I sure hope you do not use cloud services to store your shit, user.
Microsoft patents technology to track pirated content and track repeat offenders
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I always tell people cloud storage is the dumbest shit ever invented and should never be used but nobody listens.
Why limit it to the cloud, when Windows 10 can also analyze your local files? :^)
Deleted the shit I had remaining on my OneDrive
Fuck them
>he thinks it's actually deleted just because he pressed the button
Do you want to tell me that they lie to me?
My boy Nutella would never do that! >:c
>making a post resembling one made by an intelligent person
is this real life
>tfw all I store on OneDrive is everything
But I have nothing to hide so everything is A-OK.
From the looks of it, this only discourages sharing, not storing.
If you seed a file you download, even if only for a short period of time, you are sharing.
But I thought my files are stored encrypted! How do they know what files I uploaded!
>cloud storage
Kek a good point that is simple enough to make even a normie wake up.
>cloud storage
Microsoft, through the BSA, patented and "deployed" a technology that would allow vans with radios to send frequencies into an area and discover computers nearby that were using pirated software.
>radios to send frequencies into an area and discover computers
Enjoy, bro.
Do you think all computers are equipped with radio receivers or something?
Not that tripfags used to be good, but the one you responded to is human fucking garbage
It was a software implementation. Software hums back its serial number in radio frequency.
>Software hums back
It cannot do this without hardware; Where do you think this ubiquitous transmitter/receiver is?
Fuck if I know. Maybe it uses the computer's speakers. Maybe it churns the floppy drive and makes it spaz out. Point being that this was a solution for finding out how many legitimate licenses are detectable in an area. I think the idea was this:
>see company
>uses excel
>know for a fact those fucks did not buy a single copy of excel
>run your van by
>get zero serial numbers
>send them to court and say "B-b-b-but they dindu the thing with the radio frequency and we know they're using excel
do you even know what youre saying
It's not supposed to make sense. This was a research project that never came to fruition. The whole point of my example is that Microsoft have always been doing R&D into how to track pirates. They had put $20M into this bullshit.
>having shit on OneDrive to begin with
>Maybe it uses the computer's speakers.
That's not how it works.
>Maybe it churns the floppy drive and makes it spaz out.
That's not how it works. At least not with radiowaves, anyway.
>this was a solution for finding out how many legitimate licenses are detectable in an area.
Yes, I understand that is what you're claiming. What I don't understand is where the hardware that would facilitate this would be found. Apparently you do not know either, so I am very skeptical.
The information is publicly available. Just because I don't understand how the fuck it works doesn't mean it's a mirage. This was a project that Microsoft legitimately put money into and that the BSA tried pushing to some degree.
> but nobody listens.
yeah, because you are a dumb retard
>publicly available
Do you have a source for this that isn't a Jewtube video, then?
>In this paper, we describe a number of simple experiments that we have performed with a Tempest receiver and a cheap AM radio.
Unlikely that this would work on a modern computer shielded internally, and by all of the metal in the building it is located in, and by all of the other transmissions floating about. Even with a super high tech area 51 receiver like this paper suggests the US government has available to them.
It's a good thing I only use one drive to upload all of my uni notes and documents then
It just goes to show how crazy those people are.
It was stupid, yes. But it was a thing. It was researched. Corporations were trying to fund it.
>he doesn't encrypt the stuff he uploads
Knock it off with the tripfag bullshit. Are you some kind of attention whore? Just fuck off, lose the trip code. Do you think you're that special?
I use onedrive legitimately to store my personal photos, backups and documents. totalling around 500gb.
am I screwed? I sort of expect that Microsoft can't look at my files
>I sort of expect that Microsoft can't look at my files
>I sort of expect that Microsoft can't look at my files
this has to be bait.
Why analyze local files, when businesses will sue the shit out of you for corporate espionage?
How is this even patentable. It's just an automated report/punishment system with the word "copyright" thrown in.
Who the fuck stores pirated shit on a cloud service in plain format?
Solution: private cloud, your own. Wtf faggots.
Fucking /thread
I'm a utter faggot and even i got m own shit working now days with server etc thanks to help of a friend.
It was a bit more effort obviously but ended up with a far better result.
>but nobody listens
maybe if you stepped down a little from your white horse of special snowflake tripfaggotry, maybe someone could give a shit about your opinion next time you talk to them.
>hey goyim, why don't you upload all of your data to this scummy globalist megacorp?
>its much more convenient than managing your own physical storage, and its completely (((free))) goy :^)
How do people even fall for this?
You dont even know what you are talking about you absolute retarded shithead
You are not supposed to know everything everytime so there is no need to pull shit out of your stupid ass and act smart while using some buzzwords you dont understand
You probably are still a teenager so it doesnt really matter what i say to you just like talking to a chimp
What's so bad about having convenient storage? You won't have to worry about losing your data when your computer goes kaput or gets stolen. What do you have to worry about unless you're doing illegal activity?
What did those """celebrity""" bitches whose nudes were posted all over the Internet have to lose?
>being a wincuck
same, they are fucking shitheads
nice argument lmao
>I always tell people is the dumbest shit ever invented and should never be used but nobody listens.
This is an almost universal formula since years, you can substitute all kinds of other shit for which we're apparently stuck with for some reason, such as
>Windows 10
>chiclet keyboards
>Intel ME/AMT botnet
>"flat design"
>no audio jacks
>Python 3
>"(((Internet of Things(TM))))"
>[and many more probably]
>mfw I have all kinds of data on OD because too poor for physical storage.
>mfw I encrypt everything with 7zip before uploading.
T-they should be safe, r-right?
What is wrong with Python 3 user?
>I guess I am a newfag
What a bullshit argument. The enterprise (and only enterprise) edition of windows allows for Telemetry to be completely disabled for that reason.
What's next? You're going to tell me that Superfetch and Prefetch actually boost start up times? LOL
>Python 3
post discarded
I thought about this a while ago. What's stopping windows 10 from looking through your hard drive and reporting you for pirated movies/music?