If you use an ad blocker then you are a MILLENIAL!

If you use an ad blocker then you are a MILLENIAL!

Ok, why should I care?

I've been called worse things.

OH NO YOU GOT ME! Actually I'm a millenial and I don't block ads. The few sites I visit are all cool about them.

Also I call bullshit on the use rate of Google+ even at the time that these data were collected. I'm also suspicious of high desktop use by millenials (because jobs) not correlating with laptop usage as well (because jobs). We were absolutely the laptop generation during our early adulthood. That's about the time that battery life started climbing rapidly, though tablets hadn't yet hit mainstream.

Please jump from a cliff

kill yourself

> Vine


Who fucking cares?

>millenials and gen z
>watching TV at all

This company is retarded

Yeah this pic is already outdated.

Fuck off, ad kike

At least for millenials the answer is easy: sports. Live major league sports are the last unyielding bastion of TV viewership. It's unbelievable how many people tune in week after week year-round.

what comes after Gen Z? Gen A or what?

>only notable difference is that gen z spends less time on electronics in general and uses snapchat more than millenials do

We go extinct


They'll probably be defined by the sociopolitical atmosphere of our times. The next generation to be named is the one which never lived in a world before the Durka Wars.

Gen U[spoiler]block[/spoiler]

like they have enough information to categorize gen z shopping and spending habits yet, the oldest gen z according to this are already 22.

So they watch TV 2 hours a week only, 8 tops. I don't watch TV at all for example.

I definitely fall into the millennial category, TV 0h/week, phone 7h/week, PC 20+h/week.
AdBlocker on all devices.
Facebook is the only social media I use, using YouTube as social media is autistic.

>calling me a 'millenial'

I prefer the term Generation Y.

>Gen Z

Even worse than Millennials, fuck.

A new chipset

Gen Å :^)

With noscript an ad blocker is not as important.

>gen z doesn't even feature desktop use
>that entire infographic holy shit
I'm forced to have these people as my peers

nice try. im not going to watch your popup ads. i heard that google is going to block all other ad networks in chrome so maybe these things get better when all other ad networks are dead.

Fucking advertising jews I don't care about your shit I'd rather avoid something completely than look at ads.

nowhere in your infograph says millenials use adblock. WTF are you on about?
Also are you the same shill that posts this on Sup Forums everyday?

braindead? look again.

I don't block ads. I block Javascript. I only see ads as static images.

There hasn't been a distinct generation since the baby boomers

do anyone actually use g+?

>Young men are early adopters of adblocking software

You can thank porn sites for that

Fuck off, MPAA/RIAA/SPA asshole.

>all these identity politics grouping me with people that I dont identify with

>blocking ads
>ads problem in YouTube
>new retard term to call the new generation
Boe I just use adgoddamnblocker because I found out that blocks ads nigga

>he doesn't know about WW3

Baby boomers are dumb and narcissistic as shit but that's why they fail and cant understand why like in this picture. It's a good thing tho because it means darwin's taking care of em