 experience.
>just wait
Hell no. Good buy user.
Superior experiences are worth it.
Shooter with mediocre gameplay and shitty story
>also way more energy efficient.
Those 3W really make a difference, don't they
Being a beta tester for free....
not him but the 580 causes system power consumption to increase by at least 22% for only 2% increase in average fps over the 1060. the 480 isn't that much better and is now slower than the 1060 on average.
Wait Polaris 10 is bigger than GP106 and yet consumes only 20w more?
Polaris 10 uses 20w more but performs equaly or worse than a 1060, yes
In games. We're talking compute power.
>industry keeps churning out barely finished cheap uninspired shit in a market practice perfected a decade or more ago that continues to get cheaper and more shit somehow
>people keep buying it
Realistically, almost everyone buys these cards for gaming, not for compute power
>a last gen GPU is worse than current gen
Well, call the press, faggot.
980Ti shits on anything amd.
>any year
>midrange pos 580 draws more power than 1080Ti
Always Making Disappointments
>previous generation card loses to new generation card
wow really activates my almonds