Try out linux because of Sup Forums

>try out linux because of Sup Forums
>nothing works, have to spend hours googling how to fix shit
why do you guys use this again? i just want my shit to work

what doesn't work?


u have a small brain

You need to teach yourself a bunch more shit beforehand numbnuts. THEN you fiddle around with it in vm and then you actually take the plunge.
If you can't take that then just remain a Windows pleb.

why do WE use it?
why doy YOU use it if you don't know wtf is this

linux is not better windows
linux is better OS (for some)

everything useful

what specifically

>try out Solus Gnome because Solus Budgie is buggy
>everything just works
>somehow they made the best Gnome distro
Why is Redhat so incompetent?

You aren't even trying with this bait. At least step up your game if you're gonna try.

>normie uses linux because Sup Forums said to

use linux because it works for what you want to do, same as any OS
honestly I started using linux for bash and stayed for a highly configurable, powerful, and well optimized operating system

Linux isn't designed to Just Work.
It is designed to make YOU work. To make a Better You.

>why do you guys use this again?
Because it's free as in freedom, and it's possible to configure it in perfect way for yourself. Also many things "just don't werk" on windows and mac os.
>i just want my shit to work
then fix things that you don't like or ask an advice, it's much better than being cucked by corporations and cia

>free as in freedom

Literally doesn;t matter if you have nothing to hide.

>and it's possible to configure it in perfect way for yourself
ok then
how do I make the window title bar transparent like in win7?

Good goy

is your skull at least this big?
if not, you're not welcome

try to think more about it
install other theme? if no perfect theme exist, change color in current theme? if color transparancy can't be changed, edit DE source code

nobody does use it
linux is a meme

its there to fool newfags
we all use macs

you're going to need to learn to use google, m8

you need to change your way of thinking from "instant gratification" to "hm... I want transparent title bars... how do i do that"

Q: "what is it that i'm trying to change?"
A: "the title bar"
Q: "what controls the appearance of the title bar?"
A: "the DE (desktop environment)"
Q: "what is the DE i'm using?"
A: "(idk, it could be GNOME, Xfce, Unity, etc)"
Q: "how does this DE handle the window appearance?"
A: "(idk, look around in the system settings/preferences in your start menu)"

if you don't find an easy answer, then google and see if anyone else has tried to change the title bar transparency with your DE. they probably have, but if not, then ask on their community forum. make sure you say you're new, linux communities are friendly to newbies

it's a learning process and sometimes it takes some time to get it the way you like it, but after a week of not giving up and going back to Kikerosoft (or worse, the iJew), you'll learn to solve problems and realize it's a lot easier than you think. google is your friend, everyone uses it (i use it all the time when i forget how to do simple things that i don't do often)

install gentoo


because Sup Forums likes shitty and overly complex UI's.
It makes them feel smart