Recovering photos from disabled iPhone

Is there any way to recover photos from a disabled iPhone like pic-related?

Backstory: about 3 years ago I found an iPhone in the strret (someone probably lost it) and decided to take it to the police. By the time I got there (after work) it was pretty late, and the owner probably reported it as stolen and blacklisted the IMEI and disabled the iPhone. Because of this, the police didn't bother dealing with it because it was already nulled and usless and just let me keep it as "it was just a useless brick"
>inb4 give it back Tyrone

I moved house since then, and just threw the iPhone in a box and forgot about it. I found it just today looking for a cable, and I remembered the phone. I've been trying to get access to the phone's pictures just to see if there's nudes, and that's all I care about - I don't intend on using it or reselling it.

Is there any exploit/method to disabling the 23 million minute disable or extracting the photos? I can't sync the phone to iTunes (it needs input) and restoring/updating it wipes the data. Any other 3rd party programs need the phone to either be not disabled and/or unlocked.
I don't know much about the phone, except for that it's iPhone 4S and running either iOS 7 or 7.1

Naturally I'd share any nudes on the phone if you guys want

Other urls found in this thread:

Give it back Jamal

DeQuan, just return the phone and quit the thug life



Can't you just wait for ~50 years? Kids nowadays are impatient cum gargling faggot pieces of shit. FUCK YOU


Just give it back Laquisha

jesus you're pathetic

do you have any idea how many lewd photos and videos there already are on the internet?

but no, those aren't good enough, you'd rather get off to the nudes of some tight young woman who didn't want anyone to see them but her boyfriend

news flash retard, if you did find anything it would be the homemade sextape of some 55 year old man and his fat craigslist housekeeper with a few bonus HD shots of wrinkly erectile dysfunction dick

give it back, malik

Tyrone Kang III DeShaun Reginald Shanice, sell it on eBay for spare parts.

does your family own and operate a movie theater? that is some top quality projection there m8

What a surprise. I didn't steal it for fuck's sake, I'm not a degenerate.

Even if I did, this was 3 years ago - it would be impossible to find the owner. Even if I did, they probably went through 2 phones by then. And the phone is also bricked, so it's no use to them.

You guys might as well help and find out what's on the phone.

Yeah, I know how many there are. I'm just curious - all I want to do is see what's on the phone.

No, you can't you sick fuck. The storage is encrypted, so even if you desoldered the flash memory and accessed it via a custom Raspberry PI build, you'd get only a bunch of useless raw data.

>Even if I did, this was 3 years ago - it would be impossible to find the owner.
Take the phone to Apple. They'll know who lost it.
If you can come up with a convincing story you might get a reward.

You can break iCloud lock on older iPhones. Not sure about operator lock but should be possible as well.

give it back, jamal ghale

What good is that for?
The phone's disabled - I literally can't do anything except make emergency calls or restore the phone and lose the data on it.

From the look of it the phone just have a passcode lock on it. If it was operator or iCloud locked it wouldn't tell you to "try again".
Anyway you need to unlock it if you want to get the data off it.

Thanks for the photo of your fingerprint. I'll put it to good use.

>I'm not a degenerate.
>nudes, and that's all I care about
>Naturally I'd share any nudes on the phone if you guys want

god damn i'll need a filter for iphone threads. every single day there's a nigger with a stolen phone. fuck off.

>I'm not a degenerate
>I want to steal personal pictures of other people

bump for nudes

Just kill yourself and go back to plebbit, faggots.

Give it back Jamal.

Give it back DeMarcus

You Sup Forums fags couldn't unlock an iPhone for your life. You're just mad of your own incompetence.

>try again in 45 years
Lol, what? Is this a bug?



How does that actually work? If the key were only based on the PIN code to unlock to phone, it would be trivial to bruteforce it if you got the raw data off the flash.

>Every iOS device has a dedicated AES 256 crypto engine built into the DMA path between the flash storage and main system memory, making file encryption highly efficient. Along with the AES engine, SHA-1 is implemented in hardware, further reducing cryptographic operation overhead.

>The device’s unique ID (UID) and a device group ID (GID) are AES 256-bit keys fused into the application processor during manufacturing. No software or firmware can read them directly; they can see only the results of encryption or decryption operations performed using them.

>The UID allows data to be cryptographically tied to a particular device. For example, the key hierarchy protecting the file system includes the UID, so """""""""if the memory chips are physically moved from one device to another, the files are inaccessible""""""""". The UID is not related to any other identifier on the device.

check time
it must've shut off completely (zero battery) while disabled and reset the internal clock to Jan 1, 1970
if you do tbe math it comes out to 1972, but as OP said, he had the phone for around 3 years.
If OP could connect it to the internet to sync the clock I'm sure this quality piece of Apple craftsmanship would work again

>Muh patetic reverse psychology attempt
Give it back you fucking negro

Nobody's gonna help you unlock a stolen phone you stupid nigger

>add a valid answer to the discussion
>this happens
Sup Forums never change

Interesting. I don't know how the iPhone's boot process works, but wouldn't it be conceivable to boot a custom recovery system off some storage external to the flash (and thus off the decryption path), and use that to run the flash image through the hardware decryption?

Op it's time to stop your bs
Just fucking reset and enjoy the iPhone




Wtf is an iPhon? Get the fuck off my board you nigger

whats the point of these shitty anime girls


No, bootloaders are signed

if you just accepted the fact that you stole it, Sup Forums would've been more helpful

People have been running Android on iPhones, though.

It's tricky but I managed to flash my already jailbroken device to get SSH access not previously set up to recover it. After ssh I had to extract the keyfile and crack it. Thankfully only 4-numeric code so it takes less than 1 hour.

I'd say its a waste of time and ur better off doing something more productive.

that was proven fake

You don't really need to replace the bootloader to load another OS.
Also, there might have been exploits at some stages of the bootchain, but it doesn't look like there's anything like that on recent devices/OS.