LMFAO. The CPU recommendations for may 2017 are out and not *one single* Ryzen qualified! How come you antisemites get so fucking told every time?
amd btfo
how will amd ever recover
amd fags on suicide watch
On to the next thread.
>Tom's Hardware
They beyond parody now
>Paul Alcorn
Into the shit filter you go
My only beef is that they don't seem to be taking threading into account.
Is funny how the first one basically makes any current i3 irrelevant, but they still promote it at mor ethan twice the price.
Also, two i5s
No ryzen
Today I have seen the Goy in reality
Doesn't matter. A 1600 costs about the same as a low end i5 and matches or beats most i5s in pretty much everything, and if you include the cost of motherboards the 1600 is cheaper than even the low end i5s.
>recommending i3 to anyone
But yeah, AMD hasn't released the low end yet to compete with the Pentiums and i3s.
>No Ryzen+Vega APUs yet
>If you dont have the time to research benchmarks
>if you dont feel confiden enough in your ability to pick the right processor
>Fear not!
>Intel has the right processor for your goying... I mean gaming needs
Vega hasn't even released yet, it's starting to get ridiculous.
i5 7500 give more consistent gaming performance
but i would still prefer to get r5 1600 instead
>more consistent gaming performance
Ryzen provides more consistent framerates. I might have believed you if you had said the 7600k, but not the 7500.
How gimped are the G series cpus exactly? Are they really terrible?
At times ryzens preforms simmilarly to an intel i3's
this is what i meant
and there is no denying it
yes its usually in older games but it does happen
so I usually browse a different board
and there's a fair amount of shilling, particularly surrounding release dates for pricey (like embarrassingly pricey) shit
all of which immediately disappears after the release date
is there amd / intel shilling on this board?
G series used to be 2 cores 2 threads with make them useless only with kaby lake intel made them 2/4 and by doing so intel it self mayd i3's terrible value proposition no one should ever buy. There are few instructions missing in pentiums compare to i3s but it has 0 impact on gaming preformance and if you buy 2 core cpu for rendering than you should consider suicide.
Tom's Hardware disagrees
He's a paid intel shill though so we can't take any info he gives out seriously anymore.
I own an i3-6100 btw.
Yep, the machine I'm typing on is running an i3 2350M and my desktop has a 4690k. I plan to buy a 1600 or 1700 soon though.
>He's a paid intel shill
good joke i even told i would prefer to take r5 1600 over 4 threaded i5 yet i am the shill? I hate shilling both intel and amd. Intel being jew of a corporation doesnt make blind amd shilling justified.
and i have i7 6700 but only because amd was to slow with ryzen and i couldnt wait any longer while i wanted cpu with more than 4 threads. If i was buying my pc now i would get r5 1600 instead.
>Recommending the 7100, ever
At least they made clear their article was parody from the get go.
You think you're planning to do that, but when the time comes you will wonder... can you really... trust AMD? What if the rumours everywhere about stability issues are more than just rumours. From all of our years together you know you can trust the blue sticker. And you will buy Intel.
>good joke i even told i would prefer to take r5 1600 over 4 threaded i5 yet i am the shill?
No, just saying anything out of tom's hardware shouldn't be trusted because they have a huge bias (intel bribes). I mean I like my i3 but I wouldn't go out and tell people it's the second cumming of christ even if intel offered me money. Reviews should be objectively fair with as little bias as possible. I want to see how product X performs like and whether it's objectively better than competitor X's stuff not your paid opinion on product X.
>your paid opinion on product X
i wish intel would be paying me
and amd should have paid me for all the years of sticking with their graphic cards and defending them online
Nah. I'm still running an FX-6300 in my NAS and every GPU I've ever bought has been AMD.
>ITT- a bunch of gross AMD poorfag shills
Stop complaining that professional don't think shit poo processors are good, especially when thru get out performed by INTELS LOW END PROCESSORS
Why would anybody support a company that can't even make good high end chips, then attack good reviews just because they disagree with them? Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but not ever review that calls you out for making a shitty product are fake, infact.. most are real, no shilly, just protecting consumers from horrible AMD products
Kindly fuck off
he gets paid to pump this shit out
must be nice
hmmmm good post my friend!
go away, Paul
>2500k overclocked to 6.5ghz, it's now faster than anything new from jewtel or ayyyymd
>Live with parents so don't pay for power
Living the dream
>run a 7700k at 5 ghz
>get a new one for $35 3 years later
yes, yes this honorable man talks the truth!!
buy intel my friends
>thinks spamming le happy merchant maymay makes products perform better
Whatever you say mr.goldstein
>Why would anybody support a company that can't even make good high end chips
But that's exactly why I don't support Intel.
>decent single core
>loses on multicore
>no source
>synthetic benchmarks everywhere
1/0 Day without jew trick
Hello, where is the proofs?
You do know the i7-6950X is a 10-core $1,700 processor and the R7 1800X is a 8-core $500 processor, right?
Sup Forums, explain yourself. I thought toms hardware was supposed to be bought and paid for by the jooooooooosssssssss at intel?
(((Tom's Hardware)))
The original intel shill strikes again
Seriosly fuck amd and their stinky poojet shills.
They are.... hence why those results had negligible impact on their overall "score" of ryzen.
Why the fuck do you people get so heated over incremental increases in CPUs technology? You actually think your video games are gonna run that much better?
kys shill
>posting these horrible racist photographs
You need to stop this and delete these at once
shills are resulting on toms shillware to get their daily dose of shilling going..
toms hardware a place that even intel fans dont even go anymore
The only ridiculous thing here is your existence.
Official link for CPU rankings
>Official link
K man
Intel did it with the Pentium 4 vs Athlon 64, it's not different today.
the funny stuff is he has a tag of amd on the thread
lol where do you think you are?
That's Toms Hardware. That blog isn't going to recommend anything but Intel and NVidia ever. It used to be a good site 10 years ago. Today it's not. My opinion on that isn't based on this, btw, it's been going downhill for them for years and years. Actually, this 10 year old video is probably the peak of their existence:
>how will amd ever recover
No. The stock is down 20% from the local top and it's falling nicely. There's plenty of downside left.
No APU for you until Q1 2018.
>Are they really terrible?
Any G-series CPU before Kaby Lake is terrible. They are currently the best bang for the buck budget CPUs.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this
>Tom's Hardware
that's really shitty of them. and this is coming from someone running an intel 6850k. ryzen should have at least easily took the spots of both i5's and the i3. i5's and i3's hands down have been made irreverent.
>Tom's hardware
>The site that recommended the P4 over the Athlon64
Jesus fucking Christ.
You can't make this shit up.
My i5 3770k was $300 then and it sells for $320 on eBay right now.
>5 year old CPU has the same value it did on release.
You know things are stagnant when...
That's true. But no one said the G4560 was bad. No one said the list should e entirely AMD CPUs either.
G4560 is still great value and I doubt even the APUs will challenge it much due to their greater die size meaning they probably won't be under $90.
The list should be
Literally none of those programs are "synthetic benchmarks".
Since you have no idea what that word means yet you use it anyway, you ought to kill yourself.
Unless....they release [spoiler] 4 core/8thread Athlons with less L3.
Literally wut
>it used to be a good site 10 years ago
Haha? Go look at their Phenom, Thunderbird, and P4 reviews from 15-16 years ago.
That site has always been a blatant Intel shill site.
Er not Phenom. What was before Thunderbird again? Athlon? In 2000 or 2001. You know what I mean.
Good and valid points, but you have to admit this video was really cool at the time:
I know, today it's not much but nobody else was making videos like that back then.
Idk. Maybe if they had less PCIe lanes, less cache, and so on. Then yeah, they might sell a 3c/6t with a few iGPU CUs for under $90.
If it's a full Zeppelin die, those are so much larger than 4 excavator cores on an A12-9800.
I'm really expecting these to be more expensive than their previous APUs. In the $90-$225 range.
Granted they could do a 2c/4t as well. They said "there won't be Ryzen 2 cores". They didn't say the same about Athlons and APUs.
Well they've done cool stuff with either, yeah. Their benchmarks for Ryzen were mostly fine, too. But ultimately in their main recommendation articles and such they ALWAYS recommend Intel even if it's far inferior and/or inferior value.
There is no reason for the i3 to exist
Either get the pentium 4560, a FX8300 or spend more on ryzen
Massive chuckle
This is the dumbest advice ever on Sup Forums. I mean, yeah, there is being a fanboi, and there's being a retard. Fine line, user, but you have jumped clean over that motherfucker.
Nice shitstorm in the comments, this will make the rounds on the Internet very quickly.
Just wait for anandtech's Q2 recommendation, for Q1 they recommended a 1700 over a 7700k.
Intel's budget is definitely big enough to pay "reviewers" to make these recommendations.
It's the same guys who conned everyone to stick with a P4 and not buy a A64x2 AND WAIT FOR FUCKING PRESCOTT.
Looks like an ok Intel recommendation chart, though no 6 or 8 cores for the high end? Very strange.
Where's the AMD chart?
Your naivite is laughable. You really think there's such a thing as "getting more for less". Well it's time to wake up, smell the coffee, and apologize to Intel. All this time they sold you the best processor for the price, while you were lost in silly dreams of paying less for more power.
Intel RAVAGES poozen even in price/performance
>cost per FPS
>PC gamer
Oh lol
Trolliing used to be an art.
This post only make you act like an AMDshill trying to falseflagging.
Or like a brainwashed capitalistscuck
Intel is like Steph Curry, 3 pt/gaming specialist
AMD is like Kahwi Leonard: a more well rounded player/product.
>that benchmark doesn't count reeeeeeeeeeee!
So, what you're saying is that the 7700K is total shit?
>pls buy our i3's 2007 performance for cheap
The hypetrain came and left and as usual
AMD fanboys are left defeated and dissappointed. Just accept that your Poozen is shit.
No reason to buy the 1600x, as you can just overclock the 1600 and the FX8300 is a nice CPU between the G4560 and the 1500x
> flat $ per average fps
> doesn't take into account minimums
> doesn't realize that the "best value" CPU's are the cheap, low performance chips nobody actually buys for gaming, because the performance isn't there.
>paid shill """"tech""" website
>i3 in 2017
Tom's Hardshills at it again.
Even their own readers don't buy this shit, hilarious.
inb4 Tom's moves to gaming only benchmarks and removes the computing, workstation, office, system and synthetic ones.