I've finally figured out how i can traverse to the above directory level

I've finally figured out how i can traverse to the above directory level.

Linux truly is a superior operating system

cd $(pwd | sed "s/\(.*\)\/.*/\1/g")


Cd code
Cd Daniel's furry porn(don't click mom)
cd ..
pushd code ..

cd ../

in case you're serious

Linux is a kernel, used with the GNU operating system.

Is this a kloss meme?

no slash necessary goy

>using sed when bash is perfectly adequate

cd ${$(pwd)%/*}

when will pajeets ever learn?

How do I modify the send-to right click command in windows to send to the clipboard?

>not cd ./..

you click the "copy" menu item

I'm trying to copy the filenames of images, not the images themselves.

just in case you're serious
cd ../

cd ./././././/////////./////////////////.././././././

> not cd ${$(pwd)%/*}

If you're going to pretend to be fluent, at least leave off the slash next time

You cannot possibly be this dense.

>Not clicking the back arrow in your GUI filebrowser of your choice

>Can't figure out Linux
Linux is shit!
>Finally gets it
Linux truly is a superior operating system

That's not how you do it, you fucking nigger-monkey. Honest to god you fucking nu-Sup Forums monkey niggers from Sup Forums are a fucking cancer on this website.

The command is

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

For god's sake how are you even on the internet you fucking retarded gorilla chimpanzee nigger.

>Me before and after I installed Gentoo

>permission denied

it don't work for me

improving BF1 performance, this?

thanks been looking for a simple way to do this