Best desktop environment? (out of those available on Antergos, i.e. Cinnamon, Gnome, KDE, MATE, Xfce)
Best desktop environment? (out of those available on Antergos, i.e. Cinnamon, Gnome, KDE, MATE, Xfce)
Cinnamon and XFCE are comfy, KDE is bloat
is this the new autism thread?
>out of those on Antergos
don't bully her
why the h*ck would u want to install that garbo
hey watch your language
depends on how much bloat, in terms of packages and features included you want, and how much performance you need. Also, depends if you like gtk or qt. GNOME is my favourite, but its stock configuration is shit and it needs a few extensions (dash to dock, topicons) and a good gtk theme like arc. KDE is as full-featured and cohesive as gnome, but with qt instead, and IMO looks ugly. XFCE is nice, lightweight and very easy to customise, but I find it difficult to make it look good. Mate is basically just gnome 2.0 if you like that, and cinnamon is kind of similar. LXDE/LXQT are pretty bad in my experience. Gnome is good, but it's pretty laggy on anything older than haswell integrated graphics.
literally why?
Everytime i try to use KRunner the process starts gobbling CPU like a faggot on poppers and attemps to melt my Computer.
I seriously dont know what to fucking do
why would u not use the best OS?
I keep going back to cinnamon.
>out of those available on Antergos
meme distro
Cinnamon it is then. Thanks anons!
i3/dwm/awm/openbox + tilt2/polybar + whichever of the shit file managers you can put up with
Kde. Xfce (lxqt soon) if you cannot run kde.
Deepin, obviously...
i use arch with deepin de
Daily reminder that weeaboo-pedophiles ruin literally anything.
love that de feels just like im using windows 10. it even sells all of your personal information to the chinese just like good old windows
she's not a pedophile and this is an anime website
Gnome on laptop, MATE on desktop
>not a pedophile
Oh yes, having animated children showing off their panties to you isn't in the slightest way, disturbing at all. What is that word you use in your mile long essays about this shit? Hebephile? Animation hebephile? Do we really need random words when we can just say "deranged"?
>this is an anime website
When did I say it isn't? Normal anime fans don't look at pedophilia.
umm illya is 500 years old, your dumb
I find the best DEs to be either Unity or Cinnamon.
>Normal anime fans don't look at pedophilia.
how can you look at a philia?
That's not a child, that's a 600 year old dragon
This. Minimal is best.
Cinnamon is the best goldilocks zone of features versus simplicity.
my gf kanna is so cute
Why not if it works with your hardware?
Windows is shit and you need to be a turbo terminal neckbeard to use Linux.