/nrg/ - Nyaa replacements general

Seeding edition, EDITION

This thread is for the discussion of the possible replacements for Nyaa.se

>Thanks to the new Uk streaming laws nyaa is taken down by his founder. No database was left.
>Some anons in the last thread actually believed that you could put a bitcoin miner inside a .mkv or a magnet. Everyone went nuts. It was confirmed that it was just a stupid bait.

>nyaa.pantsu.cat (db is up to date with nyaa)
>sukebei.pantsu.cat (db is from 11-10-16)
>nyaarchive.moe (hosted on a russian website,the db is most updated one and it has descriptions)

Local Client
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner.zip
>In order to use it you have the download these files and select them when you first run the program
>sqlite3: mega.nz/#!kloQmQSS!kRXUjT2i4Lqwmdf3IhAhzkkN2MoS-WL9fMpkjOMegcQ
>.txt: mega.nz/#!RpZkCDKC!-rjgVDLrClPrLdugtvyfFLrS91TXhz87ZYZR063yBF4
>Source Code: yanju.moe/nyanner/0.5-Nyanner-src.zip


Development and discussion channel
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:


>Seeding edition
I think you mean ovum edition pal.

Budding edition?

First for make it a nyaa replacement a command line,and stop catering to normalfags

Comments are now displayed


Warning to all linux anons: chkrootkit reports infections after I downloaded some of the magnets. Seems there's an active Linux exploit embedded in them

This is catering to both power users and normalfags.
You can download the software and host it yourself or use the hosted version.

stop catering for normalfags,and spoon feeding them a hosted version

Eventually user once we sort out a p2p db.

Nice! Thanks. Could do with some borders, or something, though.

How do you plan to handle trusted and A+ status on torrents? Trusted status alone put some sub groups easily above the others.

question: do you feel the need to show elitism about being able to use a bash shell because you have nothing else in your life to be proud of, or because you're just an asshole generally?

Was it ever confirmed who cause Nyaa to be taken down? Did some Japanese anime company actually sue in Europe?

>Trusted status alone put some sub groups easily above the others.
Usually with good reason.


>it is elites to not want to have to type out your anime,and then removes your hand from the keyboard just to get a magnet instead of just using your keyboard to search,and get a magnet

Why don't you just write some simple scraping script to do your searches for you?

not him, but making a terminal version first is excellent for a couple reasons
>allows valuable developer time to go more towards important features than looks
>very, VERY easy to make a gui wrapper when main features are implemented
>can separate the mainline developers from those who want to develop interfaces, and streamline the entire feature->gui process

Sure, this may not work best for a big company with an army of developers, but it's great for tiny projects.

Don't worry about using the terminal version as an end user, it's basically GUARANTEED that some autist will develop a frontend for whatever platform you use.

Remember tox? Yeah the project failed in the end, but we had great windows, mac, linux, ios, and android clients all maintained separately by different developers and kept in sync with the backend. This development scheme actually works.

Planning on adding in scraping functionality to this.

Like clockwork, there's always one butthurt faggot.

Anywhere I can download the current DB?

If you're using nyaa you'll need to rename it to rename merged.sqlite3 to nyaa.db and place it in the same folder as the binary.


When are you adding the Renchon logo?

Get up with the fucking priorities that matter, man.

Back to the favela monkey

>"m-muh bikeshed!!!"
they'll get to the fucking logo when it's time, you fucking asshat

why can't the Sup Forums retards have their own thread on their own board? just wait patiently until it's done, you'll be notified

until then stop posting

Post the output. What did you download?

>you'll be notified

Really? I'll get a special notification sent out just for me as soon as this happens?

Technology these days is amazing.

yeah, totally

stay off these threads until you hear it

No idea what you're talking about, user.

>stay off these threads until you hear it

Nah, I'm pretty fine here though.

Didn't you just say the technology is amazing?

Seriously, you'll hear a notification when the nyaa replacement is done, you don't need to keep pestering us

I have a weird tingling in my butt. Is it possible that there is a Bitcoin miner in my anus?

Back to /vg/

Why wouldn't you just use the torrent hash as the primary key instead of inventing a new ID for each torrent?


make a pr

>exposing my public github account to international weebdom

>how to make a throwaway in 1997

It isn't a nyaa replacement when you can't and torrents to the website

>This project is licensed under the MIT License

>not Sup Forumspl

why do you hate freedom!!!!

Some of the best encodes were not marked trusted, while abysmal ones were (e.g. CBM tripe marked as trusted).

Use their dirty web editor

How do you and torrents to a website?

How do you add trackers to nyaa?

different team, brother

Is this site legit?


Guide for all anons who do not know how to set up git

make throwaway(?) email
make a github account
go to parent repo, fork it
git clone your.new/repo.git
cd repo
git remote add upstream upstre.am/repo.git
git config user.name "a fag"
git config user.email "[email protected]"

git add .
git commit
add more cocks to the ui

girls my age love this! Fixes #420.

git push origin master
make pr

Trusted isn't about a specific release, but about the person uploading it.

Fine, fine.

And? That's only more reason why a proper system for trusted/A+ torrent status should be put in place, so that poor releases can get filtered out.

Fuck off, don't you people remember the C+= story?

What? Github is bad because C+= was on it?

you would just need to put up a public API

Fix the top bar border-radius while you're at it

Answer this

>not using a base64 encoded image

What are you even referring to?

Github is bad because they promote censorship and non-free javascript/software.
They removed C+= from it.

Thank you for signing your commits, however please refuse to accept unsigned prs.

So is the dev planning to add "add torrents" feature?

So people can start reuploading trackers for what's lost in sukebei

>putting 24k of base64 in the css


>Thank you for signing your commits, however please refuse to accept unsigned prs.

Commits are always transitively signed, so there's literally no need.

Is there anything wrong with that?

What is the license of this image?
You can't just push non-free images in a free project.

>They removed C+= from it.
And you are implying this to be a bad thing?

It's triggering

Should I remove this from by bookmarks bar?

In that case we ain't gonna get a Renchon until you get a drawfag on the case.

will someone buy the old nyaa.se domain once it expires? Will the tracker be recreated on a new hosting provider?

nyaa without tracker is going to end up very slow.


Yes, why do you promote censorship?

Shaved off 1.7kb of the 17.7kb original just from optipng

We can do it

In what way? I literally don't even understand what you're getting at.

A better idea is to just have the non-free renchon on the site but not on the repo and let anyone who wants to set his own site put his own image of renchon.

I bet that you enabled lossy optimisations.
Is there a svg version?

Will Nyaa Pantsu have comment posting?

Alternatively, we could replace Renchon in the extremely unlikely case that anyone with rights would come around and care.


Pls respond

No, the repos should be 100% pure at any time.

github is shoot first ask questions never

no, kys

So you're saying that it should match GitHub? Why? So that your tabs match up?

Not like the project lives and dies with GitHub.

tip: remember C+=

no, github was the only readily available example

the current instance just feels pointlessly not flush with the edges

this is literally the definition of autism

I don't mind this.

If you find a free Renchon, I'll happily replace her.

Considering that no one is answering this I'm gonna assume this is fake

>I bet that you enabled lossy optimisations.
Whatever optipng is by default

Just don't put her at the repo, have her at the site but not at the repo. What is the problem with that?

Well, I can't do that since I don't own the site.

You own the pr however.

Yes, but I can't put files on the site that aren't in the repo via a PR.

>They removed C+= from it.
For what reason?

Why is this on Sup Forums? You have your containment board, please use it.

Because SJWS