Why don't they use liquid nitrogen for cooling in high end PCs? I'm a tech illiterate pls no bully

Why don't they use liquid nitrogen for cooling in high end PCs? I'm a tech illiterate pls no bully.

Cuz it evaporates within minutes and fucks up everything around it with condensation.

want to replace your tanks of liquid nitrogen every week? no? i thought so.

Because material sciences.

Enthusiasts have great results using liquid nitrogen to cool their dies but that's only for records, it isn't sustainable not only due to the condensation as mentioned above but also due to temperature stress, as the area AROUND the cpu begins to be cooled further and further things will break.

costs too much

There is no point. Liquid nitrogen sucks ass for cooling things that produce heat. It's only good at keeping things cool. And then only really when you actually need it to be THAT cool.
Because when it heats up it evaporates (boiling point of -196 °C). This creates gas bubbles. And gas is a very poor thermal conductor. And the gas escapes which means you have to use a lot and refill it all the time.

What you want for cooling PCs is good heat transfer, not very low temperatures. And standard liquid cooling has good heat transfer.

to keep it working it should be in a high pressure sealed enviroment, and it basically could explode. also, condensation, you don't want water on your CPU

You could have gaseous nitrogen cooling for the rest of the setup.

It's expensive, can't be kept liquid easily outside of a closed system, and for super high end suicide run OCs, they do use it.

why not turn a computer into an Air Conditioner?

Refrigerants pumping through metal fins of a heat sink.

Did you even do a google search on alternate cooling liquids?

Do a search for mineral oil cooling. Mineral oil doesn't conduct electricity, so its much easier to liquid cool with it. All you have to do is just submerge all the guts of your computer into mineral oil.

Like I said, do a search with google or your favorite search engine.

cause there is no stopping the decompression. The storage vessel will constantly need to burp out nitrogen.. which is cool except it's really heavy and will pool at the bottom of your basement stairwell and displace all the oxygen killing anyone who goes there. If you fail to vent the vessel it will explode. Also it will freeze your arm off like terminator

install gentoo

Then why do web sites like originpc sell nitrogen cooled rigs?

Why not compartmentalize the heatsink with the liquid nitrogen? I want a silent, dust proof, computer with optimal cooling. I don't care if it weights as much as a tank.

ricer idiots who think it sounds cool

The fuck?
Link or fake.

Never mind, it's actually cryogenic, I'm dumb.

Condensation and the issue of either having to replace tanks or liquid nitrogen or having a fucking huge nitrogen compressor. Even a cheap one costs over a thousand dollars and wouldn't be able to compress fast enough for a continuous loop.

Note this also requires a massive amount of power. These things are usually on 220v lines or even 480's

Then you gotta deal with condensation and temperature change, and getting "too cold".
Condensation is a pain to deal with and requires a large seal built around the cpu socket. And it can even happen inside the socket. Especially LGA.
Temperature change is an issue too, go from Fuckin cold to room temp a lot of times and you start breaking solder connections.
Then comes too cold. Processors will just stop working under a certain temperature. In competitive overclocking with liquid nitrogen there are times when they have to warm it up and boil off some of the nitrogen because the processor can get too cold. So a continuous supply of nitrogen would be usable for about 5 minutes before freezing itself to death.
And then manufacturers of these systems would need to stock OC their chips to clock speeds that actually require nitrogen, and would have to use motherboards with god tier VRM's to supply a chip with the extra wattage, and you need to source chips that can actually clock that high.

This, but also for other material science reasons also. Semiconductor charge carrier density, if not properly designed, is highly dependent on temperature. Normally it only applies to intrinsic semiconductors but certain processes can introduce this issue and it causes something known as the cold bug, which can go from being unable to boot to not being able to reach the ideal voltage and thus underperforms.

What about submerging your motherboard + GPU in a tank of mineral oil and refrigerating the oil with a serpentine?

they do for OCing competitions

these CPUs die within seconds from the high voltage btw

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.