Do your best

Alright Sup Forums, need some labels.

Do your best.

first row: loonix, windows
second row: some other loonix, mac
what do I win?

Clockwise: mac, windows, gentoo, ubuntu

Shoving politics in an OS like a little bitch.

Go to bed Sup Forums

NEET trash, normie/Vidya baby
Obscure NEET trash, faggot

useless timesink shit / indian spyware shit
meme shit / gay shit

Switch *BSD with OS X and you're set.

Looks like Sup Forums is too stupid for the task.

>Muh Sup Forums boogieman

Get a load of this fag


swap osx and bsd, then move to the middle between windows and Linux (its a cult like communism, but they are for profit like Microsoft) and then draw a dildo on the green quadrant.

>, then move to the middle
, then move \OSX\ to the middle

more freedom (left) to less freedom (right)

more quality (bottom) to less quality (top)

>authoritarian left
How? Switch mac with linux

>libertarian right

>"leave me alone and let me fuck with my own shit" isn't libertarian right

linux is libertarian, but isn't right

Freedom is a main selling point of linux, so it has to be in the bottom half. It actually works, has a purpose, and is based on voluntary interactions so right makes more sense than left.

It's true, GNUnet is full of pedoshit, which is what lolbertarianism is all about.

OSX is stereotypically ossiciated with privileged hipsterish liberals (starbucks drinking and such). I'd switch Linux to bottom right and OSX to bottom left. Windows has no discernible ideology. FreeBSD is in the right spot though.

Pedophilia is violation of the NAP

Banning child sex slaves is a violation of NAP.

Consent is consent.

They are just not spooked

A big part of Linux community is very right wing. Check Rizon and you'll find that most are very libertarian (with a hint of nazism from Sup Forums). It's mainly due to Sup Forums, I think. But yes, there's a lot of pedophilia in Linux community is I also attribute to Sup Forums.

A big part of Linux community is very autistic, you get right wing autismos (libertarians) and left wing autismos (anarchists).

Linux is more ancom than anything

Nope. Ancom restricts freedoms

libertarian far-right here, running gentoo. nigger.

Yeah bruv. These libcucktard niggers think they own linux, KEK! We've taking over this shit niggers.

who here /libertarian/ plan 9

I'm centrist. Where do I go?

Gulag, gas chambers, wall or organ harvest fields, depending on who gets the upper hand.

Is this bait? Holly shit, OP.

To be honest Stallman is a commie.

Gas chamber

Come at me, Nazi

>come at me
>sucker punch

anfaggot logic

>can't sarcasm
How's the 5th grade user?

Left/Right: Autistic/Normie
Top/Bottom: Conformist/Pretentious

I'm pretty sure I've nailed it. Any complaints?

Fuck your stupid labels.

OpenBSD is Love, OpenBSD is Life.

put templeos in the bottom right

good thread op

Mac is in the same tier as windows


that works too


Putting your gay politics into OSes, please neck yourself faggot.

Shut up, cuck.

It's BSD. Prepare your anus.

got me good woah

>muh ad hominem and cherry picking