/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

THEN state the PURPOSE of your PC & BUDGET. State COUNTRY if not USA.
List GAMES/SOFTWARE you use often. List resolution & hz if gaming.
Seeking build improvements? Clarify goal: lower price or improved specs?
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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 for budget builds (R5 1500X will keep above 60fps in every game. No i5
>R5 1600 is the best value for higher fps gaming and mixed usage, 1600x if you don't want to OC
>i7-7700k for high 144hz framerate but heats a lot.
>R7/Xeon for compute/multitask/mixed use. R5 if budget

>G4560 iGPU is fine for LoL, dota2, rocket league, etc
>1050Ti - if on sale for ~$105. RX560 soon & looks good
>RX570 4GB - 1080p@60-80hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60-75hz, inject SMAA and drop settings for some games
>1060 - Gets outperformed by the RX 580, consider only if AMD is not an option (CUDA, Linux)
>1070 - 1080p@144hz/1440p@60hz, poor value but performs well
>1080 - 1440@110hz. 120+FPS or 4k@60 by lowering a few settings
>1080Ti - 1440p@144hz/4k@60
>Freesync2 & Vega soon.

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS on a retailer page to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable.
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity as a scratch disk
>Stop fucking confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>mATX is often cheaper as the board+case is usually less
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs
>A good air cooler is generaly wiser than an AIO

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-3200MHz-Desktop-Memory/dp/B01EI5ZRQY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1494120687&sr=8-3&keywords=ddr4 3200 16gb

What would be the cheapest build to run the latest RPG Maker, emulate everything from SNES to PS2/Wii, and run PC games from point and click adventures to Deus Ex to GTA: San Andreas?

Also want to run a Hackintosh.

I was thinking of getting the Skull Canyon NUC, but maybe that will be overkill?

I guess I should probably go for a G460 build?

got the cpu fans fixed but now i cant seem to reboot windows creation key from the usb

RPG maker 2k by Don Miguel?

Underrated post.

>I guess I should probably go for a G460 build?
Yes, it might fall short in a few PCSX2 games though

Don't call your own post an underrated post

nah the latest, MV

>Yes, it might fall short in a few PCSX2 games though

Damn, really?
I should probably save up and invest in an i7.
My fx6300 could run FFXIIIZJS and MGS2 perfectly but had problems with Jak and Daxter.

>I should probably save up and invest in an i7.
lol no that would be an awful decision
it's still great but not as safe as 4 core cpu would, but it's still fine. PCSX2 still needs a lot of optimization, but the g4560 is a good cpu for it, don't worry.

>it's still great but not as safe as 4 core cpu would, but it's still fine. PCSX2 still needs a lot of optimization, but the g4560 is a good cpu for it, don't worry.

ok, thanks appreciate it.

Nothing but bullies in these generals

better then Sup Forums posters.

can someone explain the amd ram update shit and what ram 3200mhz ram to get with ryzen? Like some brands of 3200mhz are 2600mhz with ryzen but after update they will be 3200mhz? someone explain?

some ram rated at specific (high) frequencies can't run at said rated frequencies even though they should
it doesn't boot when those frequencies are applied and then go back to default
the update is aimed at fixing this, allowing the high frequencies to work well

Can someone rate this poverty build?
Is it fine?
Can I make it even cheaper?
Do I need to make adjustments?


is this a good deal? you get 15% off your first three purchases, and i have $10 in credit. it comes out to around $565. or will new monitors with similar specs be coming out soon? since its only like one of a couple monitors thatre 1440p at 144hz. i feel like thats the sweet spot with current gpus. ive got an r9 390 that im planning to upgrade to a 1080 soon.

so if i get this c16 shit

amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-3200MHz-Desktop-Memory/dp/B01EI5ZRQY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1494120687&sr=8-3&keywords=ddr4 3200 16gb

it won't be 3200mhz untill after amd updates their shit?

If they do update their shit will the performance of c16 3200mhz still be shittier than with c14 g.skill flare X 3200mhz?

No, generally monitors with built in speakers suck and cost more. I wouldn't get it.

holy fuck I forgot how shitty it is to take apart computers from 2000

I just took apart two workstations from around that time and cut my fingers multiple times. Sharp edges fucking everywhere.

So question.

I'm thinking of selling my two 1080p 27" IPS monitors and replacing them with a single 4k IPS montior and another 1080p ips monitor in portrait configuration.

Would this be a good choice for a 4k screen?

>inb4 seeling 1080p ips to buy another
These 2 HP IPS monitors are not vesa compatible and there is no ghetto way to do so.

I plan on just selling these.

>it won't be 3200mhz untill after amd updates their shit?
In fact, it could work even right now. It's pretty random, some manage to make it work and some don't. Some motherboard & kits have more luck than the others but it's still somewhat random.

The bios updates are planned for this month

>will the performance of c16 3200mhz still be shittier than with c14 g.skill flare X 3200mhz?
Yes, but the difference wouldn't be that big. 10 nanoseconds vs 8,75ns.
Most likely wouldn't do any difference in game. What Ryzen loves the most is frequency.

I have a 4K 60hz monitor already and I chose the motherboard cause it has built-in WiFi. Is this build good? Upgrading from my FX8350 GTX760.

are a gtx1080 and r5 1600 good enough for playing games like The Witcher 3 (high/ultra) at 1440p/120hz?

1440p vs 4k monitor? Which and why?

It's a good high end build, yes
I hope you have the monitor to take advantage of that GTX 1080 though.

Witcher 3 is a quite badly optimized game, as it forces Tesselation x64 on you which eats an enormous amount of FPS. On launch, the GTX 970 had around 40 fps at 1080p.

Does a R5 1600 bottleneck a gtx1080?

what resolution?

High rez if you do photoshopin

144 Hz for vidya, you want a smooth gameplay experience

144hz = 1440p?

144 frame per seconds that the screen will shit out

i'm lost

The 1600 is about 40% faster than the 8350 but look what the 8350 can do at 1080p with the GTX1080 on The Witcher 3.

Butting in;

I think you were trying to find out if the 144Hz was a typo or an actual confusion.

You responded to a post that mentioned 1440p vs 4k, two resolutions, and responded mentioning a refresh rate - probably a typo, or just read it wrong or something.

why did geralts voice change from the first two witcher games?

screens have a refresh rate. Corresponds to the number of time it can refresh itself (show a new image, called frame) per second. The higher, the smoother. The vast majority of screens refresh 60 times per second (60hz), some more expensive one can refresh 120 times per second (double the number of different frames per second), 144 times, or even up to 240.

Naturally, 120fps feels much much smoother than 60fps because there's twice the number of frames for the same amount of time.

Here is a slow motion video for you showing how smoother it is:

1440p (hint: the 'p' doesn't matter) = 2560x1440 pixels. 144hz = refresh rate.

>probably a typo,
I think 144hz was what he meant, gamers love smooth framerate more than resolution. Resolution does make more sense for productivity stuff.

i think i get it now. so if i play video games, 4k is something i should pass then. i should get 1440p with a 144hz refresh rate because it's cheaper and smoother / less demanding?

Does the type or brand of motherboard you get have an affect on performance and input lag?

Vishera is shit. Highly clocked vishera (4.5ghz+) is decent because that is the sort of clocks it was originally densgined to hit. Bulldozer is lol on all fronts even with the inherent clock advantage the 81xx chips tend to have versus their 83xx counter parts. The 9370 and 9590 (along with the 8320e and 8370e) are marvels of process maturity. Both show what happens when you can bin for absolute minimum leakage and balls-to-the-wall clocks (and fuck power consumption).

The 9590 is a monster even with bulldozer/vishera's inherent weaknesses but it comes at the expense of being a nuclear reactor.

>The 9590 is a monster even with bulldozer/vishera's inherent weaknesses but it comes at the expense of being a nuclear reactor.
That's where youtube.com/watch?v=z6HfXy8A3O4 comes in.

Apparently memory that uses Samsung die's is doing well with Ryzen. The BIOS updates are slowly coming though and seem to be sorting the issue out.

pcpartpicker.com/list/X6yHjc should i get the 1050ti or wait for the 560?

Wait for Vega

The cheapest and most affordable would be 1080p 60hz. It's what the vast majority of people get because the vast majority of GPU can achieve such resolution & FPS
As you go into higher resolution, it takes a beefier GPU to deal with the increased number of pixels without the framerate tanking below 60hz. 4K for games is really, really demanding, and no GPU can achieve a constant 60 fps at 4K on all game. 1440p is fine even for mid-end $200 GPU.
If you want a higher refresh rate, you will also need a beefier GPU that can have a number of FPS (frame per second) as high (you generally want more though) as your screen's refresh rate. Otherwise, you're gonna need to drop a lot of settings which come at a visual quality cost.
And obviously, if you try to get both higher fps & resolution, it demands an even beefier GPU

1080p 120/144hz is done a lot because it's much more affordable than higher res and doesn't require that much GPU power, while looking very very smooth.

stick with the 1050ti

nice build btw

only specs matter
also, i keep seeing you asking about motherboard and i must tell you: if anyone here knew about which motherboard had less input lag, they would tell you. sorry user.

Vega is high end, not for him.

I have $700 for a gaming rig. Convince me not to just buy the top prebuilt deal of the week on slickdeals.

prebuilts are ALWAYS ripoffs

just keep track of the components you need and see when they're on special/in upgrade kits etc

To be fair you can air cool a 9590 - though only 5 or so air coolers are actually capable of handling it. AMD was smart when offering the consumer version with an AIO (remember the 9370 and 9590 were originally OEM only). Any 250w+ TDP cooler can handle such a beastly chip. That said overclocking a 9590 to 5ghz all cores is mental and is almost entirely domain of water cooling - there are a few that have done it on air but realistically that is 360mm AIO or custom loop territory.

IMO the real test when reviewing a cooler of any sorts should be the 9590. It completley annihilates 99% of air coolers and cripples ALL 120mm rad AIO units.

Prebuilts are never meant for gaming. The CPU is overpowered for the GPU and they always put in shitty components to cut costs, plus 16/32GB to market it to the idiots who think they need a bunch of ram they'll never actually use.

Is it better value to get 2 4gb ram sticks or 1 8gb?

Usually lower price but two sticks are faster in a dual channel system than one stick.

Need cheapo PC for shitposting, no gaymen.

CPU will be G4620.

My problem is finding a motherboard with displayport that can do 4k60fps. Another solution would be a mobo with usb type c and then just buy usb-c to hdmi 2.0 adapter, but who knows if that'll work.

also need it to support 2 hdd and 1 ssd

redpill on me why i shouldn't just get a i5 7600 over a R5 1600 when it comes down to strictly gaming?


aiming for a decent budget build, not anything high end.
ill probably just go with the 1050ti then, thanks

watch cpu usage
a cpu that hits 100% in today's game and two years old games is not a good cpu

>non gamers-nexus approved footage of watch dogs 2

Delid this!

Joking apart it does highlight the importance of where (within a game) you test.

is this build okay so far, and what would be a good motherboard for it?

I'd recommend a Ryzen 1700X

Why a 6500 when the 7600 is out? It's 20% faster for only $20 more. Also you don't need a 650W power supply for that rig. 500W is more than enough.


>$288 for a last gen mid range i5
Buy a 1600X and a B350 mobo

Thanks, I made this a while ago, didn't know about the Ryzen stuff. If I didn't plan on overclocking, would a 1500X be fine?

Is this a serious build?

So.. I'm very new at this, how do I tell at a glance if there will be bottlenecking, and where it will bottleneck?

>$140 case

does the c16 ram brand really matter for performance or is it irrelevant? Some of the g.skill ram says it was designed for ryzen.

Any feedback?

Logical Increments has good combinations for any price point.

How's my wire management?

the most important part

All Ryzen processors are unlocked, but they aren't good overclockers. A 1500X has two less cores than a 1600X. If you want something cheaper the 1600 is pretty much the same as a 1600X but it doesn't include XFR, which is basically just a stock 100MHz overclock.

are there any cheap b250 boards with wifi?

Experience. You can also youtube video for reference. Look and see what hits 100% usage first. If your CPU is at 20% usage but your GPU is at 100% then you GPU is the bottleneck. If your CPU is at 100% and your GPU at 20% then your CPU is the bottleneck. Ideally your CPU and GPU should have the same amount of usage.

A 1600 is around $70 cheaper than the intel CPU and will provide more than enough performance for whatever you'll be using your PC for, and comes pre-packaged with a good cooler.

A good motherboard for that is an ASUS Prime B350 Plus. Though you may want to get 2 x 8gb RAM as Ryzen performs better with higher RAM. There have been some issues with ram compatibility with the Ryzen mobo's but BIOS updates are fixing the situation.

Buy a 7600k and a Z270 motherboard. That's a terrible case, you could power this with a 650W PSU easily and you'll do just as well with a 1080Ti. But honestly, it looks like you just chose a bunch of expensive stuff for the hell of it.

The 6950x is a server CPU. No reason you would ever use it for gaming unless you're just trying to show off. the 1500W PSU is overkill for a 500W power draw. A 650W PSU is more than enough for that build. The cooler is a poor choice for that CPU anyways. You'd be better off getting a 7700k and overclocking it to 5GHz on water.

is the stock cooler that comes with the R5 any good? i'm mostly concerned with the noise, stock intel coolers always sounded like aids in my experience.

Seems to work very nicely:


Thanks, that helps a lot. I guess I don't mind paying a little extra for the 1600X if that's the difference.

Looks like all that's left is a CPU cooler. I can' probably just sort through some popular ones right?

They're supposed to be very quiet, AMD focused on noise when they developed them.

Keep in mind the cooler that comes with the 1500X, 1600, and 1600X is not the same as the one that ships with the 1400.

Is a 1700 considered a highend CPU or is the 7700k only considered high end?

ok.. but is there a way to tell that just by looking at the clock speeds and whatnot? or is it trial by fire learn it as you go process and look up what other people have found?

getting my pc this week but i have no fucking clue how to build it

is it just adult legos

So will a 1600 OCed to 1600x levels be worth getting if I plan on 120hz vidya?

I mean I know shit like GTA will never ever reach 120 and stay there without full on enthusiast tier bullshit costs but things like MMOs, Overlook, maybe the next Battlefront / Battlefield if they aren't shit.

Would it be fine for that?

I think the NH-D15 is the go to dual tower choice, the CRYORIG H7 is definitely the best value. But apparently the cooler that comes with it is decent too.

The Cooler Master 212 Hyper EVO comes with the correct bracket to fit on the Ryzen. It seems to do very well. I mean if you don't want to overclock the 1600 that's fair enough but even a stock 1600 will perform very well, and the value compared to the 1600X is alot better.

no that's an AR-15. This is adult erector set.

Yeah pretty much. Just think carefully before you slot each part into the motherboard. Be gentle but forceful, don't be aggressive.

Oh, the site is telling me it doesn't come with a cooler. I'd prefer to keep the stock one then if that's the case.

Thanks for your help, guys.

Looking at upgrading my gpu from a GTX650 (currently have a i5 4460, so fairly sure it is the gpu slowing shit down). Currently leaning towards a GTX1050 (budget about $120), any got any recommendations?

No problem, check some youtube videos and benchmarks, it's a great CPU with excellent bang for buck. And yeah as you pointed out the 1600 comes with a cooler but the 1600X doesn't.

Just incase you do decide to overclock, which is a pretty simple process these days, Paul's Hardware on youtube has done a great guide specifically for overclocking the Ryzen 5

Huh, you're right. Maybe the 1600X doesn't include a cooler.

yeah get the gtx1050ti

Generally, it's high end for high end. This is a very rough way to find out what works for what, but your CPU should cost about 3/5 of the GPU. A GTX 1080 costs about $500. 3/5 of that price (60%) is $300. The 7700k which is the best fit for it is about $330.

The better way is to just look at Logical Increments as they have an up-to-date price tier build.

How well does ryzen work on linux?

do I need an m.2 ssd or is a 2.5" ssd fine?

asking for a friend