Why does Sup Forums thinks he's an idiot?
Why does Sup Forums thinks he's an idiot?
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not sure if anyone actually think that, but his dick is a little raw from the reddit tug
Would you buy a used rocket from this man?
Sup Forums doesn't think he's an idiot, but just an honest snake oil salesman. just like Sup Forums thinks alex jones is an honest water filters salesman.
I was there like 5 days ago after year or so and some insignificant spacex event was all over the front page.
I don't think he's an idiot, he's probably the opposite. He could do with not publicising every single brain fart he ever has though.
Sup Forums hates functional and successful autists
>hit the lottery with p*yp*l
>spend your fortune posturing as some kind of techno jesus to reddit fedoras
cause hyperloop, that's really it.
>only delivered 76,000 cards in 2016
>hasn't made any money yet
>company worth more than Ford even though Ford sells more cars in a week than Tesla does in a year and actually makes money
Lots of hype, lots of competitors, no profit, yet some people keep pushing this company's value higher and higher
and that is just about Tesla, I am sure there is some shady shit behind SolarCity too and the insecure balding manlet Elon as well
Because he proved the fact that the earth is not flat again, this hurts redneck am***cans
Never trust a man with fake hair.
>manlet Elon as well
I'm a 5'11" manlet and Elon is a few inches taller than me, he's definitely above 6'1", I don't think that counts as manlet stats. I do have a head of thicc lustrous all natural hair though.
He wears lifts in his shoes though. He could be as short as 5'9 for all we know.
I've seen him wear running shoes to work before with thin soles. Again, I'm not exactly tall at 5'11" but he's got a couple of inches on me and I would imagine lifts would be somewhat noticeable.
Are you the user who works at SpaceX?
I'm not sure if I'm the one you have in mind. I know at least 3-4 guys who shitpost here on occasion.
I think I encountered one of you in a "live" thread for a rocket launch just a few weeks ago.
I forget what I asked him though.
How is Tesla worth more than Honda, Ford, GM, etc?
He isn't an idiot, he is just a good salesman and Sup Forums gets triggered when he start to babble tech buzzwords to trick investors
The same way Bitcoin is worth more than gold.
That was probably me then. I always miss the launch threads since I'm at work but that thread was up for a long time if my memory serves correctly.
> Musk was ousted in October 2000 from his role as CEO (although he remained on the board) due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows.
Insignificant? They launched their first nro mission and provided incredible views of the returning first stage because they couldn't show the second, and landed a rocket for the 10th time as well
Because he is, and so are you.
Hasn't made any money yet? Only because they're plowing it into investing for model 3 production and self driving r&d, if a growing company is posting a profit that's a bad thing and means they're not investing enough in themselves come on now user
He is Stevie Jobs of automobiles
-Does not make anything good
-Market it very well
-Get shit ton of donation like "500000$ for each car" made
Imagine any neet on /g with retarded ideas that he stole from other /g users that try his best to market them as gold.
Hairs not the only fake thing
the whole spacex shit is fake
He's just a front for govt programmes to transform energy distribution under the guise of corporate activity once anglos control all the oil
FACT: EVERY Sup Forumstard wants to be in Musk's shoes
prove me wrong:
pro-tip: [spoiler] you can't [/spoiler]
>being this woke
Then why OP shilled a /biz/ meme on Sup Forums?
>we are bathing in flouride RIGHT NOW dude
>not linking the decouple and spin-around part
Nice spoiler tags, shit for brains.
Do you even know what a brain fart is, you moronic idiot?
>bait thread
Just wanted to say that SpaceX is on track for doubling the number of launches they had last year. With the two new pads coming online (boca chica, slc 40), SpaceX may be able to triple to amount of launches.
>tfw the era of cheap spaceflight is almost here
We still gotta unfuck the space junk situation.
>add 10,000 ping pong balls to the ocean
I don't get what so confusing about this. Ford is making tiny incremental improvements on technology that isn't ever going to improve much more and only dabbling around with new tech, while Tesla is betting their entire existence around doing proper R&D on incredibly promising technology that had previously been mostly ignored.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out which has greater growth potential. Ford ten years from now will be barely inscrutable from Ford today while Tesla will have changed and grown quite dramatically in that same time frame.
TLDR; company value is all about potential, and Ford's potential is low because its wants to keep riding the same old pony and keep raking in the cash instead of properly committing to and investing in its own future.
>What's a Kessler syndrome
Did you know that there is a database of satellite positions and velocities that every satellite that is in orbit must monitor, in order to detect collisions? Did you know that every satellite in orbit has pressurized CO2 on board to use as propellant to redirect it's trajectory? Did you know that there are 1 trillion cubic kilometers of empty space in LEO? Did you know that there are only 2000 satellites in orbit, and 600,000 pieces of space debris? Do you realize how retarded you are? Will you please kys today and save humanity from carrying you braindead genetics on into our techno-utopian future?
We can't unfuck it until spaceflight is cheap. Cheaply launching fleets of small, cheap orbital junk cleaners which are designed to capture shit and burn up in the atmosphere is vastly more practical than going old-space style and launching a tiny handful of larger, expensive crap cleaners.
>space junk so abundant that crews fly around harvesting the junk for profit
>industry gets so competitive that salvage ships begin fighting each other
>national governments send up warships to patrol the space lanes
>era of space piracy has begun
>around doing proper R&D on incredibly promising technology
Like what exactly ?
its not like they invented anything new, literally the Apple of the car world, except their slaves that make and design the cars are not oversees but in California and soon to be Arizona
Just look how so many people lapped up the idea of the powerwall, even though the ROI period for that thing is in the decades.
They just figured out how to market shit to young rich people.
He's about to marry Amber Heard. If that doesn't prove he's an idiot I don't know what will.
You don't need to invent shit to provide value. All you have to do is execute well where others flopped like a dead fish, which is what Tesla is doing. Tesla is taking seriously what the incumbents decided to do nothing with or make halfassed token gestures.
naw, dog, I'm not falling for any bait. It's useful for people to read the facts, so that they might start to consider their own idiocy. I submit that shitposting and baitposting is the true bait.
this nigga gets it.
Whoa, how can you be so sure? Also, how the fuck is marrying one of the hottest women in the world idiotic? Are you fucking serious, guy?
She divorce-raped Johnny Depp and she's going to do the same to Elon Musk.
Only somewhat related, but I have an ongoing bet with a friend: he thinks SpaceX will land a man on Mars (he needs to be alive on touchdown, but he doesn't need to successfully come back to Earth for the bet to be won) before January 1st 2030; I think they won't.
ever hear elon speak about AI or simulation theory?
he comes across as a brainlet. I know he has a physics bachelors and was a good programmer but calling the guy a "genius" is almost certainly silly.
He made a ton of cash with paypal, good for him. Then he invested in cool technology with smart people around him. None of that makes him a genius. There is so much money worship in our culture people get confused.
If he comes across to you as a brainlet I have some bad news
also, you should read this
It's all cool, but the re-entry and landing is the best.
He got a prenup. This is like his fourth wife
It's Ben Carson syndrome. Someone who's good at one thing thinks that they can jump into another field and be an expert as well.
>4th wife
Yeah he really is an idiot. Also prenups don't mean shit.
They only hate him because normies like him.
Basically this. An idiot worships complexity.
Kek, poor Zuck.
On a serious note, I get that much of this is just the usual Sup Forums contrarian shitposting, and obviously I'm biased since I work at a Musk company, but why have I been seeing so many Musk threads on here lately? It seems like there's a new Musk hate thread every day on here or /sci/ and it's usually just the same low effort bait.
I feel like I see more Musky threads than Zuck threads.
I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the endless stream of braindead Musk-worship clickbait regurgitated by Reddit and the MSM
OK, perhaps that's it but I rarely see SpaceX mentioned in the MSM. Tesla admittedly does get quite a bit of press.
And who cares what Reddit has to say, it's very easy to stay off the cancerous subreddits or simply ignore the whole site.
I guess I just don't understand the point of expending energy on this. With the exception of the exploding SpaceX rocket threads, this isn't even particularly good or entertaining bait.
>Design counts for nothing
Autists like you are why FOSS sucked mad dick for a while.
Design counts for a lot. Who gives a shit if you build the best lock in the world, if it only works on invisible doors.
Shit needs to work and be practical. A lot of the things that Tesla is doing weren't practical before.
He's a great guy. He made america a great nation though he is from africa.
Did you know not everything in space is still controllable? And there's a ton of debris left over from the Chinese asat test and the iridium 33 collision, we were meters away from another collision a few months ago as well