Explain this technology

explain this technology

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>weaponized autism

it spins

who are you quoting?

came to post this

Place your bet folks!


you must be 18 years or older to use this site


A weapon to surpass metal gear

someone please explain why does it have bearings in the arms
it's supposed to be hold in the center and spinned right? so are the bearings just for the weight? seems stupid but maybe im retarded


You spin it, and because there's a low friction surface to rotate about (the center), and a high moment of inertia (heavy bearings far from the center), the rotational momentum is very high and therefore it will spin for a long time.

Now fuck off with these shit threads.

Just used as weight.

If the one in the center wears out you have replacements I guess.
Wearing one out from doing this would take a lot of autism though.

fuck that's old. I think I've had that in my shitpost cancer meme folder for eons now.

Programming enhancing device.

My son has one like op's pic related. I can hold one of the outer bearings and spin it by flick of the wrist, but kid hands can't do it.

>would take a lot of autism though
ez job for the average Sup Forumstard

Tfw i just bought into the spinning jew. Fucking cheap chink shit.

thats not a skirt

I bought one yesterday, gunna take a month for it to get here. Seems like a fun toy to just play around to ease my autism.

>Look at this doofus

Your wife's son?

I would rather spin in public than wear a skirt and programming socks.

seriously what is the deal this this doodad?

This is what your parents were wondering when they saw kids playing with pogs or whatever the fuck. You're an old geezer now, user.

i've got both the autism cube and autism wheel. anything else to add to the collection?


I work in a toy store and we get calls asking if we have these fucking things about 50 times per day. (We are getting them soon)

I only ever saw one person using one and he was autistic as fuck and really struggled to ask me how much a Nintendo Switch costs.

btw when I was a kid and needed to fidget I just bounced my leg up and down while sitting in a chair. Very effective, free, and doesn't label you as a faggot immediately.

>Sup Forums right now

A gun to kill yourself.

ur mum

Autism cube? That's a new one. Is that a Rubix cube or some other meme?

Ball bearings on a rigid frame.

fidget cube

I think he's referring to the fidget cube

Is this some sort of new age fingerbox?

It's like meatspin, but for fucking pussies.

wtf is a fingerbox

get out

Is it a cunt?

Dude, you've never had a fingerbox? Do your parents hate you THAT much?

It's all ball bearings these days

fuck off AMD shill

But there's nothing from AMD that competes with the $60 G4560.

>this thread


EDC gadget turned autistic toy turned normalfag trinket

you spin it instead of doing whatever autistic habit you might have in hopes it distracts you enough away from it. I've made some myself but I dont really like using them anymore due to the sigma now attached to them.

Who made this device explode? It's not new, but suddenly I can't escape it. Is this some vanilla sky tier warning about my trip to the ball bearing factory?


But there are no holes.

Back in my day, pogs were the craze with all the kids.

fuck yeah, that was the shit when I was 11...

Came to post this


>normie redditors at my uni talk about these every day

Really grinds my gears

Considering 18 year olds adults was a fucking mistake.


I don't understand these things. Fidget cubes I get, but not these damn meme spinners.

I understand shaking your leg or doing some subconscious movekent with your pen or something because you're a savage monkey with no self control, but why buy these toys for the purpose of helping concentration?
Don't you have to consciously think about spinning it, therefore breaking the focus you have on what you're doing?
Doesn't that defeat the entire point?

Also, even if they actually worked, wouldn't they disturb the rest of the classroom?
Why would they be allowed then?

I used one to help quit smoking, kept my hands busy. Haven't touched the thing since though.

This photo will always make me laugh.

pen tricks are the patrician austistic finger toy

Holy shit this is like one of the first memes I saved.


Why don't these kids just learn pen spinning instead of buying a piece of aluminum making internet strangers rich?

>Some smart shit decided to market 'fidget devices' in an otherwise attempt to channel a bad habit
>Hipsters ranted and raved about it boosting productivity
>Now every average joe is using one because it's novel

As someone who fidgets themselves, the last thing I want to do is promote bad, fucking habits

China are selling their surplus bearings to the autismos around the world for huge profits.

And this is the thing that always gets me with hypochondriacs
>I have problems falling asleep and need X, Y and Z
>Well, have you simply tried diet and excercise
>I've tried everything
>Have you tried changing your sleeping habits
>I've tried everything
>Have you tried lowering your overall stress
>I've tried everything
>Have you had an expert examine your sleeping habits?
>I've had one doctor tell me I have a condition and I need X, Y, and Z to sleep
>Okay, and how does that work out
>I still have problems sleeping and need X, Y, and Z

It was probably one of the more infuriating arguments I've ever had, because instead of approaching a medical condition directly, they otherwise subvert it and exasperate the issue with quake medicine.

Mark my words, there will be at least one person out there who will argue that they can't function without their fucking little toy.

You know economics isn't a zero sum game? Go invent something others want and make yourself some money instead of being an internet retard.

making one as my class project with a laser cutter.
>mfw it only cut wood or plastic

>you spin it instead of doing whatever autistic habit you might have in hopes it distracts you enough away from it.

That's what pens are for/

>Not wearing a skirt and socks in public


Which one of you faggots did this?

China likely makes a shit ton of new bearings for these, actually.

They're that good in keeping shit cheap. You just don't usually see it when you pay your local burger/waffleland resellers.

it's called a "fidget apparatus" now, Grandpa

>these days
we call it "now", Grandpa


these niggas rised over $6,465,690

and their goal was $15,000.00

>$ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

No, my son's wife's son's aunt's son .

>tfw you're an oldfag in a site that's become home to normalfags and Trumplets
Why am I even here anymore?

define oldfag
I've been here since late 2007, and I don't consider myself an oldfag

U wat mate


my brain cells necroed from this video

> bounced my leg up and down while sitting in a chair
>and doesn't label you as a faggot immediately.

yes, yes it does

t. people who aren't fidgety spazzes

This is not even my final form

I glanced at the tread and I noticed it is some kind of toy.
But I'm going to completely disregard I ever saw that.

It is a pivot linkage thingy. One of the bearings is attached to a stationary part, second bearing is attached to a driving part, third bearing drives something.
Since the part looks like plastic it must be some application with small forces.

you are retarded

Why the fuck do uni students talk about these things?
Only reason I know about and saw this meme coming is because my youngest brother is still in school and says everyone is completely insane with these things.
>everyone buys packs of these things from bargain stores
>school annoyed by sudden fad and kids not doing shit in class
>parents writing letters about how their children 'have adhd' and need these spinners
>school can't ban them because of this
>nobody does anything in lessons
>school requires letter from parent to give out an adhd spinner access card (lol)
>kids forging letters and getting other parents to mass write them
>everyone now has an adhd card
>school records must now say 99% of students suffer from adhd
I laughed so hard when I found out, what the fuck is wrong with society these days. This place is legitimately sane compared to 'normies'.

This is the result of living in a society of instant gratification. Nobody has any damn patience anymore and it's a shame.

at first I thought it was a tiny tricopter
I was so wrong

First time I've seen these.

Might be cool while tripping?


>what the fuck is wrong with society these days.

the belief that all children are gifted and deserve to go to university, and that high school is just a tick-in-the-box along the way

I think it's really relative, it's not just the original 2004 anons that are oldfags. Hell, I'd say that anybody who even remembeers Sup Forums before the nuking of Sup Forums could be defined old(ish)fag, now it's just alt-right circlejerking in a safe spaces, Reddit memery and shilling.
This site is getting worse by the minute and nobody seems to care.

I've been here since 2009 btw

>alt-right circlejerking in a safe spaces
that isn't the site's fault

>Came to cum on leddit xp

You could've said my son's/son's wife's sister/in law's son