CS is a fucking joke

I fucking hate my programming professor for expecting us to learn Java awt and swing in one week while having 3 math courses and an electrical engineering course at the same time
And if you fail one assignment you failed the course and have to do it next semester again


git gud

You can do it, user. I believe in you. You can do anything with the right attitude.

at this point i'm entirely convinced that Sup Forums is a pit stop for every single shitheel CS underclassman on this earth. Is there anyone here that's actually a fully functioning adult? Should I have this shithole left years ago?

get a better work ethic so you don't get too backed up with work in your other classes. work on every assignment as soon as it's assigned so you aren't fucked by debugging your code at the last minute and stuff

is it your first semester or something ? you'll soon realize that you only need to learn shit when the deadline for an assignment approaches or ~2-3 days before your exam

Isn't swing deprecated?

who cares ? have you ever taken a compiler class ? they usually teach you flex, yacc and ox

it's mostly teenage boys. what did you expect? why do you think there are so many phone threads?

>mature guys like us
Go to bed grandpa.

> being a pussy
Looks like this is not your career path user.

i am 26

Why the fuck are you doing Java in the CS department and not C++ in the EE/CpE department?

So stop playing video games and posting on chans?
Christ you kids are so dense.

I'm quite adult and do programming for a living. Want to talk unironically about work?

Im an adult. but i just lurk. Now that 4chin is part of a botnet most gentoomen have left for smaller chans.

In my programming class our teacher just told us to go learn everything out of a textbook the whole semester and now I have no idea how to do our final assignment. I really hate textbooks. Probably gonna drop out now.

That sounds bad. What is your final assignment?

This is basically how it works at any programming job. You'll constantly be getting asked to do stuff you don't know how to do and have to go find stuff to read so you can teach yourself.

Your professor actually did you a huge favor by giving you the name of a specific textbook to read.

I don't agree on this one. Of course you should learn language/library specific stuff by yourself but the teacher is supposed to teach you the fundamentals you need to understand it.
Once that is done, you won't have a problem learning by yourself.
For all practical reasons, every language is the same. The details are only necessary if you are about to do real work. I learned C++ and had a good teacher and every other language I required for work was basically looking up syntax and best practices. I very rarely need to learn new concepts.

>I learned C++ and had a good teacher and every other language I required for work was basically looking up syntax and best practices. I very rarely need to learn new concepts.

Hmm... now that I think about it, this more or less was my own experience. I've taught myself most of everything that I use in my day-to-day, but my ability to do that probably is heavily dependent on the good foundation I got in those initial courses.

I might have to give you this one.

I just entered the engineering field and programming is something your just expected to know like tying your shoe. I couldn't imagine someone going to school for just that.

At least you don't have to revise two processor's VHDL and fix them until the end of this month.

wait till you get a job and do _just that_ all day ;d

I'm glad we agree. From what I've seen in school is that this foundation either makes or breaks a lot of students. I was very lucky. My professor in regular programming was really good at teaching, laid value on understanding principles and algorithm, made us solve problems in pseudo-code and often went out of his way to help us with problems we had Linux. He actually got me into Linux and free software.
On the other hand my professor in web development literally read out aloud line-for-line of some half-assed PHP and JS programs and expected us to recreate the program for tests. I liked him as a person but he couldn't teach for shit. Everyone who didn't know that stuff from doing it privately had to memorize the code. He did explain what function X in framework Y does, but without the principles that knowledge was forgotten in a few days and useless. I'm not saying the stuff was hard to understand but when we started, everything was new. And I still hate web development to this day.

>be me
>taking C# course
>"programming is soooo awesome :D im doing so good!"
>home life goes to shit becuse i gotta do 20 random chores
>1 brother works 1 day a week plays games pretends to be black guy on voice chat and orders me around
>other brother does dishes and nothing else
>tfw i gotta drop my very first programming course i was told i would def get a A+ in at the rate i was going because im the omega of the pack of vicious wolves in my house
>swept, vaccumed, dishes, mowing, pull weeds, picked tree's, hauling, moving boxes, taking out garbage, mopping every room and the church bathrooms, all while being called scumbag, a jerk, etc etc etc. day after day

>tfw i'll never be a success

>be me
>self taught, degree in completely different field
>have solid career
>come on Sup Forums
>see this whiny bitch thread
>know OP ain't gonna make it

fuck off

what are some said chans?

Sounds like you're already thanklessly carrying a household. Find good paying work and carry there, maybe you'll be noticed.

>>be me

Greetings fellow redditors!

ironic post or not off yourself

>Lots of excuses for a handyman
>Perhaps he's wondering why would you make excuses about not finishing if you were set on being a beta bitch slave from the start
Was not recieving pity part of your master plan?

lel 1st year undergrad detected
You morons always overload your courses, get terrible schedules with terrible professors, and wonder why your grades are so bad.
Graduating in 4 years is a crapshoot and you shouldn't even bother.