How boned are you if this becomes public?
How boned are you if this becomes public?
> sign in to view your activity
What do OP
pretty safe
I'm not clicking that shit.
>all my furry porn searches
>normal and gay porn
I disgust myself sometimes. I deleted everything.
Not at all since it's empty
It's just a bunch of OK Google navigation and alarm commands. I guess someone could figure out where I've been driving.
Not very. I was investigating a lot of the messed up websites for a research project, especially during this Pizzagate nonsense. I work on mental health care reform, and the internet is a sick place because it's representative of humanity. I really wish a lot of this stuff didn't exist because it is harmful, but humanity creates all of the people that look at fucked up things. Nobody should judge anyone else for what they've done on the internet or in life. We are all responsible for how we act and what our collective actions are.
i swear i told them not to track me and then it got turned on again somehow
fucking shit
How fucked up is it that so many grown men are looking at cartoon photographs of naked children? I'm not saying they're 'wrong,' or that I hate them. I just think it's terrifying that it's being normalized on here.
Ideas are free here. It's complete anarchy, but also a mirror of who we are collectively as humans.
Kek is our collective consciousness personified as a frog.
What my Pharaoh is trying to say is that you have all been trolled. Top fucking KEK. You summoned me, here I am. Let he who is without dirty internet history cast the first stone. EVERYTHING you do is recorded, even if you use a VPN.
>Sign in
That docs phishing thing really freaked you guys out, wow
> Using google
> Willingly becoming the product
Seriously just use alternative search engines that do not track you.
Anyways, why are you guys constantly logged in?
Every search engine tracks you, friend. Kek wills it. Go ahead and keep worshipping her. You brought this about.
You know Kek is a girl, right? Nobody bothered to ask her!
>Seriously just use alternative search engines that do not track you.
You don't need search engines. That's why we have /r/.
I'll echo the other guy and ask: what?
That's a stupid remark. I use startpage but my Google activity feed is still full because of YouTube.
Would you rather they be looking at photographs of real naked children?
For many people, loli content is an outlet, so they don't have to resort to the real thing. Loli content hurts no-one.
>I deleted everything
You think you did, but all you really did was update the is_deleted column for those records to true
>Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you’ve searched for, websites you’ve visited, and videos you’ve watched.
>Sign in
I'm not. I never log into my google account. I'm only logged into k9 mail.
Dejavnost je že javna, ti idiot! Vmes imaš ponudnike interneta...
once I have a girlfriend I will no longer need
>dating apps (facebook log in)
>snapchat (google log in)
>gmail (normie adult communication)
and I can finally be fucking free
good look meeting a woman in this day and age without that
>not pausing history
at least regular people won't know my search habits.
>not using google products on a private tab
>inb4 what's ip tracking
how can they know if I'm NAT'd?
oh jeez i hope nobody finds out
>Having a Google account
spat pejdi
>implying you can verify their good-guy claims
same goes for vpns, end to end encrypted chat, etc
I know. At least I can forget what kind of crap I searched for.
If what becomes public?
The only controversial thing I have on here is "widows waifu" and that all Sup Forums's fucking fault.
You're supposed to use incognito mode, nibba.
Not much because I have nothing to lose.
You have nothing to fear because you have nothing to hide.
-Sent from Eric Schmidt's iPhone
check the voice recording tab. its kind of hidden but you can literally LISTEN everything you said if it vaguely sounds like it starts with with ok google.
guess I would need to create an account for that page to mean anything?