Click something

>click something
>nothing happens

>click nothing
>something happens

>something happens
>something happens

>something happens
>nothing happens

>Download shady program
>run it
>CMD opens for a split second then disappears
>Attempt to delete the folder
>"The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program"

>click happens
>something nothing

>download pdf
>run clamscan
>Known malware detected: win. Trojan.

>click something
>something happens

>click nothing
>nothing happens

>click something
>prompt opens and closes in a split second

>Vist backpage
>Browser crashes
>Hear police sirens

>click deliver
>non-free js happens

>do nothing
>command prompt window flashes for a second

>web camera led blinks

>click upvote
>nothing happens

>fans go full blast in the middle of the night for 10 seconds then stop

>set computer screen to turn off after 15 mins of inactivity
>wake up in the morning to all the monitors on


>start a process
>click cancel
>doesn't cancel


>using w10

>Buy brand new HD
>1 TB
>Plug to mb
>800 gb


Mine's 851Gbs, don't have a clue why's that though. gonna google

>the compiler refuses to inline it

>that greentext


>click something
>(not responding)

Close enough.


>install a program
>untick shortcut to desktop

>turn off WiFi
>turn off bluetooth
>turn on airplane mode
>shut down
>5 min later
>Updates have been downloaded and you need to restart

>mpv --ytdl=yes
>option ytdl not found
>mpv --script=...
>option script not found
>rebuild from git, still not working
>works next day for no apparent reason

>did you restart your machine?