Is Antergos worth using?

Is Antergos worth using?

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Just pure arch, learn

I've set up Arch a few times before, it's just that I can't be assed to do it again. Are there any benefits in installing it by hand?

No, Antergos is the best non meme distro. It installs quickly and easily, a choice of 7 DEs from the installation wizard and its been as stable as can be. Unless you're learning, there is no reason to install arch manually anymore

It absolutely is worth it. Don't listen to to anyone else saying 'just install Arch'. Antergos is great.

thanks anons

Yeah Antergos is good as fuck, that or Apricity. Anything but Manjaro imo

It literally takes 10 minutes to install Arch through command line

you can also use archbang as an arch installer.

I used Arch for years until Antergos and I can confidently say that for general purpose use, Antergos is almost perfect. Depending on the DE you choose, you just need to fo a few tweaks post install to make it perfect.

How good is Antergos with drivers? I have an NVIDIA GPU.

Literally an inferior version of arch

Its a waste of time to try and reason with these faggots. "Cant be assed with setting it up" make filesystem, fstab, edit locales etc, pacstrap, create user, setup wm/de. Wowo

It works fine and typically finds the best drivers available
"lol im so cool i install arch". I've done it too, no it's not hard, but most people don't want to fucking install their OS they use for browsing the internet through command line

And then spend 10 hours fixing X, installing all the libs, all the software you need, etc.

Meanwhile Antergos installs everything for you, with minimal bloat.

Thanks. I assume it also automatically installs the NVIDIA control panel so I can setup my dual-monitors correct, right?

>Install iso has 6 DEs
>Uses the worst possible one for the live environment

If you like the defaults and would install all the software after an Arch installation there is literally no reason to use Arch.

Arch Anywhere

Just works with my GTX 970

Arch is for people who are learning, Antergos is for people who already know what they're doing and don't like wasting time

You can directly choose if you want FOSS or proprietary drivers during the install.


if you've really done it that much, you should be able to automate it, or at least write down your usual steps and do it very fast. That aside, Arch Anywhere is what you really want for a quick install. it's just an installer, rather than its own distro like Manjaro and Antergos.

Antergos is the most stable "bleeding edge" distro. By far.

Hands down the best GNU/Linux distro out there

worst not. kde would be worst.

also i think that antergos live it really aesthetic however DE could have been better

I agree,it makes installing Arch ridiculously easy, just werks, and the DE implementations are nicely polished.

That's why Arch fags hate it. It makes Arch easy to use, and everyone knows people who use Arch linux are the biggest hipster douchebags alive

I've been using Antergos for quite some time now and it's just comfy as fuck, but everything I have heard about Apricity sounds great. What does it do different and what are the advantages over Antergos?

antergos is a great distro

Yes it's pretty good, basically Arch without the massive autism.

>It literally takes 10 minutes to install Arch through command line
2 minutes

professional advice:

Edit /etc/os-release and make ID=arch to make your screenfetches show Arch.

Or even better nano /etc/*release and change all traces of antergos to arch

can't you just do:
screenfetch -d 'Arch'
or something like that. I'm pretty sure they have a parameter that lets you do that

antergos is less secure than raw arch
if you dont really care about that idk go for it ive been running it for 6 months+

>antergos is less secure than raw arch
do you have any sources for this
or are you just gonna spout random bullshit because 'lol just install arch'

Yeah you can do that but the command will give it away. You could make an alias though. I don't see anything wrong with editing out antergos personally though, it's just a GUI installer basically.

greater attack surface

>screenfetch -d 'Arch'
I tried this and got an interesting result

You sleazy bastard.

I use antergos myself stop crying

I do this to my Manjaro install. I change it to Gentoo and pretend to be superior to everyone else. It's hilarious, people believe everything I say.

[user@dankpad ~]$ screenfetch
-/oyddmdhs+:. im@gay
-odNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+-` OS: Gentoo
-yNMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy+- Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.10.13-1-MANJARO

I don't believe you

>forgot to remove my hostname
