Redpill me on systemd Sup Forums
Redpill me on systemd Sup Forums
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Embrace, extend, extinguish: free-software style.
See here's the set of people I hate the most: the ones that use Emacs but hate Systemd. I don't have any strong opinions on systemd, but these people get my blood boiling. How can you call systemd as too complex for its job but still use fucking Emacs, the most bloated piece of software in history?
Sup Forums officially supports systemd
You must accept Lennart Poettering's penis. He is the alpha male of the Linux world.
Hi. I'm a casual Windows user. I could use my favorite search engine, Bing, to learn more about what "systemd" does but I'd rather ask the experts in this thread (and bump it for OP).
Imagine a giant cock flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it, and you're like "oh man, I'm going to have to suck this thing". You brace yourself to suck this giant cock. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "well, at least I got that out of the way". However, the giant cock rears its ugly head, and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this cock is penetrating your grey matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor functions. Then, the giant cock slaps you across the cheek and knocks you out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant cock finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests comfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours.
That's what using syndromeD feels like.
>where it rests comfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours.
>being comfortable with a cock in your ass
>for any amount of time
>being this insecure
The cock is comfortable, not you.
The end to all problems that GNU/Crap caused.
Seriously, it's nice, but the developers have a accute cause of featuritis.
literally the "dont you ever talk to my wife's son again!"-cuckedness tier.
Its as un-linux as possible without being actually Windows or Mac.
Poettering needs to die in a fire.
See all that newbie friendly Ubuntu documentation they collected over the past decade?
Throw it all in the fire we systemd now
This message brought to you by the lovers of choice and init freedom.
Linus Torvalds supports Systemd. That's all the confirmation you need to know that Systemd is world-class software.
kek full link?
>I don't actually have any particularly strong opinions on systemd itself. I've had issues with some of the core developers that I think are much too cavalier about bugs and compatibility, and I think some of the design details are insane (I dislike the binary logs, for example), but those are details, not big issues.
It's a no-no win.
>If people thought that meant that I dislike systemd, I will have to disappoint you guys.
I repeat, he didn't say he likes it either.
>>Do you think we already have a decent init system?
>You can say the word "systemd"
Must've missed that one. Oh well.
Fuck my boipucci Lennart!
unix is old.
not everything was meant to be a single threaded filter.
>unix is old.
Ein Reich,
Ein Volk,
Ein Fuehrer,
Ein Operating System!
He does not understand how rm works, but he is qualified to spearhead a new init/everything-and-the-kitchen-sink system.
One (valid) concern I see raised about it is that it creates a larger attack surface for systems due to feature creep and monolithic design, i.e. a vulnerability in one piece of systemd means that is is fairly trivial to compromise almost all of userland.
I'm not going to address the political in-group fighting or accusations of alphabet-soup agency shilling because that's bogus Sup Forumsshit, but there are valid concerns that the entire concept of systemd runs contrary to the unix philosophy.
There's also advantages to it, though. It certainly makes deployment and management of servers easier.
If this is the biggest evidence that he is an idiot, then I am not convinced.
It is not a program that is used by many people and the people people who do use it, should not just remove the entire system even if "rm would have catched it to save the system"
Do any of you faggots actually use systemd? Have you ever even written a systemd service file? The problem with systemd has nothing to do with systemd itself, but rather all the retards who abuse it and write dipshit services for it that hardly work. Systemd is a great way to manage init and various other services, but everyone and their mom tries to shove shit into it that is way out of its scope, and therefore makes it look retarded.
How about failing to mount EFI as readonly and causing bricked systems?
The only reason for systemD to exist is literally to make linux retard friendly.
And with retards I really mean the impaired.
Well, at least when you ignore the part about creating backdoors and vulnerabilities.
NSA backdoor attempt
move along
Rewriting and trying new things is how free software evolves.
If you don't use systemd its your loss.
People against it are just afraid of losing.
>People against it are just afraid of losing.
Yes, losing control and security of their system.
Please read There is literally no reason for systemD to exist apart from having retard-features before login.
your opinion is automatically invalid because you're a tripfag
Existence itself is validation.
You are just afraid of systemd when you should embrace it.
hang yourself Poettering!
> when you should embrace it.
Why should I embrace it?
If you stop doing things you are afraid of you stop growing.
shut up tripfag
With Windows 10, despite its many flaws, Microsoft actually made it possible to find out in task manager what SVCHOST is doing - which means that Windows is more transparent than a Linux distribution with System500 is.
Personally, I haven't touched Linux in years and run FreeBSD.
Richard Stallman supports systemd and is against the Unix Philosophy.
>is against the Unix Philosophy
>GNU is Not UNIX
Is it surprising?
>using freetrash instead of gentoo god/linux
I'm sure if you keep posting it, it'll be true.
Linus lets in the (new) mother of all exploits presented plainly in a commit every other day, it would be extremely hard to not get into the kernel.
More like suckmost.
>open 2 pdf in 2 different mupdf
>wait 30 seconds
>both instances crash
systemd is simply not suited for anything other than managing gnome
>is against
Systemd is free software; that's all RMS cares about, so he has nothing against it.
He was never a fan of Unix design since part of its design is being proprietary.
I for one support systemd because the devs are incompetent and this opens up a new generation of trolling for us against new linux users.
For starters "rm -rf /" will now brick your computer and not just fuck the OS. This alone has tons of potential.
Timmy, time to go to school!
This is an 18+ site.
It's shit. Use openrc.