[clean@clean ~]$ pacman -Qq | wc -l


what does dick taste like

646, running the same os without any reinstalls for 3 years

>not using gentoo


$ pacman -Qq | wc -l

you're a fucking casual, OP. you probably run Arch in a VM.

i could probably have some garbage i don't use and drop to around 490

also, is this the desktop thread?


vm is for vaginas

I'm bare.

883. how much of a n00b am i?

557 here and this is a relatively empty system as I only re-installed recently.

Does the vm make a difference?



If you are not running on bare metal why even run arch.

I'm saying bare metal or not he is still a casual

re install.

not terrible.

Precisely this. Arch normies need to gtfo.

[kawaii@baka:~]$ pacman -Qq | wc -l

a year without issues
ama anything


whyd you do that

Reminder to be clean and remain a minanalist in every aspect of life, nothing major.

What's your favorite anime?

Anime is degenerate.


How often do you take a shower?

What does this command do exactly?

u r like a little baby

~ crux
CRUX version 3.3
~ prt list -i | wc -l

And this is with a bunch of bloat installed, and yes this is my main computer.



you have to go back

counts the number of installed packages on an Arch system.

>generic i3 in arch with generic firefox

How new are you

Its a fresh install. OP is just a attention whore neckbeard

~$ echo $(pacman -Qe | wc -l)/$(pacman -Q | wc -l)

$ pacman -Qq | wc -l

I don't know how it's possible to make something your only operating system for several years and not have around this many packages

ew archfags


Awesomewm is trash, arch is way less resourse intensive, Gentoo fags BTFO.

The reason Arch package counts are low compared to other distros is that Arch packages are bloated up rather than split in a way that lets you avoid the parts you don't need.

$ pkg_info | wc -l

I use Arch because it's MY system. I control how MY system runs. I know MY system inside out. I am an Arch user.

>Gentoo retards honeslty think their shit OS with a bloated package manager is better

>awesome wm
>menu controls
literally why

>not naming your tags

you clearly dont know how pacman works then

$ dpkg -l | wc -l

sage because arch.

>re install.
spotted the windows user

>re install

>being a winfag

you clearly don't


>re install.
for what purpose? i know how to clean out packages i'm not using, reinstalling won't change anything

i use arch and that's true, arch packages tend to contain much more than say, debian packages
debian splits up things like development headers, docs, etc into separate packages

if you wanted lightweight, you chose the wrong distro

Arch isn't very good for that, really. Gentoo is the ultimate distro for flexibility, but even Debian is much better than Arch in that respect.
Arch doesn't have an optional dependency system. You often pull in packages you don't strictly need. Arch doesn't leave you a lot of choice in the software you run. It only has official support for one init system. Arch only officially supports two CPU architectures, and it will soon be just one, when they drop i686.
And that's fine, because it fits into Arch's ACTUAL philosophy, which is simplicity, especially for maintainers. Minimalism and fine control have never been Arch's goals. By all means, keep using Arch, but do it for the right reasons.

i'm pretty sure he's just poking fun

Even if he's poking fun I guarantee there are Arch users reading it and nodding. It's a pervasive meme.


IAMA Reddit user! AMA!

fuck you kori

>naming your tags


>something like a 3 or year old install
I'm honestly surprised.

it's not like packages magically show up over time

I just thought my shit would have been a bloated mess by now. I could could the number of things I've uninstalled using my fingers.

pacman -Qq | wc -l

This is a 6 years old install that has been moved from my now dead laptop into my older computer. I don't think I've ever removed anything except huge shit (like cuda for example) that was too much too keep updated on a 10Mbit connection.

>Arch doesn't have an optional dependency system.
Is this a pasta?

>mfw im only on Sup Forums because I'm taking a break from using ruby on rails to code my very own personal blog
>implying you believe me

next step is to resize an image in gimp for coderelated

ul {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
list-style-image: url("meme-arrow.png");

I love archlinux and so do all of my boyfriends

not him, arch does have optional deps, but they're preset
it's not as flexible as they're done in say, gentoo
though it's not completely fair to compare these two, since part of the reason gentoo can be so flexible in this case is the fact that the packages are all compiled during install
you can't remove a dep that was compiled in already

Arch has optional runtime dependencies, gentoo has optional build-time dependencies.
Obviously that latter is more powerful.

that's a better way to put it

how much more complicated is the gentoo install vs arch?

arch wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it'd be after years of not bothering to try

i'd say it's more annoying and time consuming, rather than more difficult
annoying in that you will likely make mistakes setting USE flags, causing some things to need to be compiled multiple times, as you figure out exactly what you need/want
and time consuming is that you need to compile things, which is almost always slower than just extracting a compiled package like arch does

Install steps are the same. Gentoo takes a little longer because of waiting for packages to compile. If you are going to do a step by step install might as well do a source based distro and get all the benefits of USE flags and portage slots. I never understood the point of Arch. With KISS their packages are bloated as fuck. AUR is nothing more than normies writing scripts to pull shit from git and make. Its like using gentoo with pads and a helmet. Stay safe Sup Forums