If the black guy kicked his ass at the end of the video, will temple os carry onward?
If the black guy kicked his ass at the end of the video, will temple os carry onward?
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He will either kill or be killed soon.
Also I want that shirt
Unless the black guy also went home and uploaded the video to Terry's Jewtube channel, I'm guessing he's probably fine, user.
whew, i was worred. thanks
Jesus Christ... I leave for a day and Terry gets in a confrontation.
this is sad. I did chuckle when he actually said it, but it's still sad.
if Terry pulled that in my city, he would be seriously hurt, even if he was sitting down with grey hair and old... he's lucky that black guy wasn't a real nigger
Same, people are in gangs and shit here. They hate white people and probably would have killed him. I worry for Terry
Black guy seemed chill, not like a regular ape.
I like how Terry got paranoid when BBC was just passing by.
only in really bad areas would terry get fucked up for this. everywhere else they'd feel him out and realize he was crazy as shit and just laugh it off.
Ahahahaha he almost shit himself
Terry not such a tough guy saying nigger behind his computer now is he?
He said some guy is selling them on eBay but I csnt find. Theres some on (((redbubble))) but thats shit.
>you think the fact you're recording me is gonna stop me from beatin' your ass?
lmfao poor terry
>he's lucky that black guy wasn't a real nigger
Back to plebbit with you.
me niggs
Terry looks like he's in JUST mode
i bet terry had to suck his way out that one
like the story he was just telling
hahahaha holy shit, what a guy
> (CIA edit.)
By CIA edit did he mean editing out the ass beating? lol
new video
Can someone please redpill me on this guy? I see him here all the time. I know he made temple OS and whatever, but why are people obsessed with him? Is it because of the video in OP?
>47 year old virgin
the black guy handled it really well tbqh
so, this guy has some mental illness right?
Newfag here. What the fuck is this guy? he speaks like he's been doing acid for 10 years straight and now his brain is of scrambled eggs. Why am he so fucked up?
Terry's technically not a virgin, as much as he likes to parrot he is
yes and theres plenty off it to find on the internet so stop asking stupid questions
The real question is, where can I get this shirt?
he has like a dora head and small shirt hole
how did he put on the shirt
was he born with the shirt on?
I hope he got beaten up, he deserved it. What a piece of fucking scum. I don't get why he's idolized around here.
CIA nigger detected
That seems like a nice quiet area where Terry lives.
his work is impressive
his persona is odd and different (he cant help it, though, because of his mental state)
racist stuff gets attention
since he cant help his mental state people are curious what will happen next
This is what happens when you enable someone with a mental illness.
Now it's only a matter of time before his mother send him into a mental facility.
On second thought, I'm quite saddened by the prospect of seeing this
Fucking god damn CIA niggers
>he's lucky that black guy wasn't a real nigger
We're really have to go through this again?
Anyway, @05:07 he actually confesses incest with his brother
>Sup Forumstard brainlets drive a literal manic programmer to an even deeper insanity
You can't make this shit up. How retarded and brainlet can you be to have an ideology that actually makes the insane progressively more insane? Just let the poor broken man fucking program, assholes.
Terry be wilding
nigger detected
>(CIA edit.)
what did he mean by this?
Good goy, blame Sup Forums for all these daily threads on Sup Forums
Because you Sup Forumstards can only relate to a literal schizophrenic.
>engaging with Sup Forumssters
Please don't, there is no point.
>hey nigger
go whine somewhere else you fucking kike
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
You seriously would enjoy reddit more
>my brother got me high on gas and then we sucked each other's dicks
wait... what?
There's no boogeyman. Sup Forums is just cancer.
Sup Forums used to be a nice secluded place, and now it's filled with edgy rightwingers parading this site all over the world. We used to laugh and cringe at kids wearing "fuuuu" tshirts, or using any chan-lingo IRL, but nowadays it's perfectly acceptable to shit out your retarded frog maymays in public.
Sup Forums is cancer. Sup Forums is an amalgamation between autism, mental retardation and mild schizophrenia.
>(CIA edit.)
Calm down, Jamal.
Says the board which keeps inviting redditors and the facebook audience to Sup Forums.
why did he feel the need to walk outside and tell us he sucked his brothers dick? the man wrote a fucking compiler
>call out niggers for being niggers
you might wanna check if you're a homo
Where do I get a TempleOS meme shirt?
He used to be in mental facilities for a while, but he learned how to control himself somewhat.
How long has his hitbox been banned for, i fell out of the loop for a bit
Do you think he actually did it or is it one of his delusions? He obviously didn't actually run over a CIA nigger.
Found his address 8144 Sickle Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA
vid is hilarious but I feel bad for the black guy
shit son
I love his clock.
Terry is the nigger in this situation 2bh
Well done. But you could have just checked his website.
>but he learned how to control himself
>if you are overly turned on by hard nipples you might want to check if you're a homo
europoor here. how expensive is that house?
prob less than 40k
Looks pretty comfy tbqh
Terry if you've been sucking your brothers cock you might want to check if you're a homo
>Hey nigger
It wouldnt surpirse me as the median household income for vegas is about 60k
Still though, I'd always heard about Americans getting mortgages and what not to get their houses paid for but then it turns out something like that is only 40k? That's decent as fuck, a similar house here would be more in the range of 250k USD and our salaries are like 5 times lower than in the US.
Well you could also take into account hes that the house could have cost that when the family bought it, i dont know how long hes been living there but id take to guess it was likely his childhood home
Jokes a joke but does anyone live in his state that can get him help? It was fun watching him stream his OS but now he just seems like he's in pain.
You can tell things have gone to shit when Sup Forums(redditors) are calling him LE EPIC in the comments. It's time to stop.
That user is completely and totally off base.
There is no way that house is 40k. Median home price in America is something like 120k. That house is not under 100 thousand dollars, and most likely cost 150-250 depending on it's neighborhood.
So he see's terry walking by on occasion, the nigger probably knows how fucked up he is then and didn't murder our boy.
Housing prices have obviously changed. But considering the location and the size I cant see it being only $40k probably like a minimum of $100k
Sup Forums will get terry killed.
Oh im fairly certain hes off but i was thinking he was talking about the price when the house was bought and depending on how long ago that was i think 40k is plausible. In all honesty im just waiting for a new stream link to drop because i really enjoy his streams
the botnet uploaded the video itself, he's dead.
Terry isn't a nigger. He's a white man. He wrote his own compiler. He's a professional. Unlike you, you fucking knuckle dragging black gorilla nigger.
Stop talking about yourself in 3rd person, Terry.
>calls random guy minding his business a nigger
>he doesn't even retaliate aggressively
It's not old enough to have ever cost 40k
The Zillow estimate is about 200k, there's a house almost identical down the street for sale for a hair under 200k
Yeah the black guy seemed like he was kind of hurt by it
>I didn't get in your face, I'm walking all the way over there
>I didn't even want nothing to do with you
>I never said nothing to you in my life then you want to just disrespect me
CIA on damage control
Unironically this
Fucking racist white people
That's fucking it, I'm voting for macron !
Nice digits, but what he did wasn't cool. It would have been hilarious if he was going to chimp out, but he just seemed hurt by it.
Read the Motherboard article about him, he jumped out of a police car and broke his collar bone, he ran out of a hospital and got institutionalized.
shut up nigger