The Great Debate

New computer coming and it has windows 10 pro, what is better windows 7 ultimate or Windows 10 pro?

Just wondering if windows 10 is still ass or not, there has to be at least a couple positives by now right?

Other urls found in this thread: 10 - 64

Are we taking into account software support and updates? Because you'd just be on a sinking ship if you were still using 7. I don't think it even supports DX12. It certainly doesn't support the newer Nvidia drivers.

7 is good don't get me wrong, but 10 is good too and will be supported for a long time. Consciously rebelling by picking 7 is just a stupid move.

format and install gentoo

no but seriously, just get ltsb for a non shit w10, or go back to 7

Windows 7 clearly better. Windows 10 is a total joke. Hands and weird annoying bullshit to deal with it's much less efficient than Windows 7 ever was no I just keep updating Windows 7 its design was optimal had very few problems that anybody can think of. Windows 10 is a fucking joke in comparison to Windows 7 period it's a total consumer bullshit operating system period Windows 7 was better in every way

install gentoo

You might prefer 7, but Microsoft and devs don't release any new shit for it. How much you like it is almost irrelevant.

> Because you'd just be on a sinking ship if you were still using 7. I don't think it even supports DX12. It certainly doesn't support the newer Nvidia drivers.
I have dual titan-x cards in the computer. I need to research this but are we 100% that nvidia drivers dont work on windows 7? I have a titan-z on windows 7 now?

And 7 doesnt support DX12, im not doubting M$ would put it behind the effen OS wall which if true means I am stuck with windows 10 pro. Any additional proof for the DX12 claim because I hope they let it slide to windows 7.

>Windows 7 clearly better. Windows 10 is a total joke.
Is what other user said true that DX12 doesnt work on windows 7 just because of a big middle finger from M$?

DX12 is Windows 10 only.

dx12 does not exist on anything except windows 10. But in my opinion it's not much to lose.

inform yourself if you really care for it first though:

It's not as ass as it was before but if Windows 7 was still getting full support there'd be no reason to get Windows 10. The best feature of Windows 10 is playing Xbox games because they lock that shit to W10 only, but they kill you on that by having a very paltry selection available, with some being games you can get on Steam defeating the purpose entirely.

>vistaids SP2 vs windaids 8.2

If you have to ask this years after launch of windows 10, then it's a failure of a OS

>DX12 is Windows 10 only.
Im noticing this now, so as a gamer it looks like I am stuck with Win10 pro. since my video cards may not even work on windows 7 its a sad day!!!!

>If you have to ask this years after launch of windows 10, then it's a failure of a OS
Well wtf their blackmailing me with this DX12 bs and on top of that if i cant use my video cards then I am kinda stuck. Their really going all out forcing this win10 garbage down our throats.

I slaved to create a custom install win7ult iso for my skylake, and now on this new computer its like they got me, M$ finally got me to go to win10.

If you're doing it for games and want DX12, then Windows 10 is your option.

Windows plebe.

I think most versions of windows always had newer versions of DX to pull gamers towards the next OS version. It's standard Microsoft behavior.

>If you're doing it for games and want DX12, then Windows 10 is your option.
Yes I was going to use this computer for gaming.

>Windows plebe.
I have become shame.

its just retarded when Win10 is literally bloatware the OS and outside of dx12 I dont see any other reason to use it from a gaming perspective.

DX12 is DoA, Vulkan is the future

At this seminar a couple months ago they debate weather DX12 is even worth using for devs. seems not so great maybe even for gaming?

>Vulkan is the future
loking into it now, hope its not M$ so checking it out, maybe I should just install win7 and suck up all the performance loss I will get but that wont do me any good if my vid cards dont work.

A M$ support article says it can be dangerous to use dual video cards on anything except DX1 which can lead to permanent hardware damage.

Reading this thread I am seeing that none of the proposed benefits of DX12 are true and that there isnt any gain at all for users?

what say you?

Windows 7 has a disgusting interface, it's slow, it's bloated, it's almost a decade old, it has just as much telemetry as Windows 10 (if you don't want to be tracked unplug your ethernet cable you tech illiterate fuck)

all version of windows 10 - except ltsb - are garbage. flaming hot shit-filled garbage.

i would stick with windows 7 (will still receive updates until late 2020), then upgrade to win 8 (still gets updated 'til early 2025), then compleeeeeeetely ditch windows with the direction they have been on.

it's time to start trying out lignux and bsd. get as comfy with them as possible, and pray to god that haiku OS has a production ready release by 2025 (or apple releases a version of os x that'll work on most hardware without hackintosh stuff).

and btw, lignux is so much better to work with than windows for everything but gaming. it's a pleasure and a breeze, and i've been using debian and ubuntu based distros as my daily drivers since 2009 when i moved away from windows and mac at home (still keep a windows partition on one of my laptops though, of-course for gaming, and of-course it's win 7).

>linux or bsd
>desktop use
retard, linux is already dead thanks to systemd and BSD was always the superior server platform, BSD is not a good desktop platform

your options for desktop usage are limited to windows and osx

All windows os are slow and bloated

I want this to be true but it's not.

>your options for desktop usage are limited to windows and osx

This article says its game over for anyone not using windows 10 because their computers will be destroyed says head MS person in Germany, link for proof:

Nvidia Driver 382.05 is the latest for Windows 7 and 10

7 at this point still supports most devices on the market and drivers can be obtained and installed multiple ways. 10 in the other hand does not support nearly as many devices and even less than 8 or 8.1.

You won't see any problems if you always buy the newes Razer or other meme mouse and keyboard and never use computer to anything else than gaming or facebook.

Under 8.1 and 10 there are serious problems with USB 3.0 and 3.1 chips, worst being Intel chips with intel xHCI support. Other devices than USB sticks have trouble getting propper address and windows tells you that the device is faulty when in reality it is not. The problem is that only official USB 3 xHCI drivers working in 8.1 and 10 are from Microsoft and they are shit. You can use motherboards or additional PCI-E cards with Asmedia and NEC chips without problems because they have an option to use other drivers than the MS ones, intel does not unless you are using Windows 7.

Some people have had serious HDD and SSD problems while using 10. These problems do not occur in 7, 8 or 8.1. The problems can be found in laptops and desktops but mostly laptops suffer from it.

If you don't mind about these things and don't mind ads and apps being pushed to your PC then Windows 10 is for you.

sorry let me clarify, if you actually plan on being productive they ar your only options

Which one of these hammers is best, OP?

Oh? You don't know because you don't know what I plan on doing with them?

Without telling us what you plan on doing with your operating system your question is worthless.

Why did they call their "new" OS Windows 10S? Because in 10 seconds you will install gentoo.

>Without telling us what you plan on doing with your operating system your question is worthless.
I apologize, that is a good point. I am going to use the computer for gaming.

Then the answer is simple: Windows 10. There are games coming out that simply don't support Windows 7, and directx 12 is only on Windows 10.

>Then the answer is simple: Windows 10.
From what I read it is very complicated, but then again maybe your right?
> There are games coming out that simply don't support Windows 7
Very true, games like GOW or Halo, but I really only use steam, would this apply to me you think?
>directx 12 is only on Windows 10.
From research I have done tonight and I say that to show I am not knowledgeable in the area, I have found that few games use Dx12. Oddly many games run better on DX11. I dunno it all seems so confusing with no clear answer and maybe there isnt one right now?

Name 10 games that are Windows 10 only.

Turn off Aero you retard

all the xbox games.

Those are all on Xbox you retarded fuck I said Windows 10 only

been using 10 for a few days
I auto-hide the task bar btw
there are a ton of annoying glitches and weird features
you can't use the arrow keys to access tiles on the start menu; you also can't use the arrow keys to access that bar on the left side, which should be a given considering that they're fucking buttons

weird glitch on the start menu: if you push the windows key, you can't right mouse click on any of the taskbar icons; in fact, if you do that, the menu will collapse, and if you right mouse click on an icon immediately afterward, it'll float on the corner until you forcibly hide it
and if you left click on the start menu after pushing the windows key (which, in 7, would have collapsed the start menu), nothing happens
how are none of these figured out yet? hasn't this OS been out for awhile already?

On new hardware like Ryzen, stick with 10 if you're too dumb to slipstream AMD provided drivers for 7 into your windows 7 installer.

you cant play xbox games on windows 7 because its illegal, that is why they work on Windows 10 since windows 7 is not powerful enough as microsoft said.

> is still ass or not
In terms of UX and stability it's OK since 1607. But you have to introduce them to a domain to disable automatic updates and other fuckery.

I said name 10 Windows 10 ONLY games, faggot. Not Xboned only games.

It's in eternal beta. Welcome to bleeding edge. It's worse than Arch, which should tell you how bad it is.

Turning off Aero won't make W7 any less shit or slow.

>you cant play xbox games on windows 7 because its illegal,

Two Forza titles are enough for me tbqh.

I miss 7 so much =(


wow, you sound like you have great taste

hmmmm so what do you think are you going to stick with windows 10 or downgrade to windows 7?

Maybe I will try it out just to see what all the hype is about since googling Windows 10 there are a million hits calling it the most awesome OS ever made, but that kind of worries me at the same time.

I'm sticking with 10 just because of d12
I hate it though

Aren't the latest CPUs (both Intel and AMD) only officially supported on 10? I mean, I'm guessing they probably still work with 7 but with some features turned off or something.

If you're on Ryzen installing 7 is easier compared to on Kabylake. 10 - 64

>I'm sticking with 10 just because of d12
are you a gamer? where are you seeing any improvements? hard to find any youtube comparison vids recently.

Microsoft is saying that win10 is the gaming platform of the future and soon it will be the best platform for games once they get the right update out.

Mine should be broadwell I think but you are correct def easier to install 10 into anything after skylake due to built in limitations that during installation disable say keyboards or moues or certain USB's to stop people from installing windows 7.

>Aren't the latest CPUs (both Intel and AMD) only officially supported on 10?
I dont think microsoft has that much pull do they?

You moron, did you even click the link? It says 10/8.1/7 in there. These chipset drivers for Ryzen are compatible with windows 7.

>new computer
>windows 7

Enjoy your lack of drivers, features, and security updates.

And while I'm at it, eat this image.
I keep forgetting that almost every single windows thread is full of tech illiterates that don't even know how to use windows much less maintain it.

Another user.
I don't care, racing arcades/half sim are almost non-existent on PC today. Even bought a PS4 to enjoy Driveclub.

I'm not a gamer
I don't give a shit about my computer's gaming capacity, I put my computer together for video encoding
and yeah I can't get past the start menu glitches, it's really really annoying to me

>It certainly doesn't support the newer Nvidia drivers.
I'm using a Titan X Pascal with latest drivers on Windows 7.

It's not a question of pull, MS just doesn't want to commit resources to updating Windows 7 to support them in its twilight period

>10 is good too

Name one game not released by Microsoft themselves that's DX12 only. Just one.

In fact, based on your shitty faux drama, I'd bet you and are the same person.

>implying this is a problem when there is a workaround

Windows 7 is vastly superior, but 10 adds some new features and DX12. Stick with 7 until security updates stop in 2020, DX12 won't be relevant till around then anyway.

I clicked the link, my processor is not in that list? easy there killer.

Says Ryzen right there. Did you seriously try to look for Intel CPUs on an AMD website.

>I'm using a Titan X Pascal with latest drivers on Windows 7.
I think I have 2 of these but im not sure.

>Enjoy your lack of drivers
These are still spat out
Invasive always online trash
>security updates.
These will exist till 2020.

>Name one game not released by Microsoft themselves that's DX12 only. Just one.
The new game center is launching soon that will allow more people on windows 10 to buy more games than ever thought possible changing how people game. Its also rumored that games validated through a new MS tool will get better performance experts from microsoft are saying. All of this is in the current creators update.

>Did you seriously try to look for Intel CPUs on an AMD website.
Yes but thats because I have an intel CPU, there is another user in the thread who had Ryzen though.

>Its also rumored that games validated through a new MS tool will get better performance experts from microsoft are saying

>Thinking the windows store will ever be relevant
This is either bait or grade A shilling.

> The new
> more than ever thought
> changing how people
This post reeks of enterprise advertisement cliches.

>looking for Intel chipset drivers on an AMD website
made me giggle
Installing windows 7 on Intel is different, you mainly need motherboard manufacturer drivers
have another kabylake windows 7 image

>microsoft said something positive about their product so it must be true

It works just fine. Performance wise all 7, 8.1 and 10 LTSB2016 are the same. I only noticed an issue on 10, whenever I close start menu or inetract with the "immersive UI" (i.e the new control panel), the GPU goes to P0 (full clock speed) for no reason, which makes it run hotter than usual. It normally should stay in its idle speeds.

>Installing windows 7 on Intel is different, you mainly need motherboard manufacturer drivers
>have another kabylake windows 7 image
oh god are you saying I need to remake a win7 iso???
I just did that for my skylake system I use for video editing, are they really that different? well I guess I will find out if I make the switch from 10 to 7.

thanks for the reply that sounds odd though and maybe dangerous for your card?

>oh god are you saying I need to remake a win7 iso???
No, you idiot. I'm saying you need to have the drivers available for install like the USB 3.0/3.1 drivers, not repackage an iso.
And disc installation still works, just stick the drivers in there as well.

Not dangerous, just goes to P0 for no reason. It then slowly downclocks to idle until you interact with anything immersive again.

>only suing for $10,000
Low level.

>No, you idiot. I'm saying you need to have the drivers available for install like the USB 3.0/3.1 drivers, not repackage an iso.
>And disc installation still works, just stick the drivers in there as well.
ugh you make it sound easy.... i went through hell doing that before having to rebuild a win7ult iso for just that purpose for a diff dell, hopefully it should work with this computer. fingers crossed.

gotcha, thats good.,

>This X new feature willl improve in Y way your Z task
Game Mode already tried that and it's supposedly a hit-or-miss situation since it supposedly deteriorates the performance in some games.

From what I gather for a theory I think how there going with DX12 it won't be put into practice until the next console (Scorpio). DX9 & DX11 have been used for ever so long and DX12 just come in a few years and since it's not being used just yet I would assume that DX12 is just a polished up DX11 with extra features (Kabylake for example) and will probably used for cross platforming with Windows 10/Xbox One/Xbox Scorpio. Perhaps that's the charm of DX12.

>will probably used for cross platforming with Windows 10/Xbox One/Xbox Scorpio.
What your saying makes sense, but oddly reading some developers forums, their actually pissed it doesnt work that way at all and is nothing like the scorpio or any xbox platform requiring the devs to do specific tweaking literally for every CPU or every GPU I think hmmm they called it alternate frame something development and it meant using DX12 it had to be done individually and cost too much resources. Maybe I was reading their posts wrong but it seemed like they were expecting what you posted recently and they seemed upset it didnt work that way.

You failed to name one game. Are you telling me not a single developer other than Microsoft has made a DirectX game that won't run on Windows 7? How odd.

>You failed to name one game. Are you telling me not a single developer other than Microsoft has made a DirectX game that won't run on Windows 7?
Microsoft is leading the way by showing its possible to make games on windows 10 exclusively to show that noone needs windows 7 to game anymore which is true as I proved above.

You still didn't name a game that only works on windows 10. You failed.