Lil Sister want a Mac

So for the past year my little sister has been bugging me for a mac because, "They are the best for art and stuff. Windows is lame and sux lol xD" Well I've actually managed to get my hands on a Mac, which Im planning on giving her.

Thing is though, I hate Apple sith a passion. What do you guys think is the best way to completely wipe this guy and put on a Windows OS? Not looking for bootcamp this shit, I want to completely make this a Windows only machine so when she boots it up for the first time she immediately sees that beautiful Windows logo.

Other urls found in this thread:

How much are you getting paid to post threads like these?

Nothing? What exactly am I supposed to be shilling here? I just want to prank my sister. If you got nothing to contribute then fuck off to your backwoods mountain with your paranoia.

Just install Elementary and see if she notices.

>I hate it
How is this relevant, it's not for you and you won't be using it. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Why would you buy it for her in the first place? If she wants to get something teach her to work for it

Why don't you just give your sister the gift? Not everything is about you and your opinions. Such a fucking autist.

MacOS is a better OS than windows 10, can't blame normalfags for picking it when it's the only 2 they know.

Didnt buy it. Shit was free from a company I work for. Youd be surprised all the free hardware you get from companies that just toss shit.

Listen here whiteknight. She getting this shit for free, so I can do whatever the fuck I want. Also shit will be hilarious. Not everyone has some anime fueled sister fetish you sick fuck.

>installing NT over Unix
y tho

You're doing this for free? Holy shit

>I hate Apple
>my sister wants an Apple

I'm not seeing any logical flow here. Why does it matter if you hate Apple when it's for your sister, not you.

>le white Knight meme
Face it, you're literally wasting her time, your time and the person who (won't) help you by telling you how to do this all because of your autism.

They are NOT the fucking best for art, fuck that shit.

Currently studying communications and i am regretting forking out my shekels for a mac because of all the "they're the best for mediaaaaa" memes to this day.

Not even half an hour ago i missed a fucking deadline on something because Evernote and PDFs have exactly fuck all compatibility, which i did not factor into the schedule i set myself.

I am by no means a tech savvy guy, but even the simplest shit on a PC is a fucking chore on a mac because of how retarded the storage system and layout is.

More of a vent than constructive input, but holy fucknuggets from my experience i can 110% assure the "Macs are best for media" crap is nothing more than a fucking meme.

What a terrible attitude to have towards your immediate family, the only people you're supposed to care about and instead you want to give them something that was useful to them that they wanted and you got at no inconvenience but you intentionally ruined it. How would you feel if someone told you they got you something you wanted and tainted it on purpose just to spite you. I don't even want to know why you immediately jump to something sexual too.

People arent telling because it's noon on a Sunday which means 80% of Sup Forums right now is full of underaged who dont know how.

> Didn't buy it
Ah cool.
Then just give it to her and don't be a shitty big brother.
And maybe show her that she doesn't need Apple to do everything she does want to do.

How old are you, 14? Just give your sis the gift and let her be happy.

He's one of those extremely autistic retards who cry about how they're still virgins on /r9k/ and blame women.

>what are timezones
Are you fucking retarded?

Oh and also on this topic:

Anyone got any reccomendations for a Windows OS laptop that's particularly good with media shit like photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator etc. ?

Apple makes a nice laptop for media production, might be what you're looking for.

OSX is better than Windows.


Asus has some decent ones but desu, laptops right now suck hard.

>muh timezones

Are you? It's fucking Sunday. Kids are here. Fuck off.

This is the equivalent of getting your little sister a stuffed bear and decapitating it. I can't imagine doing something that purely malicious to someone I disliked, let alone my own sister.

Does anyone in this thread think this actually happened? Oh yeah sisters begging for 900$ devices from your older brother, that's something that happens. Then he gets one and wants to ruin it and then give it to her. This is a troll or some kind of meta shill.

As in Suck hard for Media stuff, or just in general?

Not everyone is a poorfag like you.

what the fuck is wrong with shills these days

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Its not though. Ecc ram and xenon processors do error checking so great for rendering. Ntfs file system limits transportation. Mac os is way better at ram. Windows sound is garbage and heavy latency when recording. Windows computers aren't workstations its why all the big companies use osx or linux. Adobe programs were also built on opengl

>core audio is proprietary
>nobody uses OSS on other systems
Why does it have to be this way.

op just give her that big mac if you know what i mean ;^)

>my little sister has been bugging me for a mac

She's barking up the wrong tree, you're not her dad.

>I have the opportunity to do something nice for free but instead I'll do something mean because I have come to a hasty conclusion with no basis and need to force my false opinions on to others
wew lad

I wouldn't be surprised if OP actually means "has been saying that she wants one in conversation".

you should hug your sister user

Install Windows 7 embedded

>Are you? It's fucking Sunday. Kids are here. Fuck off.
Yes, and they're posting threads like these

b-b-but how will i play my games?

Why do you have to be an asshole? Does it make you feel good to shit on someone instead of just making it easier for both parties?

I don't understand. It inconveniences you and your sister.

Saw your post on Sup Forums and I gave you the answer.

Get a windows install disk ready, then boot holding cmd-r. Use disk utility to format to FAT. The reboot holding options and boot from the install disk. Then install. You will need special drivers. You can get them by starting the bootcamp process, it will dowload them for you. Put them on a thumb stick.

>"has been saying that she wants one in conversation".

Well it doesn't make sense that he's actually getting one for her. Maybe its just me but I had that phase for a while with my mother who would come up to me and would answer for example "what do you want for your birthday" with "well I want to buy some new shoes etc etc" she would rub it into my face. At some point I thought to myself perhaps if I did then she will be somewhat more respectful to me as an adult, so I bought her a pair of shoes she liked and she was very happy with them but a week later she made me feel miserable about myself again because she was still trying to control whatever the fuck I would do in my days (and I had moved out and far away for at least years by then). So now whenever she does it I just give her whatever it is what I want to spend and the result is exactly the same but less effective because I don't expect her to change. Buying a Mac is too much, unless she's a fucking saint.

>Windows is lame and sux lol xD
truer words have never been spoken.

Man. I've always been nice to my sister and we've had an excellent upbringing. We work at the same company as well, her and I!
I apologise for the mental torment both of you must go through from your parents if this is how you've turned out. I wish you luck in changing your attitude when you reach maturity, lest you end up a Walmart employee till 70 and die.

Fuck windows. Install Linux on that Mac

Install freebsd on it and make it look like mac you windows faggot. Applel stole so much shit from them that she won't know the difference.
Otherwise fuck off you fucking sadist.

Just give her the fucking Mac as is, you autist.
Nobody cares about this whole OS war.

Yes, apple products are fucking expensive, but there's really nothing wrong with them. Who cares if normies like your sister love to use them?

>Not everyone has some anime fueled sister fetish you sick fuck.
Being a kind older sibling doesn't mean you want to fuck them. Only a sick fuck would think this way.

Being the oldest doesn't give you the right to be a fucking asshole to your siblings either, contrary to what the media says.

Don't do that, let her see how shitty the mac DE is herself.
Then when she complains it's hard to use you can root it and put mint on it for her. Surely your imouto will let you give her headpats after that.

Is she hot?

This is important.

Just let her use the Mac with OSX and she should eventually hate it if she actually tries to use it for work-related reasons.

I use OSX for work and I enjoy it just fine. That being said, I'm not a computer scientist, but work in bioinformatics at my uni. I admit I'm a GNU/Linux purist at home, but what's so bad about OSX that everyone complains about?

post pics of sister

Cute face and nice breasts, things will probably go well for her. Be happy.

I'm a bionformatician in the industry and macOS would be total shit for my work.

>No tiling wm
>Just shitty homebrew which doesn't have like 99% of libraries you might need as dependencies for whatever
>Relatively unstable in comparison to RHEL/CentOS
>Locked to shitty 5 year old hw
>Can't even have 256 gb RAM
>Can't even have 32 cores
>Get some useless GPUs that are good for nothing


I'm really confused why would you put windows on it and not a good os. You're replacing a bad os with an even worse one. Just give her the gift autist and maybe someone in this world won't think you're a cunt

You should respect your family bonds you disgusting failure. What a poor excuse of a brother.

People who are actually good at computers don't get hung up on the os for 95% of tasks and the last 5% are shit that people bad at computers will never be able to do anyhow.

>No tiling wm

Fair enough, I often find myself missing the layering function on openbox (eg. "Keep always on top") while using OSX.

>Just shitty homebrew which doesn't have like 99% of libraries you might need as dependencies for whatever

Examples? Not saying I don't believe you though.

>Relatively unstable in comparison to RHEL/CentOS

Never had any issues, even when running simulations with Schrodinger's GLIDE. But, why the fuck does OSX's 'console' user not work? It's supposed to log you in to a TTY, but it's completely broken on my system. This has always annoyed me.

>Locked to shitty 5 year old hw
>Can't even have 256 gb RAM
>Can't even have 32 cores
>Get some useless GPUs that are good for nothing

My uni pays for access to a supercomputer, so these points are moot for me. I can simply ssh and play around as long as I'm not running a large script on a login node.

I admit I'm a 100% beginner (fresh out of undergrad), so I'll ask, what's your experience of bioinformatics in industry? Do you like your job? Can you explain an average day in industry?

Thanks user.

OS X was better than Windows 10. maciOS is worse than Windows 10. With WSL, you get GNU/Linux. With maciOS you get shitty mixture of ancient GNU stuff and lots of inferior BSD util variants. Out of the box, Windows 10 is better than macOS

Post pics of your little sister's feet.

>(...) If forced to choose, I would much rather run iOS on a Google Pixel than Android on an iPhone 7. I would rather run MacOS on a ThinkPad than Windows on a MacBook Pro. (...) -John Gruber
See this quote? This is what most Mac users are *actually* like. And yes, I'm aware of Hackintosh, but no, it's not "the best of both worlds" - it's a huge pain in the ass.

Just get an external sound card you fucking pleb.

Just give her the Mac as it is you faggot. Holy shit can't you autists contain your faggotry to yourselves? If your sister wants a Mac then give her a fucking Mac and let her choose if she likes it or not. It's not like you use it.

> Not indoctrinating your sister into using Linux from a young age by giving her a refurbished x200 with Arch as her first computer.

The best "le eben prank XD" would be to leave OSX on her computer. Especially if she has used Windows before, she'll soon learn the valuable life lesson that Macs are utterly unusable.

With that said, this post makes me grateful for my older brother. He would never do something so obviously shitty to me.

OP is an unfunny/unoriginal autist faggot, but most of the replies in this thread are equally as cringey with the reddit tier virtue signalling. . .
Like OPs prank would actually cause any irreversible harm you fucking gay fag nerds.

>sister sees windows logo
>dissapointed, thinks it would've been a better idea if she called her natural dad
>OP autistically yells at her "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRAH"

I mosh to clusters for more demanding tasks, but running anything heavier than some find command without submitting to queue is frowned upon so it's nice to have good specs also on personal machine.

I work in R&D and don't really have a basic day. It can be anything between lurking, reading something actually useful, developing a new assay for whatever, optimizing code, debugging, evaluating some 3rd party platform, playing rocket league at home, etc.

>autist faggot
>reddit tier
>virtue signalling
>gay fag nerds
>most of the replies in this thread are equally as cringey
Oh the irony! Pro tip: being "Sup Forums-edgy" means you're either literally a kid or developmentally arrested.

real mature bro, showed me

Arts student here.
Only reason i still use my 2011 MBP is Final Cut Pro, most exclusive shit it has nowdays have equal or better alternatives on windows. Either that or are being ported like Affinity.
But putting Windows on a Mac is absolutely retarded unless you NEED IT really badly. Linuxfags i can understand but trash by trash, Apple trash is better when it comes to software.

How much are YOU getting paid?

>You're doing this for free? Holy shit

He took our jobs!

post pics of sister or kys

Why not put Linux on it? MacOS and Windows both suck.

Just install Windows like you would on any other machine


go build a hackintosh for 300$ or buy her a Mac mini from eBay or whatever your equivalent is

Macs were THE machine for graphic design because the DTP industry started with macs because it was the only "affordable" machine capable of graphics and PostScript in the 80s (does someone remember PageMaker and the LaserWriter?)

Fuck your little sister


>with maciOS you get shitty mixture of ancient GNU stuff and lots of inferior BSD util variants
(Regular) people doesn't even know what BSD or GNU is and rarely will open a terminal window. They only want to turn on their computer, click on the browser, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign(or Quark) and expect everything to work.

Just make a hackingtosh

Now, I know you're just shitposting but I gave my old laptop with Arch to my niece and now she has her own with Windows 7 and I don't fucking see the end of it.
>user, how do I open two panels on my files?
>user, why won't alt move the window?
>user, how do I add a new desktop?
>user, how do I change the theme?
Just let them use Windows. Their freedom isn't worth it.

Get her the mac. She probably is not a turbo autist like you and does not require much for a personal computer. It'll be easy for her to use and won't crash as much, and it'll probably be more durable than a $200 windows netbook.

>They are the best for art and stuff.
It's pretty interesting how people are still hung up on this 90s meme.

>being a kind sibling and just gifting it to her
>being a fanboy and getting your kicks out of playing shitty pranks

You're sad.

You're basically a piece of shit

sorry, sis.

lmao all these macfags getting butthurt, listen man if you want to switch it back to macshit-os , just keep the drive and wipe another drive and install windows on it, after you've had your fun switch the drives back, or just wipe the current drive and put Windows on it (put it in your computer and wipe it, then put Windows on a USB and install, look shit up on YouTube not hard at all)

>inb4 all the autists who are pissed at me

what's the harm, not your life who cares?


And I posted this before reading the thread but, holy shit, you're getting a lot of shit for giving your sister exactly what she wants. Anyway...
refind will let you install Windows/Linux/BSD/whatever, no bootcamp involved. She'll still be able to most likely boot from the recovery partition and install Mac OS via the internet, so everybody wins.

And I do happen to think macs are best for art (that's my job), but honestly I know several artists and graphic designers who prefer windows, so it's pretty even ground these days.

since nobody said it yet:
Install Gentoo

You're taking this way too seriously. It's literally just an OS. You're talking about this as if the decision is irrevocable and that he or his sister can't just install OSX again.

Have you ever heard of a prank? I think you don't have very many friends.

I'm pretty sure that the "install OSX from the internet" thing is baked into the firmware.

You're an idiot. GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS!

There is a recovery partition, that allows for that, which can be overwritten when you're setting up refind. But there may be something in the firmware as well, I haven't tried fully wiping a mac disk that way. Even on Macs that I've set up for Linux only, I leave the recovery partition.

>install gentoo

My little sister wanted her first laptop to be a glossy ping overpriced piece of Sony shit. The color was literally her only concern.
I told her that this was stupid, told her why it's stupid and made her settle for something better.

Be assertive and make it clear that you know what you're talking about. Don't resort to Sup Forums memes and show confidence. She'll listen.