How come everyone in tech bows down to pussy? Everywhere I go "women in tech". Its so fucking annoying. And worse. I know there's preferential hiring.
Why is the tech industry such cucks?
because submissive virgins
Tech industry is filled with low testosterone autists
It's just natural for them to act that way
If tech was a patriarchy, it wouldn't do shit like this. It would just tell women to fuck right off. Which it shouldn't do. But alienating a huge fucking chunk of the people in tech (men) is not right either.
dviersity is more important its been proven in tech. Look at mass effect andromeda which was made with Diversity and is one of the best selling games of all times EA said because it involved more women and transgendered people than any other game ever made.
>Tech industry is filled with low testosterone autists
Citation pls.
most likely sarcasm
then again, same thing half-applies to mass effect 1-3 and they were best selling games
It didn't used to be that way. Just like every other field, it was pioneered by real men who could be counted on to get shit done.
>it was pioneered by real men who could be counted on to get shit done.
not really. It was pioneered by a bunch of failures which is why it isn't far from magic that stuff these days works at all
You're not competing against the women. You're competing against other white men. Be better than them. Easy.
Obligatory RAGE
As a senior engineer, I """mentor""" 3 women at my job, each of them only 23 years old. 1 of them is smoking hot, one is a cowtit Jew who looks alright, the other is a butterface asian but still wood.
Feels good man. Sucks for the beta males who can't make the grade.
>it's on the internet so it must be true
Why would anyone lie on the internet?
You don't need a citation, just take a look in the mirror for anecdotal evidence.
>I talk to 3 women on a regular basis
>and one of them is HOT
You mean lying on the internet?
A citation for the lower than average testostrone in the tech industry, because I've read the opposite. Or is this just meme tier 'they're not le alfa male so they must have low test'?
oh look another shitty women in tech thread on Sup Forums. what else is new
No one bows down to pussy. They bow down to the well oiled and financed feminism machine that determines whether or not your company is targeted and destroyed for misogyny.
Women can code too, get over it.
It doesn't alienate the cucks - those feel so good about working with axewound americans that they approve of retarded practices like preferential hiring.