Why should one use BSD instead of Linux?
Why should one use BSD instead of Linux?
Other urls found in this thread:
its super stable for my x61 idk
bsd grils are hot
If you had a specific objective, yeah, you should.
Because sometimes people need things that Linux doesn't offer, and FreeBSD has some, so if your usecase just happens to be that, you pick it. Right tool for the job user.
Right. The proper term is actually women. My bad.
That's not a female.
Tits or gtfo.
Where is her feminine penis?
Like a need for attention and something to make them feel unique
sure thing
To be a fag
because macos is more polished than linux
Like the same reason for using Linux other than Ubuntu
If you switch from Linux to BSD it makes Richard Stallman cry. What other reason do you need? Oh, and no systemd.
Sounds about the same reason that people use Linux. Hm. Odd.
rms promotes freebsd and fsf hosts packages for openbsd.
Some BSD versions have a Linux compatibility layer
Women in costumes are hotter than women in costumes
Christ that's rough
>No emoji support on Sup Forums
I'm going back to R*ddit, fuck this cesspool
>Why should one use BSD instead of Linux?
you shouldn't even use linux in the first place because you can't play games in good conditions
Have fun were you belong newfriend!
>implying they didn't force it to dissociate itself from any BSD
is it not showing? in clover its showing ok
>le everyone's a hipster maymay
>gnu/linux girls
>what you expect
>Find photo of a woman wearing red
>Photoshop her onto a gears of war background
Why did someone spend time doing this? It's the most inane thing I've seen all day.
>n-nihao hushuhanwei-chan, can you please wear this shirt and hold this laptop for a photo?
>glasses confirmed to be real
>10/10 would compile it
Still better than random sluts wearing red lingerie photoshopped onto a red background.
>purizu hanshuhanwei-chan, also wear my grandfather's glasses! I will pay 500 yuan extra for it!
>do you need a machine running specifically for top tier networked storage
use BSD
>need an embedded OS
maybe use BSD
>almost everything else
use linux
>top tier networked storage
>not realising that the linux network stack doesnt even come close in quality as the BSD network stack
as much as I love my btrfs and linux in general, if you want proper storage you go with
>bsd (freebsd or openbsd your choice depending on application)
>your networked storage protocol of choice
it'll chug along longer and better than probably anything else
>rampant fanboyism
That is true for a home lab or small business/startup. Everyone else just goes and buys a storage appliance by some well-known company that offers better density, reliability, and manageability than a nigger-rigged solution involving ZFS.
>not realising that zfs is industry standard high end storage
Do you think netapp uses zfs? Not being sarcastic I don't really know a lot about SAN systems, other folks take care of the storage at work, I work higher up the stack mainly at the OS level.
>implying everybody use a slow shitty software raid that zfs can provide on freebsd
Is there any toolchain for those shit? Nice challenge tho, since the kernel driver will got even less attention than on loonix, causing giant clusterfuck if its patent rigged crap or released by lazy corporate fags as usual.
FWIW, ZFS works really well for a cheap price. Also NetApp is FreeBSD based FYI
excuse me sir but you forgot to put systemd/pulse/alsa/xorg on the gnu plus linux image. please refrain from not including these parties in the production our our operating system.
why is any thread related to BSD always filled with people who barely know english that keep going on about muh corporations
Stag hunt == GPL
Literally the key for success of Linux.
>zfs is industry standard
>filesystem that has trouble growing RAID arrays is industry standard
zfsfags advancing the frontiers of comedy yet again
>barely know english
The irony.
>they barely knows english
yeah that works, right
If Linux is what you call "a success", I'm greatful that FreeBSD isn't successful then
>zfs is industry standard
it is... Its a sad fact really.
Taste. Some guys like blondes. Some guys like brunettes. Some guys like threesomes.
And some guys are desperate for whatever they can get, so they go for boring fat slobs covered in clown makeup, and pay her dads Bill and Steve for the privilege.