How do you manager your web browser bookmarks?
How do you manager your web browser bookmarks?
Custom homepage, i don't use bookmarks at all.
With directories
i put them in a onenote file so i can open them on my phone too
Bookmarks menu with like folders and stuff.
Write the URLs down in a spiral notebook I keep in my desk drawer
>Youtube (no account, don't subscribe)
>Youtube (no account, don't subscribe)
Good thing you went out of your way to tell us you don't have an account or we'd have thought you were some kind of fucking loser.
that's why I did that, yeah
Just use the history.
I write down the link on a post it and stick it on my laptop's monitor
I always seperate my tabs into two windows, one for music/chan/play, one for work/school
How come my Sup Forums bookmarks disappear
I never bookmark a single thing anymore. Did it plenty when i was younger, now i just memorize theurl or just google its name to get a link. I still have no idea why either, maybe it is autism.
trying some solutions, from cli to just browsers themselves.
haven't found a good one yet.
>maybe it is autism
yeah that's definitely what it is
I'm quite OCD.
Top bookmarks have no names, and the ones in the menu are carefully sorted and titled
I really only bookmark stuff that I'm studying or learning online
It's really just a cluttery mess and I usually just keep like 25 tabs open and switch back and forth every once in awhile
i don't use bookmarks
many many folders, some of them with subfolders
its almost a bookmark wikipedia by now
In the goddamn motherfucking bar yo!
when i save a bookmark i add a fuckload of tags after the page name so i can find what i am looking for by typing a few tags in my address bar.
when was the tagging introduced? first time i hear about it because i never used the menu, just used to drag'n'drop tabs
i meant to say keywords... i just type a bunch of keywords after the page title.
I don't use bookmarks. I just leave the tabs open and set the browser to save tabs between sessions.
I'm diagnosed OCD and I don't manage bookmarks. In fact, I don't use them.
I remember all the urls that I need to and if I want to keep an article or news thing or blog post or something for reference, I tend to save the article on my PC. Sometimes stuff disappears from the web so it is nice to do that. I tend to print to PDF, but sometimes also wget.
I put everything in "Other bookmarks"
I rarely bookmark anything.
Like my life; poorly