Should I get an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus?

Should I get an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus?

What colour?

I dont really like iPhone vut ef asstitics is what yourve looking for gat Gray oe vlack.

get the galaxy s8 edge. it's 200% better then any iShit that's currently out

Matte black. Get the Plus if you have large hands and doesn't wear tight pants or keeps your phone in a bag of sorts rather than your pockets. Get the regular one if your hands are small. The Plus wins at battery life and camera. Test both in person and see which one you prefer.

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7. The Plus is just too god damn big. Honestly, my second favorite iPhone is the SE, because it's okay for phones to be small.

It benches higher. However, the fingerprint reader isn't ambidextrous, the design language is and has always been complete garbage, adoptable storage is once again missing, and they're busily trying to box you into their ecosystem/ghetto to whatever extent possible (which is ostensibly something you care about if you're using terms like 'iShit').

whichever size you prefer
matte black, jet black is fingerprint magnet and the finish wears off, the other colors look gay

I have the black 32gb 7. I'm not sure I really like it. I'm coming from an old ass Galaxy S4 so it's an upgrade either way, but I think you should either wait for the Iphone 8 because it's likely to be a big update. If not that, then i'd recommend getting the phone I should have gotten, the Galaxy S8. Just my opinion. Also the Iphone seems to have some overheating issues I had it in an OtterBox and the thing would heat up like a motherfucker sometimes for no reason. They are by no means a perfect phone.

7 plus, and mat black. gotta have dat display and camera.

7 plus
red color


7+ in Rose gold

7 Plus, Jet Black or (PRODUCT)RED. No exceptions.


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