Syntax highlight color scheme thread

post what you're using

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Dracula on Sublime

Syntax highlighting is juvenile. When I was a child, I was taught arithmetic using colored rods ( I grew up and today I use monochromatic numerals.

Jellybeans on Vim

base16 ocean dark

Fluffy for Geany. It's just so. darn. cute.

I don't use one anymore. When I couldn't find a theme I liked I just turned syntax off and it was fine.

It makes sense because it's not like lots of textbooks use syntax hilighting yet we can understand them fine.

depending on if sunlight is an issue i go between spring-night and tatami for vim


Highlighting is only really useful for comments and strings

what scheme is this user-kun? also post your vim plugins/config

gruvbox dark mode

not OP but i think that theme is called gruvbox

personally i use intellij darcula on everything.

The default on Atom looks comfy after spending years on Sublime Text



this is how you find out who actually writes code and who just "hello worlds" it..

theres no way a programmer would use such a theme, because after 8 hours a day of looking at that shit you would be blind


this is best tier

does this look blurry to you

no just the font is shitty

Gruvbox is the best. Lucius is nice too.


why is your shit stretched horizontally so much ouch my eyes

how so
i think it looks blurry, i have been looking at bitmap fonts way too long

its unnecessary to develop in a font this "fancy". You come off as a desperate try hard trying to look edgy

gruvbox is comfy
whats your vimrc?


can you post solarized light gruvvv?

i dont care for light themes, see gruvbox git instead

Is it pretty easy to choose which elements you highlight and which colors to highlight them? I'm beginning to get into linux and vim, but I don't want to deal with this fruit salad shit. Just let me read comments, strings, and maybe one or two other things and I'm good.

Solarized dark

Literally no reason to use anything else


what's this font called?

what even
were you abused or home or something

r u a phag or something

Monokai colour theme always

no but you sound like a troubled teenager
gl in life

i make fun of your stupid font and you get butt hurt. y so sensitive m8



cozy af kimbie dark

Seahorse I think it's called

Love this, what's the font?

The one that comes with that meme color scheme generator called wal.


basically a unicode version of the original VGA font.

Anyone else use a different colourscheme for every program?

There's always some shitty port or something slightly off that makes it look weird or it clashes with the language you use that editor for or the look of the editor itself.

>Zenburn (high contrast)

Visual Studio

VS Code
>Desert (vim)


>Plastic Code Wrap



monokai 80s theme is pretty

Not him, but I agree that the font looks shit. It's impractically fancy, making it look like something a hipster on a mac in a starbucks would use, and not something anyone who actually writes code would be able to bear for any extended amount of time.

No but those "e"s piss me off

>Script comment don't

Fucking auto correct

Arc theme's background colour as a base, and then just some slightly lighter stock terminal colours. Works like a charm.

Operator Mono; it's pretty neat

I'm all about Vim's ron colorscheme


default one

Have you ever worked in a well lit room in your life?

Amy on Sublime

Turn on the lights, user.

10/10 patricians agree

>mustard greens and yellows
fuck outta here with that shit

As opposed to what? Everything else is either puke and diarrhoea, or Baby's First Book tier rainbows

the only correct answer

Default colors are the best!