Is this the Thinkpad of Phones?

Is this the Thinkpad of Phones?

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fug, that things looks pretty dope.
fucking touchscreen keyboards suck, smart physical keys are where its at

Almost. Not customizable enough (I guess it'll have a locked bootloader like all BBs). I get their point of view though, muh security and shit. Probably the closest we have right now though.

No. That would be the passport if only it had an unlockable bootloader and Lineage/Sailfish OS support.

Close, but that crown still belongs to the passport
This is the runner up

Actually, the thinkpad of phones is the Blackberry Classic, or as my wife calls it, the BBC.

Lenovo actually had a chance of buying out BlackBerry, but too bad the Canadian government went full autism because BlackBerry is literally the only contribution Canada made to technology.

Good, I'd hate to have to drop BlackBerry

yeah, your wife knows all about the BBC, champ.

>bump camera

>first from China’s TCL Communication
yep, just like Thinkpads, manufactured by Chinks now.

BB's portrait keyboards have always been fugly as all fuck, give me something like pic related.

She sure does! I even showed her how to sideload android apps so she could get google maps, tinder, and candy crush on it :)

Confirmed cuck

But they are not fugly (actually, they are smaller than landscape ones so they can't be fugly) at all and are comfy as fuck.



looks dope, BB physical kb feels dope, 550 shekels is not dope. I rate it 4/5 m8s

>muh aesthetics
I'll take the superior functionality of a portrait keyboard over landscape trash any day. Besides, they look better than touchscreen phones and any landscape keyboard I've ever seen.

The government had no problem with the sale of BlackBerry though.

>can't stop stingrays
>ships with gapps

>actually provides security
>upset that Google advertising is built in

You have a very fucked up set of priorities. Enjoy your exploits. I'll gladly take targeted advertising in exchange for that

>implying a rooted phone with xposed modules, a passphrase on the root and an iptables firewall with any google services isn't more secure
fuck off you shill
>actually provides security
>only form of encryption is FDE
>no protection against and IMSI catchers
>no protection against passive listening
>no protection against google
>no protection against malware (like a firewall with whitelist would offer)
>no protection against trackers (since no adblocking due to no root)


Is that a good thing? I heard it's a buggy piece of shit.

a modern pic rel would be nice


yeah, dropped android last year for a blackberry classic. i don't use apps, and the keyboard works until it double types letters.

people make negative comments about it but it's a phone and isn't a part of my physiology. those same people still think it's cool to show of the "Ok Google" or "Ok Siri" launch phrases.

Moto Z Play with QWERTY mod, please.

>no adblocking due to no root
What is NetGuard? It's not 2014 anymore, there's no need to root for adblock.


fucking end yourself

>being this triggered by the use of a word

>4.5" screen
>1620x1080 screen


>portrait keyboard
>4.5" screen
>buttons look tiny as fuck

This is the dumbest idea, who even designs these piece of shit current physical keyboard phones? Try and picture holding that lump of cheap plastic and glass, your fingers clinging on to the bottom 15 millimeters while you desperately attempt to type on buttons so small they could be mistaken for a rugged textured lip.
Like 70% of the weight of the phone will be pushing down the top of it as you type, it's gonna be uncomfortable as all hell. This piece of shit will fail miserably because the designers made a phone they thought people might want, instead of actually making a keyboard they would want to use themselves. No one actually wants this. No one.
This pisses me off so much, because it helps to ruin the chances of a decent physical keyboard smartphone ever being made. Companies will look at this failure as it bombs horribly, shrug their shoulders and chalk it up as yet another proof that physical keyboards don't sell well.

If any company made an actually decent phone, with a slide-out, 5 row, landscape keyboard, non obtrusive launcher, and at a reasonable price, I would be all over that shit in seconds.

> portrait keyboard
in the trash

Confirmed for never having touched a BB keyboard in your life

>oh no, he is making too much sense
>better make a low effort attempt at discrediting him

It's call an aspect ratio, friend

i mean, he is right. i have ogre tier hands and was able to use my old curves keyboard pretty easily. they are fantastic.

You're wrong honestly. The aspect ratio keeps the width just comfy enough that both your fingers could reach either side but also wide enough that you could feel each key out. Also I don't know how you hold your phone but I have my fingers going all along the back which let's me grip more than 60% of the phone instead of the 30% chunk the keyboard takes up.
Which means
>confirmed for never having touched a bb keyboard in your life


when is this thing going on sale?

May 31 in the US, $549 unlocked, only Sprint so far has planned to carry it in store but the unlocked version will work on any network in the states

>$549 unlocked
nice. bet the price goes down after a few months, which is when ill actually get one.

Damn, I think I want to get this through a carrier plan, but I have AT&T.

Physical keyboards are a waste of space in a phone.

Then don't get phones with physical keyboards. Others who disagree with you will continue purchasing superior devices.

Superior as in what?

It's the working man's phone, pure function. I wish it had smaller tactile screen buttons instead of those large touch ones, they need to blend in with the keyboard more and maybe even allow for a larger screen.

As in better.

I get that superior means better, but what makes a phone with a physical keyboard superior to a phone that doesn't have one?

Primary use of my phone is communication and the keyboard aids that.

Half the screen isn't covered up when you type. You don't have to fight with autocorrect when you type a word that it doesn't know and fumble around with backspacing and telling it to fuck off. It's a lot more accurate when typing in terminals and password fields where autocorrect isn't available.

You can just do that with the keyone considering it runs android

Nope, locked bootloader

It's still in development though

probably the best available currently