Ramadan around the corner edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>I fucking want one, but I don't want to be called a Haji. Fuck.
Is 'haji' a slur for wahhabis or something now
Do iraqi girls really dress like that I love the long socks with short shorts
>I don't blame them though, especially when you have extremists that think anyone who isn't muslim should die
That's what's so weird to me. You hang out around here, no one cares about religion. I have friends from other websites, exchange students, emigrants at work or even people my age who only go to the masjid because they're forced to... seems like no one in MeNa gives a fuck about religion and everyone smokes and drinks and fucks and skips praying just as much as a white American "Christian" who doesn't give a shit.
And it's like
So where the fuck is all this sharia law and terrorism coming from because I thought you guys were recording sex tapes and skipping ramadan
>tfw I have to wake up early
>tfw I can't sleep
yes some do, but sophie turner isn't iraqi you retarded moron
i see you trapped up and namefagged, this is gonna be long and painful
you're a regular now i guess
cancer attracted you to make more cancer and bath in a cancer pool
اكرهكم وبدي ادمر حياتكم
So many refugees in this thread
eh there were other burgers in the last one and I didn't want to get mistaken for them but whatever
>tfw no yemeni witch gf
I'm a lot of things, but a refugee am not
I want your nation to be obliterated and annexed by barbaric turkic mongol hordes who will wrap the likes of you in huge carpets and execute you by riding twenty horses over your subhuman body
What's wrong with America يا كلب?
You don't like it, gtfo
>Tfw dumb kuffar can't pronounce kha and butcher your name
T. Refugee with grudge
>mfw kaffar mods delete my post
i'm not even arap m9 how can i be refugee? ? ?
what the fuck
fuck off muzz shit
>Implying all refugees are arabs
African education for you
you are too easy tbqf
go back 2 ur pedo anime cancer abu 3oyora
Tell me more about how anime is cancer
Well you would think the ones that post on Sup Forums, the website where Sup Forums resides would be kafreen right?
It's almost a logical conclusion I would say
o enti msh kafereh?
I very much am I'm afraid. Bacon is just too tasty and those fruity cocktail drinks too succulent
are you a virgin?
Don't worry, bro. I like Qatar. Your flag is top-tier, 2bh. I just wish I could get a Qatari qtπ to be my wife, but you guys tend to only mix with your own.
I can help you
Lol bro were basically the same expect I'm not a Virgin. How's life man? U gonna fast this Ramadan.
That act is of a haram level that is off the charts. Please do the proper procedure of marrying me to pop the cherry
Shukran in advance
Yer all fags
t. refugee
i cant just marry you based on a picture of your eyes. unless you're willing to wear a niqab all.the.time :3
>not a virgin
>fasting during ramadan
Are you high? Oh wait...
Not acceptable, please find another waifu
it's 2cute when girls admit to it tho
I would like to date you if your eyes match the rest of your face tho tbqf
then don't go
allah isn't real
I love how niqab is supposed to be all modest and keep men from looking at you, but it actually makes you sexier
I don't even know you nigga
Just post rare pepes pls, it's the only thing I have to life for anymore
I would post my face but Sup Forums being what it is, I'd rather not
It would take me a lot of convincing is what I'm saying
Yes I'm high, gotta smoke my last few joints before Ramadan begins.
Is this rare idk
I mean, if you post face, I'll post my penis
Just kidding I won't actually post my penis that would be gay
I wish we had an IRC channel so i could just pm you :3
Wut a filthy thread desu.
if anyone was wondering how you can tell cheap contact lenses, it's when they don't match the eyes in size and you get a circle of the original eye color around them
Keep posting them burger
It is so I'm just going to leave until everyone calms down
Kek you don't know how contacts work. It's ok though Iraq, no need to be jelly
yeah i don't no and shit, i'm jelly an stuff
next time invest more money to fill your inferiority complex
you're pathetic
I dont really know what counts for rare and what's common
2 years ago I spent a few months on r9k then noped out of it
lol that's gr8
Why does Sup Forums have no Saudi posters?
Are they even allowed to have internet
They don't have cinemas or music right?
Any pepe will do. I need to start up a folder anyway
I only recently started posting on Sup Forums but I've been a lurker for years
They don't have cinema yes, but they do have music and stuff.
They block a lot of websites too
Thanks bro. I know some Qataris with qtπ English wife :^)
Good luck finding Qatari qts
Don't want to derail too bad but I guess it's already done
I literally saved all these during the worst part of my life
Fuck 2014
are your eyes fake or not. provide more photos to convince the now suspicious masses
I hear most native Qatari females are fat
I think it's true, the average Qatari is fat, but there are many qts tbqhwf
Are there any arab web browsers for pc or mobile
I know of Epic which is Indian and a few different Russian ones, is there any Arab one
OK. Sometimes I would get people on Omegle who said they were Saudi but I never believed them
YEah like the haramposting last thread
A little weight is nice if it goes to her legs and butt
Guys how do I get qt hijabi gf? There was one girl in my class who liked me but wanted me to convert to Islam and I got spooked.
See I'm not this guy
that's why I tried a name but everyone butthurt
What haramthread, pls post 0_0
Saudis have one distinct characteristic.
Their inability to speak English.
They never take learning English seriously. They end up sounding retarded and autistic with a clear Saudi accent
Saudis are retarded tbqh senpai
Come to the dark side
Also don't date her, marry her through functions at the masjid to ensure maximum purity
We've all gone through that so don't worry about it too much. Be happy and remember you live in the great united states
It's all fake and life is a lie. Shut it down
Wow qt, post cock
someone teasing a girl about being slightly overweight and like a beta I jumped in saying kinda chubby is OK and posted a pic of a thick girl in her panties
Post loli qatarbro
I don't know enough to distinguish accents, all arabic sounds like snakes hissing to me
>Dem dark circles
heroin addict/10 tbqh.
If you hear a heavy accent, know the person you're talking to is retarded and won't understand you
>Tfw no loli wife
Fugg, why did they have to make marriage so complicated
Here you go
This is the first time I post it and I'm worried it might be too small
It's been months, anyone I ask posts this stupid picture, no one posts cock anymore, it's been moths since I last saw a fresh cock what havd happened to this board
i really want for your face to match those eyes tho
>Kaffer trying to ruin the purity of an innocent Muslim girl
I hope the sharia police catches you
What a cute petookh.
You could literally LITERALLY just type cock in google and find all the fresh dicks you need qatar
I know you guys are gay but this is taking it too far
Ok maybe you're not so gay after all
Russian posting CP, what else is new?
i shower you with compliments and all i get is silent rejection
Thank you for the compliments. Can we please brush this aside now and move on with our lives?
What's all this about rings
What rings
A lot of times I scroll through Sup Forums and see this thread and you all are talking about isis rings or some shit
do you have anything to talk about
Tell em it's like James Rodriguez'
All I ever wanted in my life
Was to see a feminine benis just for me
do you listen to PNL
How is your mom doing? Is she proud of you?
she's alright. she's a cancer survivor, been through a lot of shit. was really hard to watch her suffer. she is fine now though, i just pray it doesn't come back again.
yes I believe she is. other than what I did it in my past she has no reason to not be proud right now, i think
Sorry to hear she had cancer. I pray for that as well
I was expecting a meme answer from you and not an actual discussion of your life. WOW
thanks. how's life in Caracao?
It's alright, same old same old. Thinking of making myself dinner and hanging out with my brothers since Sup Forums has gotten boring now
I might go swimming tomorrow if the weather is good and hopefully not burn and become a human lobster
Nah, I'm not into euro rap, yung lean is the only exception
And that French guy, stromae
it looks like a freaking paradise on google pics. now is your father proud of you?
bro PNL is the new shit you better ride the wave
>Russian posting CP, what else is new?
pfffffffffffffffft lololololololooooooooooool