Just ordered an i7 7700k. I currently have an fx6300

Just ordered an i7 7700k. I currently have an fx6300.

What am I in for Sup Forums?

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A CPU that is faster than your current one. Seriously what else is there to it?

>Very original post plz no h8.

Temperature spikes. Pls don't overclock.



buy a better cooler to prevent burning even if you don't plan to overclock

>pay extra for unlocked CPU
>pay extra for overclockable mobo
>pay extra for capable cooler
>4.5 GHz? what do you need 4.4 GHz for?

>meanwhile at AMD
>Hey can I overclock to 4.3 ghz?
>"4.2 ghz, what do you need 4.1 ghz for?"

But stuttering mess in many games for some mysterious reason. And a housefire just because you opened up a web browser.

Maybe you should cancel it and get a 1600X. Runs so cool and quiet and smooth.

Dat damage control, fucking KYS

>But stuttering mess in many games for some mysterious reason
>'many games'
>this meme based on one video of a bunch of neckbeards finding framespikes in one game, gta V, that nobody has been able to replicate so far


at least poojeet delivered on the coares.

The truth is rough on AMD tards

What's hard about that?

I dunno, ask Intel why they want a megashekel for a 3.70 GHz 8 core.

The 8 core of Intel was always a terrible purchase

that's the joke.

It's not funny

>The 8 core of Intel was always a terrible purchase for poor people


>spending double of what you should on a product makes this a great purchase for rich people
You mean for dumb rich people

yeah, same applies to AMD poozen if you haven't noticed

Change housefire for another housefire, topkek.

K stands for overclocked, not unlocked.

It's overclocked out of the box. You shouldn't be overclocking it past the default clocks.

Wait then why did my i5 4670 and a i5 4670k have the exact same clock speeds, but the latter costed 20$ more?

>if only Ryzen had better singlle core performance, intel would be dead

Why AMD? You were so close

>500 bux for an underpowered cpu

no, they were not close

Because multi-core is the future.

Only thing holding it back is Intel offering benefits to companies to use Intel tools that make it hard to utilize multicore well, but it doesn't matter because single core is "good enough" for most of these tasks.

Gaymers are the biggest costumers of enthusiastic cpus, meaning single thread performance is still important.

>What am I in for Sup Forums?
A lot of fun - if you have games to go along with it. Also low encoding times for h265.

Overclocking is over-rated and stupid. You kids will learn that soon enough.

Having a stable computer that just works and doesn't randomly crash because you're overclocking it is valuable. Having a few MHz more isn't.

The single core deficit will be gone with Pinnacle Ridge in Q1 2018( anywhere from 5-15% faster IPC) , so I have no idea what excuse Intelfags will have then

Disappointment, because you bought a quad core inferno, instead of ryzen

Oh no, I'm only getting 195fps instead of 200fps

cancel it immediately

>Because multi-core is the future.
Yeah Adoredtv has been saying that for 5 years now, and yet high clockspeed, high IPC i7's still dominate the gamemarket

I was wondering... should I got for an i7-6700k or 7700k?
I already got the Z motherboard so Ryzen is out.


>What am I in for Sup Forums?

It's an entirely new architecture made for a process AMD hasn't used before, with a fraction of R&D funding Intel has available. Given that in all other respects Ryzen is pretty great, lower OC potential seems a pretty small tradeoff.

As opposed to high clockspeed, high IPC pentiums or i5s? Has everyone forgotten that just three years ago the overclockable pentium was considered a terrific CPU because games didn't use more than 2 cores anyway? Now many games won't even run unless you have at least 4 logical cores.

Games ARE moving towards multicore, even if it isn't happening as quickly as it maybe should.

>What am I in for Sup Forums?

A CPU that puts AMD's $600 flagship to shame

one of the best value for money cpus, as much as ryzen shills hate it. it's still faster in like 80% of real life scenarios than any ryzen.

OP wants something that's best RIGHT NOW. This is what you fucktarded indian street shitters don't understand. The future is right now, that 7700k DESTROYS any AMD cpoo in any game as of 6th of May, 2017. Nobody with higher than 1 digit IQ cares about 2030 when games will use more cores, because by them, both Intel and AMD will have already released CPUs that shit on your ryzen

by then*

>both get over 60fps minimums
>neither is good enough for 144Hz

But no, you're right, the 7700k totally DESTROYS the 1700x.

That 7700k pushes 50 more FPS while operating on half the cores. It doesn't matter how hard you try to defend that indian piece of poo, anyone with a brain will see that Intel is the superior product.

I hope you play CS;GO at 800x600

It's hardly unstable if you actually test it for like a day MAX of the multiple years you'll be running your overclock, lets just completely ignore all the old Intel CPUs still competitive today because of their actually ability to maintain a stable overclock.

Irony is that cs:go benchmark is here lmao

Oh, so you don't understand math. Explains why you'd defend Intel. 99% of people have 60Hz CPUs, so by your own logic there's ZERO reason to spend $300 on an overheating piece of shit when you could get a 1500x for less than $200 and still get more than 60FPS minimums in all the games the 7700k "destroys" Ryzen at.

>99% of people have 60hz monitors

>why do u need a 220mph Bugatti when the Prius can do 90mph, u shouldnt go faster then tat anyway i shit in da street xd

Kill yourself pajeet

>I still don't understand math
You're just butthurt because you bought a housefire. Kill yourself intelshill.

Don't you have homework to do. You only show up after school lets out in America.
You could really use the further education.

Talking about math when you shit on the street. Leave STEM fielda for white people, it's too complex for your poo brain

Nice changing subjects to some random poo when proven your indian cpoo is..well..poo

As expected. You keep stuttering. Can't have that for any serious game. Leta-lone encoding. Random crash much?


delid this

Said the filthy jew.

Flip that around. The 7700k beats the ryzens only in gaming. Ryzen 7, hell even ryzen 5, destroy the i7 in anything else.

>7700k beats the ryzens only in gaming
Even then not by much in most cases.

>300 more fps in cs:go, overwatch, dota, leage of legends
>over 40% more fps in any other game
>indian mathematicians

Yet it doesn't report the dropped frames when it stutters.
So the performance is actually much lower than what's reported.

>same single benchmark in gta v which no one's been able to reproduce

You already posted this 5 times just in this thread poojet

That hippie at Gamers' Nexus must have stopped being your hero when he admitted the i5 line is dead, huh.

No I haven't. And it's reproducible.
You suck at this.

Even that incompetent fuck Salazar caved in.

Tom's still going strong I see, but Tom's isn't a individual

>january benchmark

Nice day 1 results you lying indians

24% load 85C wtf?
My 1600X stays under 50C when it's at 25% load on 50% more cores.

He didn't delid it yet

Never mind lmao

>The 2500K overclocked did OK because its average stayed close to 130FPS or below, but going over 160-170FPS causes stuttering.

>needing to show a cherrypicked benchmark of a 10 year old i5 to prove your indian cpu is worth a shit

You are sad

Does this guy ever sleep? Or is it a bot?

The i7 stutters, schlomo. And the benching utility's in GTA don't report the dropped frames.
This is like measuring someone's height while they have still got shoes on and wearing a 10 gallon hat.

Stop giving him attention you retarded shit, you're being played with.

>we did this with i7's and blah blah blah

Source? All you have is indian lies and a video of a 10 year old i5 that stutters only at over 150 fps

>fx6300 to i7 7700
Confirmed a upgrade, have fun and forget what everyone said.

Everything. Dumb goyim pay for 4 cores. $330 vs $1000 for 8 cores. AMD designed ZEN as a server chip with high efficiency and thus they won't clock high. If AMD decided to create a desktop housefire like the 7700k we could see 8 cores drawing 500w @ 5ghz too. Just need some LN2 and a container.

Aircooled 7700k here
I have never seen mine go over 62C under load

Except that shit catches fire and turns into a shitshow (literally) if you try 4.2


Unfortunately true, but at least the new ones burn brighter.

>t. butthurt NEET with Athlon II

Can this meme die? I believed it and brought the FX-4100 years ago.

As for OP. he's in for a processor that he won't even have to think about, it just works, seamlessly does anything he needs it to.

Maybe if you actually used it the paste would have shit its self by now.

Who gives a shit? Only gamer kiddies do, I won't be losing any sleep over getting 5 fewer FPS in muh vidya gaems while it shits on everything multi-tasking that Intel can offer

define "actually used it"

It's not a meme anymore, just look at how i5 compares to i7 in recent games. Games ARE getting better threaded, it just happened too late for Bulldozer family.

I have a 1600X. My heatsink is cold to the touch.

Banging it at 100% usage for 3-5 hours a day.
Mind you these are still now. It's only time before yours drys out.

Delid it and install a NZXT Kraken x62, you might hit 5.3 ghz, if it doesn't work go for 5.2, it will be 100% stable


Why the fuck would you do that? There's useful software in the world that makes a pc stress like that. I can play vidya like GTA 5 for hours on end making it go from 60% to 80% and temps stay in the low 60C

So is my 7700k
What's your point?

>58.9FPS at 65% CPU utilization
>at 5.3GHz
why is it so garbage?

That's the most homoerotic benchmark I've ever seen.
Then crush the die installing the cooler. Thanks Intel!
Because there's people that top out their usage with other things in between gaming.
Tick tock.It's only time before yours becomes a housefire.

You got lucky.
No one has a problem where they need to delid their Ryzen. Tons of people have problems with the 7700k STOCK.

If you have hardware troubles why the fuck would you be a smartass and try to fix it yourself. just RTS and you have a new one. Just because you can doesn't mean you should

>le poo meme xD

Is that all you spew out?
t. Wolfdale Corelet

A way faster CPU in every way, but also house fires. The FX series do suck a lot of power, but they weren't particular hot running. Kaby Lake on with other hand...