Say one nice thing and one bad thing about Mexico ITT

Say one nice thing and one bad thing about Mexico ITT.

1. Food
2. Everything else

Stop making these threads you cunt.

one nice thing and one bad thing about Mexico

Mexico is pretty fucked up desu
Even if you go to the nicest part in all of mexico city, it's still pretty fucked up
Also all the girls are indios. Not attractive.

You are not the boss of me.

Last bastion of whitness.

I don't like tacos.

>Her voice
I love mexico

>Mexico City
There's your problem right there Pierre. If you want pretty girls visit the northern states.

lowrider and and mexican cars like camionetas

Many warm, solidary people and many qts apparently.
Unbelievable amounts of extreme violence and gang activities.

orale vato

I think you landed in Honduras by mistake.

NICE: when in between jobs, i tend to do a lot of under-the-table work painting houses and such. so i've worked with a lot of illegals. i generally like you guys. very energetic and fun to be around

BAD: your weed is fucking terrible. tell your cartel to stop bringing brick-weed over here. nobody fucking wants it

I am glad Lafayette and our King helped you against the brits. Viva la Libertad!!

Also don't let Trump win, he will ruin your country

Know dad

throw the funnest parties

corrupt as fuck

nice: girls are easy lay
bad: they are mexicans

>Real average
They are so white.
I thought most of Mexican girls are Latina type.

nobody has head on the right place

Tacos are good

Everything else about Mexico and Mexicans is bad

Beautiful fecal snow.

U wot There isn't even snow here.

Do qt mexican girls exist please post them a lot.


My cool friend lives there.

It's full of crime.

Latino is not a race.

There is up in the mountains.

food is great
brown skin is not attractive