Have you seen a site that's so militant against adblockers? It feels like everyday I had to update my filters.
I just ended up disabling JS for it and now it's much better.
Have you seen a site that's so militant against adblockers? It feels like everyday I had to update my filters.
I just ended up disabling JS for it and now it's much better.
Other urls found in this thread:
so many sites are now doing this, it's really fucking annoying
whatever i will never turn off my adblocker. especially on this site, toxic amount of ads here and everywhere else.
I started using sankaku complex, gelbooru really went down the shitter.
sankaku forces you to log in to browse more than 25 pages
Gelbooru works fine here with adblock enabled, what as I suppose to be looking for?
That site is shit, it load fucking slow on my 100Mbps internet.
I supposed it because the owner is a fucking POO IN A LOO POORFAGS.
Use better and more respectable community booru like SANKAKUCOMPLEX.COM
Its adblock friendly and load more faster.
I used downthemall and chan apps with sankaku and never got this issue
I use the android app. No ads, enjoyable swiping.
Danbooru doesn't have this problem and they also actually have people who translate!
Doesn't danbooru hide loli behind a paywall?
Danbooru is a sjw site.
I have no idea, not into that.
I believe so, yes.
they also limit search to 2 tags
seriously fuck them
sankaku complex is much better, gelbooru doesn't allow scat.
I think they changed that recently, or at least they were going to. I remember it pissing me off as searching more than 2 tags was the reason I paid 10bux.
You could theoretically do what I do and use hydrus or such to download images to local disk by tag and then (obviously) view them there.
What's the best site for doujins that doesn't require an account? Nhentai has the biggest collection of doujins tagged with loli that I've found but the popup ads are annoying.
E-hentai (would even suggest the torrents primarily, but that's up to you).
>search 'rating:safe'
>giant penises expanding constantly on the side
>you live in anonymous proxy too?
>porn sites pop up on every other click
>sometimes images don't load because I'm blocking external shit anyways
>disable javascript using uMatrix
>search for loli
>no results
>nuke e-hentai and exhentai cookies
>sign up at e-hentai
>idle a week on the forums, logged in
>enter exhentai
>panda gone
e-hentai and exhentai have a broken https implementation that transfers images in cleartext
You know accounts on nhentai are free, right?
Ah, the lolishit is actually behind an account. Missed that you apparently wanted only that, not all sorts of doujins.
Don't know - even if, where's the problem? If you live in a country where political materials and foreign art is illegal, you hopefully are at least using a VPN or such to not rely on individual websites to not leak information into that country's networks.
I've made two exhentai accounts in the past and abandoned both of them. accounts are a form of spyware in the sense that they know I'm the same person after my IP address changes. I don't like using accounts.
Then, you're not going to get consistent access to anything bordering on legality in half of the world or so. The host requires to know that you're not law enforcement or a potential snitch.
Yeah, images served over H@H aren't encrypted for some reason.
>they know
Well all the NSA needs is an email address and they can compile your entire online presence, so if you think you have any meaningful anonymity in 2017, you are fucking kidding yourself. And if you want a placebo:
>premium VPN that you pay with bitcoin
>10 minute email address for registration
>implying there aren't dozens of sites like nhentai with tons of loli publicly available
>implying making an e-hentai account and waiting a week proves I'm not the FBI
joke's on you and the NSA, I don't have a permanent email address. I only use disposable email services.
The FBI will keep busy with the likes of nhentai for as long as they're around.
Which is why I said consistent access, not just access.
Copyright is another thing to consider too. Nyaa is down, AB and OT are not.
> accounts are a form of spyware in the sense that they know I'm the same person after my IP address changes.
I you didn't do a song and dance to confuse all information around your web browser, random advertisers can identify you by browser fingerprint. In many places, your government also knows, heh.
Either way if you don't want any permanent accounts or being spied on, I guess you'll want to use tribler or freenet or something instead.
>joke's on you and the NSA, I don't have a permanent email address. I only use disposable email services.
You don't seem to understand. It doesn't matter. As long as you accessed it from your IP address, which is connected to your real identity (i.e., you pay your ISP through your bank account or credit card), then they can find you.
>Don't know - even if, where's the problem?
pornography is always a legal gray area and turns on a dime with common law in any jurisdiction
recently lolifags have begun to think they're safe in the west, for whatever dumb reason, and have felt comfortable making themselves known, e.g. as in this thread
broken HTTPS is a problem for me because i shouldn't have to use a VPN whenever i browse a hentai site because of the likelihood that i will encounter improperly tagged quasilegal content
i'm only offering this advice because i respect privacy more than i hate loli
Chrome extension personal blocklist.
Besr addon ever. I get a website like this and i block it never to be visited or be seen again 8n my search results.
Im totally fine with not generating revenue for them.
>If you didn't do a song and dance to confuse all information around your web browser
I did
>I guess you'll want to use tribler or freenet or something instead
or I could just keep using sites like nhentai or hitomi.la or pururin (RIP).
I'm not trying to hide from the NSA, loli isn't even illegal where I live, I just don't like anyone (other than my ISP) logging every IP address I use and logging every page of every doujin I've fapped to and for how many hours per day I fap for years at a time.
>recently lolifags have begun to think they're safe in the west, for whatever dumb reason, and have felt comfortable making themselves known, e.g. as in this thread
You know that this board used to be called tech/loli/gy, right? And there are very active loli threads on Sup Forums pretty much all the time, you know, where people actually post loli and don't just talk about it?
Do you worry about gangstalking?
no because I never go outside and keep my curtains closed and take extreme measures to make cyber gangstalking impossible.
That would be a "yes," then.
If randomly encountering improperly tagged content is a crime then going to a place where there exists such content could even more easily be a crime. You're not even obscuring that with HTTPS.
> i'm only offering this advice because i respect privacy more than i hate loli
Likewise, but I'm taking the stance that if you need to rely on all webpages you visit cooperating fully properly in any way (and be it just delivering all content by https when you ask it, or not sending part of what you requested elsewhere), that's probably not going to work.
Kind of. A script can bypass it. The 'more than two tags' bullshits is what gets me.
> I did
And also all the information on the network layer? Well, maybe you are dedicated enough to at least "fool" many who gather identities.
> or I could just keep using sites like nhentai or hitomi.la or pururin (RIP).
Sure, whatever you prefer.
>pururin (RIP).
pururin.us is a thing, although it's a little buggy for me.
>I'm not trying to hide from the NSA, loli isn't even illegal where I live, I just don't like anyone (other than my ISP) logging every IP address I use and logging every page of every doujin I've fapped to and for how many hours per day I fap for years at a time.
Who cares if non law enforcement has that info? It's not like they're going to be able to connect it to your real identity.
>i shouldn't have to use a VPN whenever i browse a hentai site because of the likelihood that i will encounter improperly tagged quasilegal content
Get to wiping your hdd
>wait 2 minutes for it to connect
>502 bad gateway
thanks, it's exactly like the old pururin. I'll check it out at another time of day when it's not overloaded.
>implying they couldn't force my ISP to hand over my address at gunpoint, or knowing how incompetent the workers there are, hack into their server and find it in a plain text file
>>implying they couldn't force my ISP to hand over my address at gunpoint, or knowing how incompetent the workers there are, hack into their server and find it in a plain text file
whoever the sick fuck admins are that run exhentai.
What are they going to do, tease you as if you were both still in high school?
Why not just go to the source and use pixiv?
Since when?
his autism doesn't allow him to create an account
based on the browsing habits collected they might figure out I'm a cute girl irl and have no friends or family to notice if I go missing.
need to know moon to use conveniently and some search functions are behind paywall.
I don't really use the search functions. I mostly use it for fresh lewds
>I'm a cute girl irl
So you're a mentally handicapped tranny with a bloated ego. No one cares about your IP address or browsing habits if you have nothing contribute.
Sad they play favorites now they've become extremely biased and hypocrites with there westaboo/non Japanese hentai artist rule. "We make can exception because I like this and I own the place."
If only sankaku enforced a rule to link the source
>Using Sankaku Complex
That's like saying you hate AIDS, so instead, you'll get Ebola. I don't even know what the hell that clickbaiting shill of a fucker, Artefact, is doing these days.
Yeah, I believe that their API allows you to still get the source for those images, so you're really not missing much if you just browse a few repositories. It's quality over quantity and I much prefer the former.
I heard that they're going to bump it up to three, which I think is okay for a non-paying account. But I did the "smart" thing and bought premium when I had the chance since I've been using the damn site over a decade.
what do you mean
If you have some storage, pic related is good anti-AIDS.
Grab files from anywhere - the client itself lets you download from many places, but you can just as well process the giant locally stored loli image stash your dad gave you from his hoard as your 40th birthday present.
Then add tag archives scraped from multiple *boorus and also from the supported client-specific shared database (you sync a local copy if it if you enable it) and query images for as many damn tags as you please.
you know that downloading lewds is a waste of time and space
>downloading lewds is a waste of time and space
huh? i don't understand
what did you mean by this?
It's a waste of time to deal with annoying slow subscription bait websites.
Would be different if it was an inexpensive but Amazon S3 style fap cluster with full access to all queries, Then of course one could also make use of that instead of local resources.
Oh man, I remember when the dev posted it on Sup Forums. How did it progress?
I remember not liking the lack of folder structure support.
Forget about it. If you don't see it then it's not your problem to worry about.
no, I want you to explain
I don't even use the site, just curious
is this able to detect/delete duplicates? if so I'm sold.
>Oh man, I remember when the dev posted it on Sup Forums. How did it progress?
He did change a shitload even in the ~year I'm using it now.
I'm seriously impressed with how much work the guy gets done. But it may not all be relevant to you.
The newest feature is a simple duplicate elimination GUI (with matching phashes infrastructure internally - meaning it can find approximate duplicates, not just exact ones).
> I remember not liking the lack of folder structure support.
It still uses hashes on the local storage, if you mean that. But it supports putting these hashes into multiple folders on multiple drives now (if you were using it THAT long back).
If you want a "virtual folder", that's basically a local tag anyhow.
Has been able to detect exact duplicates for a long time - it's "intrinsic" to working with hashes (they're used to match the tags to the media files, and they're used on the storage end of things).
As for "approximate" duplicates - recompressed images, images with watermarks added vs no watermarks, cropped off 1mm borders, and so on, they are something the dev has been working on the last months.
It got the phashing algorithms a while ago, and it just now got a basic UI to actually process these. I don't think he's fully finished yet, but it has been doing something useful ever since we were able to query for some duplicates.
>(if you were using it THAT long back
Yeah, the first 2 or three public releases. I stopped following it because moving from a folder structure (which all other programs I need use) to a database was just not gonna happen.
If I could just give it a list of folders to "observe" and use to search through, that would be great, but having the folder structure (for all the other programs) and then the entire thing duplicated as database seemed like a waste of space, unnecessary complexity and no added benefit.
Especially since I have no use for all the online features.
On the other hand, the features tailored specifically for chan users were great.
In case you want an impression before you download, here's linkage to the help for the new phash-based duplicate processing:
I can see how it might be impractical in some situations.
Since I personally am mostly managing images, it'd be a very trivial problem even if it was duplicated. An absolutely silly number of images fit on even just a boring old home RAID array anyhow.
But additionally, I rarely have a need for more than a clipboard link or "run program" on a file triggered from Hydrus if at all and I mostly use it as an easy viewer (akin to the websites I say it could replace - they also don't really are useful in terms of a filename / folders type access). So I don't even need to do that. I just have the files managed by Hydrus.
hydrus looks great but one last question: can it delete all images tagged with "futa" except the ones that are also tagged with "futa on female"?
Until it breaks again for no reason. But I can't hate it.