Tfw you are not autistic enough to love programming

>tfw you are not autistic enough to love programming

Leave us with our small glimmer of light in our pathetic lives please

>Can manage four servers all with ten different services on them in a massive dance of automation and scripting.

>Couldn't code a rudimentary version of pong to save my life.

Some guys have it. Some don't. I'll stick to what I'm good at.

this, sempai

>do not love programming
>can do it well because I learned how to Focus.
>lısten to others talk about focus, whıle I fınısh my stuff early and wıthout problems.
>rest of the workhours are spent revısıtıng and commentıng my parts wıth the one or other dabblıng and learnıng other codıng languages.
I have understood that I have no passıon sınce I was 6. I trıed to Entertain myself and my head became a mess.
It took a long tıme to embrace boredom and pull strength for my success ın lıfe.

>tfw you lost your passion 5 years ago and are just now accepting it and spending lots of time on programming and other boring activities since even "fun" activities are boring anyway

Feels good.

>tfw not autistic enough to be shit at programming like most at Sup Forums
>realize everything is shit built on other shit that runs on shit hardware
>not far from magic anything works at all
>tfw not having enough ressources to create own monopoly that has its own technology stack
>tfw trapped in dev profession and ultra trained mindset and everything depends on the botnet

>Couldn't code a rudimentary version of pong to save my life.


if you program enough you will become autistic, trust me

very inspiring words, i hope youre right

>Facebook frog
Your halfway their buddy

>tfw too autistic to understand OOP


Fucking classes, multiple inheritance, private, protected and public members, virtual functions, operator overloading - rules of three or five or whatever, fucking four or more template type casts and a deprecated C one, unique, shared and other types of pointers instead of raw ones, fucking overloaded template cout instead of plain and simple fprintf, huge template libraries even their writers can barely understand, and terrible error messages, also lambdas, iterators instead of fucking for most stuff and next()/prev() for non-array like data structures.

And there's probably a thousand more things I haven't even heard of. Why?

If you want raw speed or portability, choose C.

If you want simple script, choose a scripting language like Lua or Python.

If you want both, embed an interpreter into your C application and do each where needed.

I'm not touching C++. I'm not touching C# either because it's Microsoft's shit and I know their reputation. I might try out Java, I just don't know why would I need to.

So yeah, for now C, Lua and Python and their libraries are good for me.

My problem is that I don't know where to start with programming. I tried C but it's apparently too old and no one uses it outside of low level programming, I tried Rust but it's apparently a meme. I think I'll give Python a shot.

I mean you're complaining more about C++ than OOP. But yeah Python top tier for regular use, C for high preformance

you can literally start anywhere, go watch youtube tutorial playlists or use google for tutorials. The most important thing is to do something, not keep looking for the best resource forever. Its not rocket science, youll encounter the same things over and over again no matter what tutorial you follow anyway. I recommend you learn c++ or python first, then you can do whatever you want since a lot of concepts carry over.

thats a good thing user. Go live your life. Go places you never been before. Meet people meet girls. Lots of good food,drinks and sex.

it's an expression, user

>like programming
>can't focus worth shit
This is suffering.
I need a dedicated environment and coworkers to discuss with to get shit done and to get even a basic code monkey job I need a uni degree which I can't fucking stand to do.

>tfw autistic but not the kind made for programming
trying to learn anyway because it'd be nice to learn to make things


Visit this youtube channel, my nigguh Bucky will show you how it's done. I'd recommend his python 3 tutorials