What's the possible explanation for this?

What's the possible explanation for this?

It's possible that they wanted to keep coders on their toes

Adds value to our wages.

Also, they probably didn't want to throw an error

What should Array(true) or Char(false) equal

empty array is an object. All objects evaluate to true.
empty string evaluates to false because it is empty.

honestly this doesn't annoy me as long as you have to do the cast

Requesting the I did it for you C++ pasta.

Dynamic programming languages were a mistake.

In the end, it always causes problems.


This. A programming language should make it hard to write nonsense.


COBOL master race?

Special treatment for string so that empty string and null string both mean "no value".

A string is an object.

not in js


That doesn't count, those string constructors are BS.
"" instanceof Object returns false.

They still kinda are objects though, with methods and all that.

If you create a String object, then yes it is an object, but it is different from empty string ('').

much like in C# there is string and String.


True and false should just resolve to 1 and 0

shoo, cfag

it actually does in JS. the power of dynamic typing!

Have you ever tried storing things in Array under function indexes? ECMAScript can be abused in a lot of ways if you really want to.

>get a "Java Developer" job
>they have me doing development in node.js a couple months in
>now can't get a job in finance because it seems every bank uses Java

Empty array still has member values from its prototype

String literal does not

I like this explanation

Anyone have any experience in using the more functional flavour libraries like ramda, underscore, lodash, highland? What are your preferences?

I'm thinking at the moment I'll just use highland and use ramda for some parts where it's more intuitive to me

Nobody gives a shit what programming language you use as long as you can prove that you know how to program

fuck objects and shit

I've only ever used lodash and that shit is the best. Honestly it should be incorporated into the standard library for the next ECMAScritpipt because everyone already uses it

OOP is comfy though

so long as you don't have to use it for everything, I mean