What are some practical things to do with an old powermac g4, besides get rid of it?
I already installed Debian PPC on it and tried using it, but it's too slow even with XFCE.
Any ideas?
What are some practical things to do with an old powermac g4, besides get rid of it?
I already installed Debian PPC on it and tried using it, but it's too slow even with XFCE.
Any ideas?
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You could install Gentoo on it, for real ppc Gentoo.
wouldn't that be even slower, with compiling and shit?
it's 2017, user
>powermac g4
You could probably make it faster than Debian, but it won't be worth it. It will take a fucking week just to compile lxde on that thing.
Keep it around for a decade or two and sell it to a computer museum.
>it's 2017, user
Does that look like 2017 hardware to you?
You could use it as a space heater
I use an imac g5 as a microsoft office machine when I want to work offline. these old macs are comfy as fuck
G5 are the ones that heat like crazy
Repurpose the case I guess?
Install OpenBSD on it.
find the most hipster shop in your area and get like 500usd
Upgrade to a G5 quad, user. G4 and older are pretty much useless nowadays...
So are G5s
You always can cross compile in your render farm.
The cases are nice.
Just learn to remove scratchs in acrylic.
You can toy around with Amiga OS emulation via the Morph OS project. Morph OS is one of the few pieces of software that is PowerPC exclusive.
G5s are afwul except for repurposing the case. even the first intel mac minis are better
Morph is pretty impressive. Fastest OS on ppc
Why would you make it so ugly?
Install Mac OS 9.2, get into classic Mac OS software dev, and become part of the retroware scene
To match your face.
G5s are great Leopard/Snow Leopard machines, but they can't boot OS 9, so if you even want to run any of the older Mac software that doesn't play nice with Classic mode (mostly games) you're screwed.
Been considering picking up some manner of G3 or G4 machine expressly for old game purposes myself
Wow that actually looks pretty slick, and fast!