Do you make electronics or are you just a consumer babby?

Do you make electronics or are you just a consumer babby?

What are you working on?

What are YOU working on?

It's a musical instrument.

still trying to get my -24v rail working

I should stick to digital..

It's all been made by chinks already. OP btfo.

What can it do? How? Care to upload samples?

no, because I'm too cheap to buy parts/equipment and too lazy to do anything on the odd occasion I do buy electronic things.

I start some projects but between school and my untreated adult adhd getting worse I don't get them finished. Just got diagnosed with adult adhd this week. Hopefully treatment will help get me motivated again. I would like to get back on my snes Bluetooth dongle project. I want to be able to use a playstation style controller that would give me macro keys for fighter style games etc. I got up to the point I had python script controlling an ardiuno over serial to control the controller input. I need to get a micro-controller with Bluetooth and do some more coding. I think I'm going to use esp32 for the project. The downside is that it doesn't support 5v logic

i am consumer babby

In general, not very well.

I tried building a simple guitar fuzz pedal and it didn't work out to well. Interested in your gizmo though please post video or audio it looks cool

Doppler radar using a chinkshit Xband droplexer.

>it doesn't support 5v logic
Easiest problem to fix. Use a voltage divider between 5V output and 3V input. Connect 3V output directly into 5V input. At least on ATMEGA328 3,3V is enough to get a high in a digital input.

I started reading one of the books recommended on /diy/ with the end goal being able to fix computer components but i quickly realized it's probably not worth pursuing [spoiler]just like my life[/spoiler]

yeah, but analog is warmer and has personality.

what brand is this? It's probably shit. My brand is better than yours.

>not making all your electronics, selping thrm to a retailer, and buying them all back at double the price


Neato, got a video of it or something?

is esd a meme?