It's comfy o'clock on Saturday night

It's comfy o'clock on Saturday night

What are you working on?

Bout to get high and download a new /u/ meets /lit/ novel. How about you OP?

trying to hack into a security camera i bought.

it seems they closed a lot of ports after it was discovered these cameras were part of the murai botnet

Chicken tendies and joints

Just throwing PlayStation games on my Vita

crash course on a few classes for finals soon. rip me

a cerversa and steam chat,

idk what to work on

some courses

virtual reality content for the 3D web

drinking blue moon, watching serial experiments of lain, reviewing class notes for systems programming test in a couple of days

drug useis a serious problem

It's just a beer. I'm only having one tonight.

Installing a taskwarrior server on my raspi

Building LED backlights for vintage thinkpads, listening to Tom Waits and drinking Riesling.

websocket server in c++. benchmarked it at 1,000,000 connections, used up only ~200mb even though my website maxes out at 300 connections..

i really oughta be working on features : /

it's cerveza you fucking nice guy


Currently running a metrics pass on a GIrls' Generation MV Blu-ray.
I have a feeling this one is going to have issues like Gee did.

This is after IVTC.

c++ > assembly > elixir

>drug useis a serious problem
Well that's like your opinion man


mucking about trying to get my machines set up with crunchbang. i have 2 laptops with no screens, 2 netbooks and a macmini for a couple programs. macmini and a half laptop have no wireless. i have two cat5 cords.

should i put crunchbang on all the machines? i like openbox and need stable

Trying to get some alpha users for a dating site I hacked out. Shit's pretty cash. Reply with an email if you're interested. Can even hook you up with a gift card if you can give some feedback.