It has no telemetry and = maximum comfy
Why aren't you Windows XP Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no more security updates
>maximum comfy
I hope you enjoy third-parties having your data rather than Microshit
>Windows XP is remotely exploitable by numerous security holes that were discovered after Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP.
Surely someone has modded up some real security for it.
XP Embedded is still supported.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Nope. The people who are aware of the security flaws run it on networks without internet access for legacy program usage.
I am
>not using posready verbatim
nigga how you gonna mod security into an os that doesn't even separate application and system data?
>legacy porn game use
And the people who are actually aware of how those flaws work use a firewall and common sense.
I liek traps
Oh, I don't know OP, because I'm not a faggot who uses software that is nearly two decades old.
I figured XP would die as soon as 7 got out kind of like 98 when XP came around, but holy fuck you losers keep sticking to it.
Like, seriously, get Ubuntu with WINE and Play on Linux. It's basically XP program support minus the securiy holes the size of the ozone layer.
I mean fuck, with the security updates people tacked on, the OS was overwritten at least twice, maybe three times over, with the structure of a player made house in Fallout 4.
>getting this upset over an obvious bait post
Lol this guy.
I could care less famalamadiddilydingdongdiddlydiasmcdidgeridoo, but seriously, with the amount of care people have for the OS, I'm surprised a company hasn't come together to create an update channel.
Most of us who still keep it around to fuck with probably don't really care much about the remote possibility of encountering someone autistic enough to pop our system with an obscure exploit.
it's possible to do that and get all updates since 5/2014
paste this into a text file, then name it whatever.reg
this turns your plain old box into the WEPOS/POSReady version. now run windows updates and you'll get all updates since 5/2014
for enhanced security, use firefox with adblock plus, disable uneeded services and close unused ports.
Because, you know, massive security issues due to it not being supported anymore.
I know you only pretend to like XP because the only computer your mommy will let you use is her early 2000s Dell pile of shit, Sup Forums. Just tell the truth.
3d traps are better
ie, bailey jay, ashley george, and sienna miller
also who
Replying to this for scientific reasons.
the most ridiculous thread on Sup Forums
I seriously don't understand the whole circlejerk about windows 10.
I installed it on my gaming desktop and games run much better with DX12 support. I also really love the features like cortana and the tablet ui!
Ram limit
Yes it is very easy to use 4gb even without the bloat.
Because I'm not a paranoid manchild?
XP doesn't even support enough ram for fucking CHROME.
>...and = maximum comfy
It also has maximum getting fucked in the ass by hackers...
There's a 64bit version
Is it possible to still download legal .iso files for Windows XP? I have old games that don't run on Windows 7/10, and if I can install Windows XP on a separate partition, I could still play them. I wouldn't even have to worry about the security issues because I just wouldn't connect to the Internet.
And if I can get Windows XP that way, can I also get Windows 98 for ultimate nostalgia experience?
There is telemetry happening even I clover. That Google is collecting. You're just a retard
>he hasn't installed the patch that removes the stupid limit
32bit is not a hard limit for memory.
It is a software limit.
Just like how you can get around hard limits for numbers in programming languages by using bignum libraries that essentially concat 2 or more values together to represent obscenely huge numbers.
It also don't have DirectX 10 or 11 and it's not supported by almost anyone anymore.
This. The only reason to use windows is games, and unless you're just going to play 10 year old games then xp is just too old.
>Surely someone has modded up some real security for it.
I got you, senpai.
Im not using a Pentium 4 HT
Thanks for giving me a good laugh nice and early in the morning, OP.
>Muhammad Sadeem
You mean the unstable one that didn't have any driver support?
Because its so old that almost everyone stopped supporting it. At this point, its better to even install any Linux distro, because even games will run better on Linux distros than Windows XP and Im not mentioning tons of software that have newer versions requiring at least Windows 7.
XP was great OS, yeah, but nothing last forever. Move on already - either to newer Windows versions or Linux.
Last I tried to install it I got the 7B bsod on installation.
allah akbar my friend
Ok, let's go.
Never heard of HER, but SHE seems alright.
Metasploit is why.
Metasploit can break into any XP machine.
>Net framework support: 4.0
Lol no thanks
Uh, how about the FREE XP mode addon for Win 7. That's basically Win xp virtual but you get access to actual physical hardware in your pc. Then you'd get to play those old games/run older programs yet not worry about hacks/etc.
After using it for a few months, its shit.
Its just, nothing runs on it well anymore, current versions of most web browsers dont even work anymore and its such an unstable piece of shit nowadays its not even funny.
Youre better off either sucking the m$ dick and using modern windows or going Linux. If you have modern hardware you should not be using XP for any reason at all, and if you have XP era hardware you should be using Linux.
>computer worm
> because I'm not a faggot who uses software that is nearly two decades old.
People keep using software what is nearly half a century old, what's your point?
Because I use Linux and it's even comfier.
I still use win xp pro,i plan to change it to win10 tho. Win xp was not bad and i still think xp>vista
but win 7+ are simply superior
Dude you can get Windows 98 easily on that one website. It's abandonware.
>Gold edition
>Computer worm
While XP was solid and still pretty nice, I like 7 more.
You seem confused. WinXP mode doesn't have gpu passthrough only basic graphics support.
>$0.50 has been deposited into your Microsoft account
That is however only available with certain versions of Windows 7. And it's the last, most botnet version of XP. You can't get classic XP that way.
>Windows 98
Whether it'll work properly with modern hardware (namely graphics) is debatable, but possible. And unless you get SE, at the very least there's a patch you'll need to get as well to fix a bug that prevents it from running on CPUs above 2.1 GHz.
To be perfectly honest, for a quick nostalgia bump I would just install 98 on a VM to minimize the needed effort (vs the high probability it either won't work or you won't be satisfied/interested enough to keep it around). Or if you -really- want to go through with it, try to track down some parts to build yourself an actual nostalgia box.
I am made out of carbon, not bits.
What, COBOL and assembly on the space shuttles?
Those are ridiculous outliers.
You gotta change your HDD settings in your BIOS to ATA or some shit.
Take it from me, I'm running XP on BARE METAL Centrino 2 Dell Latitude E4300.
Anybody SERIOUSLY using XP for anything other than MUH GAYMEZ and legacy software is fucking retarded though.
>>Not having a dedicated shitbox for running honeypots and throwaway installs.
Tried it but my PC could not handle the boot files.
Currently using Intel Core i3 370M.
itym HAL/S. Safety critical systems have different requirements to consumer grade shit.
Naturally I get the faggot