Speccy / Specs thread:

Speccy / Specs thread:


Windows 10 education edition? Also what do you use that for?






Education is basically Enterprise, you can get it via Microsoft Imagine for free as a student. I use it for a virtual networking lab + video encoding.


Just got my parts today :DDD




she's so ugly

I'm sure your prettier

does its job, too lazy to install SSD..


excuse me sir, this is Sup Forums

SSDs aren't hard to install it takes minutes




Recommend a cpu+mobo.

Does your college offer the education edition through their imagine web store or did you find it somewhere for free download?

Errrr.... That cpu isn't safe ese

Ryzen 6 1600 + msi b350 or whatever it is

There's an empty m2 slot and some space to add another 7mm hdd.

Very nice!

>tfw upgraded to the 16GiB RAM meme

Gpu is r7 260x
Low settings really aren't that bad, guys. All I play is starcraft 2, anyway. This can handle GameCube dolphin just fine.


What's your fps on starcraft? I'm still sitting on a Phenom ll and the intel gimping is real. I'm dropping into single digits with that CPU in the midgame.

new build

dont mind the mobo temp, i dont know why is showing the right temps

I have the same problem, it said 65° yesterday, but I don't think the chipset runs this hot

go to bios and see how much it shows there
in my bios it shows 30°C

Check the bios like said or
Download Asus AI suite 3 and it will reaad the mb temp fine. I had the same problem with my old asus mb,

audio: hd650 + schiit magni 2 & modi 2
speakers: klipsch promedia 2.1
kb/m: k70 rgb + logitech g pro
case: corsair 400c

it works good but i wish i have a gpu ;_;

feels bad man

>10gb ram




my first laptop was great but i broke it because my hysteric crisis. Now i have to use this shitty laptop with extra rams and strorage i add from old laptop.

>spending $380 on a video card


there's 980ti's to be had for 200$ on ebay, craigslist, stalkbook etc..

>buying used tech


I would not buy 980 Tis anymore. 1070s are around 300 € now.
Why not? Buying used GPUs is always better, as long the seller is trustable and its still warranty on it. Current used EVGA Pascal cards still have at least 2 years remaining.

980ti performs same if not better than the 1070, so buying one for used at 200$ (even hybrids are only going for $250) makes more sense than a mid range 1070 for 330-350$

used tech, refurbed tech, same shit. only things i would buy used are gpu, ram, and i guess the case if it was treated well.

The same yes, and it draws a lot more power. 980 Tis will perform better when you run them at 1600 MHz (and the proper fullcover water loop), but normal Tis aren't faster.

I wouldn't buy anything used above 100 € if it doesn't have warranty left.

Many people could upgrade for free if they weren't so retarded with used tech. I switched from a 3770K platform to a 5820K without paying for it, the new platform has warranty too. It was a lot of work to find these offers but its worth it unless you are rich and buy everything new.

>spending $350 on a space heater


it never gets above 57 degrees


pennies to a dollar over the course of a year, i'm not sure why people are worried about power consumption with enthusiast/extremist tier electronics.

you're just making more of a point to look into used/refurbed high end last gen parts for the price of current gen mid range parts that still get outperformed handily

Its not only the electricity bill (Important for Europeans, Americans don't even know that electricity costs money...) but the heat dissipation by itself. Most people don't have 7 fans in their case like me. Some use shitty small cases with 1-2 tiny fans. A 980Ti would explode in one of these...

I used a 780 Ti when the 900 series were common, it was pure shit. I had a lot of driver problems, strange crashes and lower FPS. I later switched it for a 1060 3G (and enjoyed the coolness because I could literally FEEL the heat of the 780Ti in my face when I played games with it). Same 3Dmark GPU score, but 10-12 FPS more in Witcher 3.

Used 1070s and 980Tis are almost the same price at least where I live, many still want 350-400 € for their good custom Tis. Its not worth it, also note the 2 GB additional VRAM.

>heat magically disappears and isn't pumped into your shack


i use high static pressure fans


why are everyone on this technology board tech illiterate windows users?

I just played a muta/ling/bling zvt and maintained >60fps the while game

I need a new computer

Agreed that poor house fire cpu and toasty motherboard.

>why are everyone
Nice grammar.

>using windows 10
>using cpus that spy on you


Sup Forums laugh at me every time I post those speccy screenshoot.

Not him but Education is provided solely by MSDNA/Dreamspark/Imagine/how they call it now. You can simply download it from MS main site, as I found out when I wanted to upgrade to Anniversary but for some reason it refused to find upgrade via Windows Update (in December this year) and needed ISO with newest build.





>Using a completely outdated system running a completely and insecure OS
>Do it right and install Linux on it
2 GB RAM are fine btw, but upgrade to 4 GB if you can

>Sup Forums laugh at me every time I post those speccy screenshoot.
They are probably laughing that you paired an i7 with a rx 480, but seems fine to be.

Whats about with a 480? Buying 1060s is laughable, unless you got a discount. We only have a 60 € price difference to a 1070 in my country.


Yes, either that or the fact that I bought i7 instead of i5 or i3 or that I bought RX480 instead of GTX1060 and about monitor I have.

That's better than the shitty Lenovo prebuilt I used for 7 years (AMD Athlon X2 255,3gb ram, 500gb hdd)
I would add more storage, besides that looks great

I would not daily use these. Too much power draw and you can get complete i5 bundles under 100 € nowadays.

I bet you can run everything at max with that resolution

