X220 vs x230

hey fa/g/s, I'm planning on buying my first thinkpad. I'm in a dilemma between an x220 or an x230. I need Sup Forums's approval of which one to buy.

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What's wrong with x201?

Doubt you'd be disappointed with any of them. X220 have been great so far at least.


Frankly I would go for the x230.

>esc key above f1
I have typed one time on a x201 and this shit rustled my jimmies like hardcore.

Get anything with IPS

If you can X230 w/ SSD & IPS screen is pretty comfy.

Dell E6230 user reporting in. I've used an IPS swapped from either of those you mentions. The display was cool but hell, that ghosting was disgusting. Unfortunately, failed after one year of using so I'm back with shitty black and white Dell stock TN display.
Woudln't recommend neither 12.5" as the only display you look at nor 1366x768 you are stuck with to work on documents. The thing is too dim for outdoor use, too.
Have fun, it's still a great choice, user.


>proper keyboard
>unlock RAM speed to 1600mhz or 1866, your choice
>ability to use any wifi card

>Sandy bridge


>Ivy Bridge
>literally nothing else

>custom BIOS flashing requires disassembly and manual, hardware flashing tools
>shitlet keyboard

You decide.

x230 owner here
I preferred the x230 because it has much better iGPU and all the models have USB 3. But if you are not a chicklet hating retard or you don't need to swap your wifi cards twice a day just get the one with IPS display.

>chicklet hating retard

Chiclet is objectively bad.

coming from someone who owned and used an x201 for a year, then got an x230t - the chiclet keyboard is no difference in actual typing feel. it still feels solidly built, and is a pleasure to type on. the keys just look shit

True, but you probably won't be typing all the time on it because that's what you get an external keyboard and monitor for.
Also before chicklet the keyboards did't have backlight, right?
>inb4 thinklight

Elitebook 2570p with a quad core processor, RAID 0 SSDs, and 16gb/2133 ram.

This desu

The only real reason to consider X220 is if you want the old style keyboard. Having used both there is literally nothing wrong with the chicklet in terms of typing feel compared to the old one (I even prefer it) although the new layout is bit shittier.

X230 advantages
>USB3 on all models
>better CPU
>seriously better GPU
>GPU supports modern APIs (OpenGL4.2, OpenCL)
>ISP display on most models

If you want to use 3rd party batteries you'll have to install bios mod though. I've only used genuine ones though.


BIOS Whitelists existed already in X220 and X201 although the withlisted IDs might differ. You still need a custom bios to unlock using any card.

I'm not sure why using custom WiFi card is even needed since you can order working replacements for whitelisted ones for like $6.

Found the guy with the shitty old x220 display

And no vulkan support

>Elitebook 2570p
woah why so cheap?

The HD4000 is a huge bonus for a lot of applications (and vidya) due to an across-the-board upgrade in graphics middleware support.

Which one is going to run Gentoo flawlessly?

>Inb4 thinklight

Man I love that shit on my t420, it was an interesting solution to the problem before backlight was a thing, I miss it on my t430

yeah but it takes 45 seconds to replace the keyboard

honestly both are fine. get whatever is cheapest and in good shape on ebay that day, unless any of the granular differences (kb, bios mods, igpu, etc) that tpg endlessly slapfights over is a dealbreaker for you. i went with an x220 because yeah, i wanted an atheros card in there for easy hackintosh compatibility

>Buy the X220 for the old keyboard
>It flexes


Thinklight is actually better, I can actually use the thing at night. Backlit keyboard seems pretty useless to me.

I've been using an x220 since 2011. It's pretty good. Survived college, and I was not easy on it either. About to retire it and either get a new (used) one off ebay or take the AMD pill and build a ryzen desktop.

Do you use el capitan or sierra?

Only the laptop itself is cheap, the upgrades I listed are bought separatly.

I found a nice x230 for cheap


sierra. used this spoonfeed:

220 if you want the better keyboard

>I'm not sure why using custom WiFi card is even needed
>le you dont need it meme

>I'm not sure why using custom WiFi card is even needed
because the linux driver for the stock intel card is broken. it will crash if its connected too long and if you have not disabled a 40mhz thing in the kernel mod config.

What's wrong about it?

Is the tablet model any good? I'd rather buy that then by a fucking $10,000 cintiq tablet computer


x230, but x220 has a better keyboard

X220T is nice

feck off kevin

>there is literally nothing wrong with the chicklet in terms of typing feel


Don't fall for the x220 / x230 meme if you want to do anything more than shitposting
I have a x230 with IPS display, it is way better than my old laptop, but
* 1376x766 is really that bad; If you have use cases where you need two programs open next to each other , e.g. some latex next to your pdf), forget it; the fonts will need to be tiny so that everything can even fit halfway. Get at least a full HD screen if you want to work with it
*The IPS display is great, but it's really dim. If the sun is shining outside, I can barely read the text of dark color schema; If i have direct sunlight from a window, I can't read anything at all (I guess this is also a problem for other laptops, but it shouldn't be that bad that it's completely unusable)
* I have an old 6 cell battery and get barely 2 hours on Ubuntu 16.04 with tlp and powertop; Yes I could a new 9 cell battery, but I won't spend another 60€ just for maybe extra 2 hours which will be degraded in a year anyway

I have x230.
I love it!!

You already posted about this problem that nobody else has in a previous thread. Lose some weight.

>BIOS Whitelists existed already in X220 and X201

Yeah, I never said they didn't, but x230 is much much harder to install a modified BIOS.

>I'm not sure why using custom WiFi card is even needed

Because I can't use the 7260-AC without it.

Good try but I own a T420, and you can put an IPS panel in the X220. Just fyi.

I bought a brand new X230 and I also have a new and sealed X220 which I plan to build up. They're both nice for different reasons and slightly shit for different reasons. Please don't say you need Sup Forums approval, this isn't a board for mentally retarded sad cunts, do what you want.

Thinklight is actually pretty nice, I use it in bed at night when I'm watching TV with the light off or in a dark meeting. It also lights up other things around the thinkpad so if I have a paper document I'm reading, it lights that up too.

>USB3 on all models

Well with my x220 I have a dual USB3 expresscard, does the job.

Neither, they're both thick as fuck.
Get something newer that classifies as an ultrabook.


I see that you don't visit /tpg/ often enough

>usb 3 express card
Does that shit work with Linux

I'm not Kevin you muffin

>Well with my x220 I have a dual USB3 expresscard, does the job.
Is it as fast as native USB 3.0? And does it get hot or have an issues like that?