How do we make computing rad again?

How do we make computing rad again?

Revert all computers to 486 DX's.

Use radians

make midi synthesizer sound cards mandatory again.

This, it's too hard to make anything now ebcause of 5000 trillion layers of pajeet shit. The modern software stack resembles the pajeet shanty houses built of layers upon layers of hipster shit.

Make shit simple again and people will make cool shit in their spare time for fun.

Unix was invented because of that

We need a 2nd unix revolution

Plan 9


even better, socket 8 to 370 adaptors.

switch to ternary

close the www

new software/hardware companies focusing on quality and affordable products that take a different path from all the shitty things microsoft, apple, nvidia, intel, amd, and etc have done over the past decade or so




Un-ironcally learning it and getting used to it now.


486 dx 100. Plenty of power, backwards compatibility




Delphi died after 7.


>tfw no modern equivalents of pc98, fm towns, or etc

kill all normies