>$700 graphics card
$700 graphics card
Other urls found in this thread:
sure user
>manchildren actually blast away hundreds of dollars of NEETbux for incremental improvements in their games
>stop buying things I don't like
Please enlighten us on all the incredibly mature stuff you spend your disposable income on
early retirement or retirement whatsoever
>$80 graphics card
You can do both.
the feminine penis of graphics cards?
you wont believe it, but that piece of shit goes for 200 bucks in the fucking shithole i was born in.
good goy, keep deposting your money into some trustfund 401 or ira, we will take good care of your money and promise you more in 60 years! but.... it would be very unfortunate if you were to unexpectedly die to ``unknown'' causes before you could actually get your hands on that money though... oy vey!
>have all those funds
>rarely spend it
>at 37 you get hit by a bus and lay on the ground coughing up blood
>you die in agony
pic related happens
>implying the real jew isn't getting people to empty their savings into useless toys
$700 isn't really that much when you actually get an income.
It's kind of funny, desu. NEETs blast 'wagecucks' for working, yet turn around and whine when they dont have money to spend on their hobbies.
It's ok, frogposter. You can always buy yourself a 10 year old GPU while your mommy makes you tendies. Meanwhile real men are going to make a lot of money and buy cutting edge tech, which doesnt even dent their budget.
Socialism, what a paradise!
fuck off satan
Cant buy you just buy that here?
>My plan for old age is get hit by a bus
Top millenial
What is inflation
Chavez slave reporting in, pana
This pic always crept me out
How does it feel to be there?
>t. always lived in stable countries all my life
It's fucking shit
Anyone wanna give me a house in exchange for a daily succ
The problem with that is that even though you can give a person the succ, you cant give the government the succ, so you'll end up being an illegal
Not if you give enough people the succ
>being poor
Fuck's sake, Venezuela. You can't just suck everyone off. Supply and demand.
No wonder your country is struggling, with this kind of populace
Let the poor man dream user! If he thinks he can succ the world, let him have that.
Y-yeah! Thanks, user! I know I can do it!
Dobson's favourite fetish.
>$999 CPU
>buy gtx 780 when it was released
>right before the 2 year warranty was up a surface component fried
>get 780 ti w 3 fans in return
>can still play modern 1080 games at 144 fps
I feel like it was a good investment back in the day
"wagecucks" can barely afford to pay rent and a new purse for their girlfriend, they can't afford $300 GPU much less $700 GPUs
>being poor
>200% performance
And I came from a 980ti. Most people have a 1060/480 tier card or below. Those niggers would get up to 300% of what they currently have. That means going from 1080p 60fps to 4k 60 fps or 1440p 120fps
It's almost like most people are fine at running at non-placebo ULTRA NIGHTMARE settings.
>Resolution and framerate
Top fucking kek you poor retard
LUL. I do the most wagecuck job possible - manual labor, yet I still earn one these 'super expensive' GPUs once every week.
You might want to get get a job, friendo. It's not quite what your online 'friends' have made you it to be.
Tfw you'd like to have a high end gayming pc, but all modern gaymes are shit and don't justify the purchase
Add some more money and I could buy me a constantly buttplugged afrıcan anal queen who has been raısed and condıtıoned to enjoy ıt lıke ıts natural and has an anus so strong and resılıent ıt could break a stone.
You make more than inflation if you invest your money.
Do you seriously not know simple Economics/Finance/Math?
they're not true gaymers xD
you're lucky, meanwhile at mcdicks we make 7.50 an hour and get 20-30 hours a week if we're lucky, and when we call in sick they cut our hours for the next week. not to mention its the shittiest fucking job ever because you do all the hard work while the manager counts the till and makes 5x as much as you.
>buy $1200 PC
>Spend $300 on top notch gaymen titles
>Play Oldschool runescape instead
It's not placebo but not everyone wants to spend a lot of extra money for a little bit better graphics.
and starcraft, age of empires 2 etc.
THIS. user you've read my mind.
When are we getting a new video game crash? I am sick of these low quality AAA and Indie garbage being released.
Roth / Vanguard IRA... did it since I was 20. Will literally make 5000x my investment and retire at like 38
>tfw have GTX 1080 running Spyro and Ape Escape
>you should wait to enjoy things untill you are old
I already save for my retirement automatically through my eployer.
On top of that I do not spend even close to what I earn so I get to save a good portion of it, while still occasionaly indulging myself in an expensive piece of tech.
Like others have pointed out, there is nothing wrong with treating you to a nice piece of tech once in a while if you can afford it
remember when top of the like graphics cards were like $350?
when did the kikes jew the gpu industry
Nvidia did it.
>investing in guaranteed free money!
Anything with a potential payoff high enough to secure retirement at age 38 will also carry a very high risk.
It's basically investing into government subsidies, by going through companies that both know what they're doing (fairly secure) and do get insane subsidies and tax benefits
As long as the government can keep pooping out valueless subsidiary money it'll remain secure
What if those subsidies and tax benefits are halted?
>intel shills/retards on this board advocate buying $500 7700Ks over $350 R5s because they get better frames emulating 15 year old consoles that can be had for less than $150
>$500 7700ks
lol wut
>$500 7700Ks
uwot, I bought one yesterday for $300, the fuck are you on about?
Dont forget Most countries get cucked in prices.
>make well over six figures
>using $200 video card from like 3-4 years ago (gtx 760)
>plays most games on high/ultra
I never spend more than $200 on video cards every 3 years or so
700$ phone
>spent $1500 on new pc and G-sync monitor
>let's get to gaymin!
>lose interest in playing and just watch anime and shitpost all day
well at least I get good frames when I do play but fuck I could have got a new guitar for that price
>wait™ technology
I have a 680 and see no reason to upgrade at all. Only if i were to change towards a bigger monitor, which i don't plan to.
1440p looks good, but not so good.
Well, at least you still have free time for the vidya, user.
>$1,000 laptop
>new gaymin pc plays new AAA titles in 4k @ 60fps
>spend all my free time playing a SNES emulator
with the "useless toy" you actually get something for your money.
but keep saving up goy because the economy totally wont crash in a few years. you better be dumping 90% of your paycheck into your 401k because your hard earned investments totally won't be worth $0 in a decade!
And that's why she protected Tory pedophiles in her own government... because they'd never run out of children.
It's a lot of fucking money to just play video games. In most cases, that is more than CPU+RAM+mobo. Ridiculous, in my opinion.
That said, I do have a 1080 only because I got $275 off of $600 for it.
Don't know how you're doing 5000x your investment. I've been maxing my roth ira/403b for 6 years and am nowhere close to 5000x.
Guns so I can post naked with them on /k/
This desu. I've had two guys at work suddenly die at home just this year when they were only a few months away from retirement. Plus I doubt retirement will exist as a concept in 60 years anyways, the eternal jew will see to that.
And what do you plan to do in your free time when you're retired? Watch paint dry like a real, mature adult?
I agree, it's really hard for me to justify buying any GPU over $500 as the return is just not worth it.
I'm pretty sure most people actually spending that much on graphics cards are professionals who need the computing power. A 1080ti isn't even good enough for some machine learning stuff.
>there are people my age that think they are going to see retirement
are you joking? Sup Forums is the mecca for amd shills
>god refers to himself as god
how disappointing
I seriously could care less about work/retirement. I fear getting old, fragile and impotent.
what good is free time if you're a creaky old corpse who takes meds all day
PC gaming is for show ,the only games that matter are at the top of steams stats list and most of those can run on midrange cards and those that the very top can run on poptart cards in toaster PC.
The amount of anti-AMD shilling on here in the past month has been fucking ridiculous. Multiple threads on the front page at any one time. You're blind or retarded if you can't see it.
>those at the very top can run on Intel Integrated graphics
There's anti AMD """shills""" for the same reason there is so much cuck porn on Sup Forums in general. It gets a reaction out of people.
I thought that was common knowledge so I didn't state that,source can run on dogshit and still look good.
>someone doesn't like my meme company
>people get tired of constant ryzen posts
>he has a discrete graphics card
Sad - needs to grow up.
>mfw I fell for the fury x meme
It's probably because they were fat fucks and going to die early anyway. Next you're gonna call mcdonalds a jew because you can't stop stuffing your face.