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Just installed this garbo on my pleb-tier laptop today. only managed to setup zsh and fonts properly, don't know to add repos. overall pretty complicated
TL;DR how do i make this 80s styled faggotry look better thread
Void Linux thread
You chose possibly the worst distro (after Gentoo and Arch of course) with the worst package manager on the planet. xbps sucks monkey balls.
Maybe, but definitely not a faggot thread
why are u replying to urself
nice edit, took u long enough
what's the point of this meme distro
omg stop OP
sigh, is there anyone to help me make this shit distro look better?
install windows 10
>doesn't know how to compile manually
wew lad
>TL;DR how do i make this 80s styled faggotry look better thread
Go install a theme you like
how? themes don't appear in a built-in appearance menu nor icons, is there a working alternative like LXAppearance or something? And I know how to compile, but not in this shite.
Nigger, you're using XFCE. Put your shit in ~/.icons or ~/.themes. Globally, it should be /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/themes. If that doesn't work, then it will be /usr/local/share/icons or /usr/local/share/themes. This isn't that hard.
I'm not sure what repos you're trying to add, since the only ones I know of are the various official void repos, which can be installed as meta-packages. Learn to use xbps-query.
I'm not really sure what other problems you could have, plain Linux configuration should work without issue, there's no all-encompassing init system that you have to wrestle with, or unorthodox file-hierarchy like a few other distros.
I'm wanting to run a systemd-less system for kicks but you picked honestly the worst. Anyways you can just build all your themes from source.
arc without transparency
papirus icons and select ePapirus
install xfce4-whiskermenu or add it to panel
tick sync to vblank in compositor settings
set font subpixel rendering to rgb and full hinting
Piggybacking on Void thread for help. What permissions do I need to tinker with so the normal user account can behave like it normally would on other distros? Can't even create files in my own user directory
are you in "wheel" group
once you're in wheel (gives access to su) man chown should get you on the right track.
Also: fucking with home directory encryption breaks stuff in Void. I had a similar problem to what you are describing because I used ecryptfs
useradd -G {groups} -m -s {shell} USERNAME
should be all you need to create a functioning user. I don't know what could have happened for a user not to own their home directory, but you can adjust that with chown.
Many thanks, guys
tell me about xbps
what are its quirks
It's great, the best binary package manager I've used, noticeably better than Pacman. The use of multiple binaries for different bits of functionality is a little bit idiosyncratic these days, even on Unix. Queries especially tend to be full of flags too, but that's easily fixed with aliases if it's hard to remember.