Is intel aware of how fucked they are?

is intel aware of how fucked they are?

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Most of Intel sales are to corporations and governments

so is Fedora, doesnt mean its not shit

Still not as bad as AMD

In what world?

What? Intel doesn't give a fuck if a few gamers run hot running their weeb games.

What's really grilling Intel is the massive AMT vulnerability that's been in their CPUs for at least 7 years.

This makes no sense. Where does Fedora come in? Who called Intel or Fedora shit? Are you retarded or blind, or both?

AMD has been Housefire tier since fucking 2010 m8

Ryzen runs pretty chill.

Granted. But not near as NetBurst or the PowerPC 970.

One single card in 2013

I don't get how this is just now becoming a problem

NVIDIA invented housefires, Fermi is what happened when they tried and failed at what AMD achieved, hardware scheduling while drawing reasonable power.

Intel decided to tell i7 7700k owners to "not overclock to stop overheating problems." On a cpu that was marketed for overclocking.

Because the AMD chips run colder even while drawing the same amount of power. And they draw less power off the bat as it is. Everyone's looking at the 7700K and questioning why the fuck is it running at 80C while Ryzen is over at 50C

Tech customers are turbo cucks, you can sell shitty products heavily overpriced and has long as it has some snakeoil they'll take it up the ass, this isn't particular to any brand, it applies to all of them which is why shill wars on Sup Forums are downright retarded

>"I get my entire identity from a corporation. I'm an AMDfag. I hate Intel and refuse to buy from them."
>article critical of something of Intel
>retarded reporting on AMDfag circle-jerk

>This emotionally wrecked over an internet post

It was a response to pissed off Intelcucks who fell for the 4.8+ GHz meme, actually.

Meanwhile, on the enterprise side....


History lesson: I had a Nvidia GTX 465 which idled at 170f. I had an Intel pentium 4 which if overclocked hit the thermal limit of 200f within 600 mhz if the cpu/heat sink wasn't lapped. With water cooling the cpu clock could get up to 800-900 mhz above stock(not stable). I have an FX8370e which is at 94f overclocked on air.
>house fire


Wasn't this CPU released in January? Why are we caring about temperatures now?

kek'd and seconded

nvidia invented the hair dryer.
get your facts straight faggot.

no refunds, goy

The i7-7700K is basically the "last man standing" in Intel's lineup, besides the poorfag pentium, which is slated to be crushed later this year by the Ryzen R3 and Raven Ridge APUs. It's only natural it's shortcomings start to come to light now that there's a viable alternative. Basically, if you end up losing the silicon lottery and end up with a poorly overclocking i7-7700K, you just blew a big load of money on a CPU and socket that are pretty much already obselete.

This is good, more potential clients to AMD, and maybe the start of the end of botnets

Fake news

Look a jewtel shill

No you godless communist

like a chilly hot sauce?

So happy I went with 6700k

7700K is selling like hot cakes in here for $400
you guys are dumb poozen pooinloos

So AMD is back?

>I get a long gross of ops per jiffy at only a baker's dozens of zaps

Fucked so bad they own 80% of the market and nothing will change that.

>we totally didnt delid our cpus and cause the fault ourselves

Well it's definitely hot that's for sure.

Fedora uses the community as test subjects and then fixes the problems for the products they actually sell.

Yeah, it's not like the tech industry isn't full of stories of companies that were on top of the world and then suddenly went downhill.

Wait, wouldn't that mean they are under warranty?

Why wouldn't you just get a faulty CPU replaced?

Wtf, mate? If there's anything Ryzen has been uncontroversially better at, it has been power usage. Intel CPUs use like 50% more power for the same tasks.

They're trying to keep the FX meme alive. It's not really working.


Nope cause people had to delid their 7700Ks due to the kike jizz that they used for TIM which in turn voids the warranty

These AMD shills are out of control

>intel doesn't support running processors outside specifications
Is this supposed to be news? Are Intel users so entitled that they think the ability to run their chips at 5 GHz is a matter of warranty?

>maybe the start of the end of botnets

The admins still want their management systems

Nobody gives a shit about your snowflake metric, either post it in Celsius or get your subhuman negro ass out of here.

If anything they should blame retard sites benching at 5+ GHz like anyone can hit those kinds of numbers, outside of silicon lottery winners.

Yeah, I do wonder: Are they collectively shitting their pants and calling damage control right now OR are they just chilling like nothing happened b/c they're too big to fail and all the recent *missteps* are well within the margin of tolerance?

Pride comes before they fall. They won't be the first "too big to fail" gigantic corporation to keel over in the tech industry, they won't be the last.

Is that supposed to make consumers feel any better? "You're just bottomfeeders to us, we're not even going to bother coming up with a decent thermal solution for you plebs."

No, they think everything is fine.


Go away same pajeet

Are you really complaining that Intel isn't helping you run a CPU that was rated for 4.5 GHz at 5 GHz?

A lot of people in that original Intel thread couldn't even hit 4.7 GHz. They lost the silicon lottery.

You are literally this stupid.

>unlocked cpu at a premium price
>oy vey! don't overclock it you stupid goy!

You are aware that you're overclocking at your own risk, surely? Also, the K series have higher base frequencies too, so it's not even as if it's the ability to overclock that you pay extra for.

>j-just run it at stock clocks ..

I'm not telling you to do that, but that's what you're paying Intel for. You can't expect them to provide any particular overclocking experience for you.

>overclocking experience

I tried overclocking my toaster and it exploded. Thanks, Obama. I mean, Intel.

Thank you, I used the term particularly for you, entitled customer.

It seems like ever since Ryzen hit every anonymous forum post, and Intel shill is claiming 5.2ghz is EASY to attain on every 7700k.

The shilling is that desperate...

Twist: It's intended for underclocking.

How DARE people talk about how anti-consumer Intel is!

>the K series have higher base frequencies too, so it's not even as if it's the ability to overclock that you pay extra for.
Why is this stupid meme only being spouted around since these news surfaced? Up until a week ago every shill was telling to delid, void warranty and run your chip at 5GHz+ no problem.

Gotta mitigate damage some how. You can't expect these ass holes to be consistent with their garbage they spew.

>Fall for the 5 GHz meme
>Lose silicon lottery
>Intel announces Coffee Lake-S isn't compatible with Z270


How I feel after Ryzen

Can you be any more retarded?

I don't know about shills, and I myself would be more prone to shill AMD if anything. I would have said the same thing at any prior point in time. It is retarded to expect a CPU to overclock to any particular level outside the stock specifications.

If Intel (or AMD) could manufacture CPUs so that they could be expected to overclock to any particular level, then they'd put an actual SKU at that level instead.

Compare this to AMD's flagship. That thing is lucky to get an extra 100mhz.

You're going to see the exact same thing happen with Coffee Lake. You really think you can crank up the clocks that high on a 6 core? And you're talking about 8 cores.

7700K @ 5.4ghz liquid cooled
Thermal grizzly liquid metal
69C max

The point is, Intel themselves through the bribed media and shills was meme'ing the 7700K as a 5GHz guaranteed chip. All reviews pointed it out. Most sites included a 5GHz+ 7700K chip in their benchmark suite like it was nothing, just slap an AIO and call it a day, which was especially convenient with Ryzen down the corner known to have a solid but not so hot (kek) single core performance,

People are just realising now that the chips they were memed into buying during the last month after the first extremely highly binned batch that went to reviewers and early adopters are fucking shit and get hot as hell even when idle (and that's if they manage to get to 4.8+) so the official message has suddenly changed and now "K chips aren't for OC, just higher base clocks" even though there's a whole fucking motherboard chipset line whose only reason to exist is overclocking K CPUs, which in turn are the only unlocked ones. It's a fucking piss poor attempt at damage control and denying the facts and their past marketing campaign.

Literal golden silicon.

Buying a CPU that requires OC it to a certian amount for it to be worth it is a bad idea regardless. I'd rather go with Ryzen if it means it's a better value at stock or very minimal OC.

>Hey kids! You can have a CPU juuuuust like this! 5.4 GHz ez pz!
>lol j/k it was all a lie, enjoy your overpriced, stuttering housefire with a voided warrantee

>The point is, Intel themselves through the bribed media and shills was meme'ing the 7700K as a 5GHz guaranteed chip.
Admittedly, I don't watch retards on Youtube review chips, so I wouldn't know this. If this is indeed true (though citation needed), then I'll admit Intel has themselves to blame.

It's done with an external rad.
1800X should do something close to 4250+ with the same setup.

> (OP)
>What? Intel doesn't give a fuck if a few gamers run hot running their weeb games.
>What's really grilling Intel is the massive AMT vulnerability that's been in their CPUs for at least 7 years.
>This makes no sense. Where does Fedora come in? Who called Intel or Fedora shit? Are you retarded or blind, or both?
>he can't see the obvious
Do you have autism? I'm not memeing or anything I'm just genuinely curious. I mean, it's okay if you do.
Nah, think more an ice cube.

>You really think you can crank up the clocks that high on a 6 core? And you're talking about 8 cores.
If that's the argument, then it's funny that the 4-core Ryzens don't clock higher either.

Ryzen has a voltage wall, Intel has thermals to worry about.

Doesn't matter.
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards buy AMD. All city people buy intel.

You would've had more (You)s if you said something like "Only people who have little sisters that don't love them use AMD".

Just take a look at most benchmarks posted around here when they want to make Ryzen look bad and how almost all of them have a 7700K OC'd to at least 4.8 which is strongly in 'delid this' numbers. Sometimes they go as high as fucking 5.2 which is mental and almost on FX 9590 levels of housefires and monster cooling requirements.

5.3ghz with 3866 16-16-16-40 1T
low voltage

Grats, you won the silicon lottery, or at least whoever took that screenshot did (I doubt it was you). Now how about the zillion other plebs who lost? Oh yeah, they're not here, they're on Intel's forum getting cucked.

>System date 3rd of March 2017
So, another golden chip from the first batches. Show this to people buying babby lake now and finding themselves unable to safely reach 5GHz voltage-wise or going constantly near thermal throttling even after delidding.

This CPU generation will belong to AMD, will be interesting to see what Intel comes up with now that there is actual competition again.


AMD has their own botnet backdoor. The solution right now is use old as fuck hardware of move to ARM and virtualize anything you need to run on x86

ARM is proprietary af. Not the solution at all.


Itanium 2: electric boogaloo.