
Is there any tech indistinguishable from magic?

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computers are indistinguishable from Magic to normal fags. They will never learn how to use them.


Most people, on a conceptual level, start to fade out when imagining the principles behind a simple analog radio transmitter/receiver

There is a reason Sup Forums is so preoccupied with shitty busted old tech, it's because the newer stuff is too much to think about

Wireless charging.

when it came out, everyone was shocked.

Quantum computing.

Anything in fabs.
The way CPUs are made is just pure magic. Not even engineers can explain it.

Fusion reactors when they actually start producing electricity in a few years.

I'm actually scared of them desu, some kind of catastrophic failure could cause them to detonate and cause a nuclear explosion.

Smartphones and speed e-bikes.

Ive worked IT in several large aerospace engineering and financial companies and can confirm no matter how smart they seem when it comes to their respective fields they all are retarded when it comes to computers.

Fucking e-bikes, I still don't understand how you can make a transmission that adds power from the pedals and the motor together. Although most (?) e-bikes put the motor on the front wheel I think.

>nuclear explosion

you make sad

Mine just had the thumb throttle, no pedal assist. But still, it's less of a vehicle and more likw a power tool for mobility. It feels like a magic broom.

>>nuclear explosion
Hey, shit happens man. Safeties and shit could fail or the power plant can get bombed or somethinf. idk. It's a ton of neutron radiation being pumped out of those things.

>beyond retarded
seems about right

>le 'we do not understand how bicycles work XD' meme
you cannot be more wrong


FFS read them all

float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;

Broasted chicken

Exactly, this is why Sup Forums hates object-oriented programming.

But what really, do you expect? People try to dedicate their time to their professional carreer path. They aren't gonna sit and read through endless forums how to troubleshoot some bullshit software.

Literally this.

Holograms I guess. Kys.

I think the part about them being able to generate electricity is the strangest part about them.

Like where the fuck do the countless electrons even come from despite turbine generators working for years non-stop?

>There is a reason Sup Forums is so preoccupied with shitty busted old tech, it's because the newer stuff is too much to think about

It goes both ways. Technologically-illiterate people are often attracted to new tech because they think "new" automatically means "better".

Fine then explain it

why is there not an engine which uses magnetic force to spin the turbines?

>makes a graphic that is purposefully and unnecessarily complex and confusing
>wow im so smart lol

Wireless lighting

Its like not understanding what electrons are, or what energy is. Amazing! But it does happen for americans.

The electrons come from the wires. This is highschool physics.

Wew lad. Dat picture startled me. You must be really smart.

>detonate and cause a nuclear explosion

this is bait

you turn a gear with your feet that's connected to the gear on the back wheel via chain. it's incredibly simple.

he's obviously referring to the self-correcting effect of angular momentum or whatever it is that keeps you from falling over


I know what they are and that they can't be created, just moved. But how is it possible that those wires transfer millions, maybe billions of coulombs of electricity? It's almost as if they we're pulled from another dimension or something.

Also what happens when these wires run out of electrons? They don't have an infinite amount of electrons.

Thats great stuff, thanks

Mainly because of how stupidly simple it was to use.

It was like "holy shit how is this the first time i'm using this?"


>I know what they are and that they can't be created
Then you don't know what they are because that's wrong, they can be and are created all the time.
Look up pair production.

They don't run out because the electrons aren't actually going anywhere. You're pumping them through a closed circuit.

Literally 2 weeks ago I friend of mine was showing of a simulation of how it works with water bubbles. They were not pulled out of another dimension.

your troll level is like over 9000 on my jimmy rustling scale


Sulfur Hexafluoride

Not that user, but what about the electron guns in CRTs? The electrons are being fired into the aphosphorescent glass. How do the electrons get replenished?

The only people attracted to Juicero were hilariously out of touch venture capitalists who were hoping to be the next Tom Perkins

All technology is magic.

Programming is the same as spellcasting.
Electricity is just mana.

Only lab settings were stuff is literally e.g. teleported

Stopping light, then moving it, and starting it again also qualifies.


If you are scientifically illiterate, anything not natural is either magico sorcery.

Most magic what just misunderstood tech ghe rest eas either trickters or outright lies

Batteries are pretty magic desu senpai

That's what we have alternating current for: it pumps electrons for a while one way, and then changes direction so that there is no electron deficit.

levitation when things are super cooled.

Maybe to some extent mag-lev trains if you want practical stuff

Nothing has ever been teleported even in a lab

low tier meme

But OOP is shitty old tech, FP is where it's at.

food is a meme. supplements, powders and nootropics are redpilled

>Most people, on a conceptual level, start to fade out when imagining the principles behind a simple analog radio transmitter/receiver

I wonder what this could be put under, IQ? is there a specific brain region for such a thing? conceptualizing logical/and or physical phenomena?

Yeah IQ is a good if broad measure of analytical ability.

But it depends on too many factors to be reliably reproduced, otherwise we'd have an objective way of educating people.

You seem to not know how they work.
This kind of reactor cannot blow up, as there is nothing to blow up. Hydrogen can burn, but there is so little of it.
If reactor gets damaged, plasma will touch side and get extinguished just like fire, less dangerous, than petrol powered car.

It does not produce nuclear waste (however inside of the reactor gets radioactive after some time as it is bombarded with neutrons constantly).
It's perfect technology, better than nuclear fission in nuclear reactors, cheaper and safer.

How are magnets technology?

>Yeah IQ is a good if broad measure of analytical ability.
IQ is a measure of how good you are at solving the sorts of puzzles used in IQ tests.
The nun who taught me in Year 8 gave the class IQ tests twice a day. After a few months we all had much, much higher IQ results.
She also made us take past exam papers twice a week. By the time we got to the scholarship exams we were used to taking them and had no problems.
You can train for study just like athletics or music. Once you are mentally fit everything is much easier.

Well of course you can easily foil the point of IQ tests, which is part of why I said they are "broad", you can't actually do anything useful with one IQ data point.