Windows 10 incompetence

Windows 10 incompetence

Works on my machine Ivan.

Holy shit Windows is trash

It can find Realtek for instance. It's completely random what it can or can't find

>Complains about Windows 10

Color me surprised, Natal'ija

right click on your desktop retard

calm yo tits dmitry, windows 10 is the best OS

you misspelled freebsd

How much do you get paid, pajeet?

Okay? I don't want to clutter that context menu. Start menu should find Nvidia Control Panel

post feet

Nice fake news OP

next time don't install the fucking cyrillic version

Could be the language


oh wait, it's trap-user

now i understand the autism

NVIDIA is spelt with latin.


>pointing at every single crack like it's unacceptable
that's not the problem with windows and you know it OP

stop trying to make us look like morons

I shill the best OS for free

>stop pointing the shit that is the OS I'm using >:(



I agree with this fine gentleman and unbiased consumer. Stop bullying Windows 10 and also upgrade to it today for the best desktop experience.

The latin letters in the cyrillic fontset have different character ID than the latin letters in a regular fontset.

there is no bug/Feature works as expected

It's an ASUS PA279q. Simply the best monitor ever made (;


>Windows 10

not even once

You can't make this shit up anymore

>Disables background apps
>Expects background apps to work properly

OP is retarded.


Had the exact same problem today. Installed an application and couldn't find it in the search when using a non-admin user. Yes I installed it for all users.

Now that we settled pajeet's programming skills, what's the use of this thread?
Just pin the control panel to the taskbar and open from there.

It would be nice if they made it clear though, I did the same shit and wondered my search was fucking useless. You also need "Let Windows track app launches to improve start and search results" enabled from General.

op has a point, windows search got significantly worse since 10 for some reason

Ikr. 7 finds the NVDIA cpanel

On a related note, I added the user AFTER the installation. Windows is the worst fucking shit ever.

I only have one user, with admin priviledges obviously. Created during Windows installation, before installing NVIDIA driver

Do you work for the FSB? How's the pay?

No. Idk.

If you're sure you didn't disable it otherwise, then open up the indexed locations and see how many items there are, and if the nvidia panel is there. If not, you need to rebuild the index. If it is, then something else is broken and you need to dig in further.

It works fine without that option, but yeah, it'll improve search results when you have multiple programs with similar names.

Yes it indexes start folders. It should find Control Panel items regardless.

speccy? just curious of what runs in russia

GPU is a Titan X Pascal. And I'm Ukrainian

kek, how much is it there? I know that RUB/$ exchange rate is shit because of low oil prices.

Good lord how many different fonts are in that one image alone

Windows is going down the pajeet filled tubes.

Ikr. They even have different font smoothing algorithms. At least three different methods are across the system (regular ClearType, rayscale ClearType and the shit used throughout the "immersive UI").

NVM, i'm nice setup for ukraine's standards.

OP done goofed.






Are you poor?

Windows Ink isn't a task bar icon
compare it to the on-screen keyboard and language bar, these are given more space

Ubuntu can work arount that, why don't windows?

Tits or gtfo.

Wangblows 10 confirmed for having a broken Unicode implementation. Is there something that poojeets can't fuck up?


kill yourself

No one cares fucking slav

You did enough to post that



Maybe if you didn't use some third world shit speak version then it could understand what your down syndrome addled product of incest brain is trying to find.

works on my machine

Both Windows and driver are EN_US.

>And I'm Ukrainian

What's that. Doesn't sound like a real country.

Uh, huh.. It's the largest country in Europe.

Why is it so shit?

>lewk at le me im a gurl
Leave this board, namefagging faggot.

>search for 'cmd' to launch command prompt
>starts pulling obscure as fuck text and settings files that contain "cmd" in them
>Command Prompt isn't even listed

Or my favorite
>search for anything
>stuck spinning while loading
>CPU usage for "search" at 25%

We recently moved to Windows 10 at work. It's fucking awful.

Not just Europe. It's part of the largest country in the world.

har har


Same thing here... Maybe because I updated the drivers w/o restarting?

search in Cyrillic you fucking doofus

like so?

keep writing, sometimes it won't find it until you input almost the whole thing.

yes, it's shit! perhaps but AMD next time

>Nvidia Control Panel

Top Kek

>I'm too incompetent for a literal fisher price OS

Sup Forums may bitch as much as it wants but using macos in 2017 is the comfiest thing ever. Still rocking my 2012 macbook and so happy that I dont need any of this windows 10 bullshit.

I tried, nothing

Nah, Debian Cinnamon is better. Mac is all that's bad about Windows minus the actual good part about Windows.

Debian won't run Sketch, Xcode and Premiere.

well, spotlight works flawlessly. What are the bad and good parts you're referring to?

Not the same guy. But what is bad in MacOS Sierra? Also how can you even compare it to Windows the worst popular OS there is.
You have Unix terminal good memory pagigng system(not the shit which is in windows). Not lagging. Got a lot of software for it which is comfy.
There are only two things that could be better only if you are a gamer) 2. HFS(which will proably be replaced by APFS this year).

And finder? Merging folders? Per folder view? NTFS handling? Any crap social media integration like iMessage, twitter, faecesbook? Can I play STALKER?

Works for me. Maybe try not having a shit-tier language, Piotr?

Your computer has been officially

S L A V ' D

Seems to be a problem on your side, OP.

Werks on my computer.

And that show's what exactly? See:

>CPU usage for "search" at 25%
Don't worry, that's just the search service sending your query to Microsoft and certified partners.

thanks mr skeletal

It's the bastard son of Russia

>stalker 2 will never be finished


I went through all of today not remembering this until I read your post.

Please install Win10 Enterprise LTSB 2015 in English

At least the sources for all three games were leaked and Sergei doesn't care.

Also, gunslinger when?

It always works for me. Whatever item from the Control panel I'm searching, it works with all of them.

Mine is actually so good I type xms and it lists the CMD.

But on the otherside it does index Nvidia control panel or the Realtek Manager in the legacy Control Panel. Not that I care, this was to be expected and OP is a faggot as usual.