New Nyaa is shit

Which one of you are responsible for this?
> pantsu
> shitty waifu thumbnail
This shit is on my favorites, for gods sake! Everyone will think I'm a degenerate

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off to Facebook, normalfag.

Yeah, shit's way too cringy

Someone should delete Sup Forums for this

its gonna be pic related now

what's the new url

>not using TT that mirrored nyaa
>using some obscure old dump instead that will die soon due to no future w/o new torrents

that's a billion times worse
at least panty has a joke there

> Everyone will think I'm a degenerate
But you are.

complain in the actual thread you dumb sack of potatoes

normalfag detected

I like it

Holy shit kill yourself.

learn to read and google nigger no spoon for you

is not that retarded as this

I like Nyanpasu.
Also I realized it could be a portmanteau for nyaa pantsu, name of the site.


I fucking hate this anime girl

>nyaa pantsu
>not expecting nyanpasu
have a button

TT didn't mirror all of Nyaa senpai
Pantsu is a stopgap solution, apparently everyone is waiting for the cartel to get something out (the fansubs cartel, not the private trackers cartel)

> everyone is waiting for the cartel to get something out
Why though.
Hm, I get it. HS and everybody else aren't going to release anything on nyaa pantsu. Well, that's bad, because we already have only their word about nyaatorrents, and now it's them who's going to release a replacement. They've established a monopoly.

She looks like Zelda.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

I like Zelda boy

1) You own an iPhone. GTFO.
2) You have a fucking Facebook in favorites. Double GTFO.
3) You care what others will think about you. Triple GTFO.
4) You are too stupid to even delete it from the start page. Quad GTFO.
To sum it up, you are too retarded for Sup Forums. Not even memeing.

>le cringe XDDDDDDDDDD

redditor detected

bad thread!

>putting a link to an anime tracker in your favorites
>not at least a link to a streaming website

You are the degenerate OP

what happened to torcache direct download links?

>hating on panty

Thanks for this.


torcache is dead and the replacement used redirects to a shitty site if the file isn't found

>le pantie slut and nyanderp meme so fanny!!
The tumblr level is so high.

Yeah, I know, right? Stocking is infinitely better.

yeah its shit glad someone finally said it out loud