hello Sup Forums, I've been interested in programming for a few years now, but i never really was sure what language to start with and where to go from there?
Hello Sup Forums, I've been interested in programming for a few years now...
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Learn Malboge.
Start with SICP (a book called Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming).
If you don't know simple calculus (integrals and derivatives) you'll probably have to learn it a bit beforehand.
Learn HTML
It's not a programming language but is a firm foundation and teaches you to think syntactically
HTML only teaches you HTML
You need to know it to be worth half a shit at any sort of frontend work
>Mine web dev isn't programming meme in 3, 2, 1
HTML really is not programming, and he said he was interested in programming.
lol OP this guy is trolling.
Start with Python. An elementary school student could use it, and it'll teach you the basics of programming such as:
iteration loops
If you still like programming after using it, then you can dive deeper. If you ever reach an autistic level of enjoyment, THEN you can try out SICP.
Start with something that motivates you. I usually recommend C# or HTML / CSS, allthough the latter is not a programming language. This is because theya re quire visual and allow much room for playing and getting alot of progress in a short amount of time.
However, it will not teach you the core fundementals. For that you are better off reading K&R or SICP. These are older and can be intimidating unless already familiar. I have read through "Head First C#" as my first every book and it taught me alot of fun tricks. After that you should branch off to more difficult tasks in more complicated languages.
Also, don't give up and try different languages and environments, but start off by aiming for something visual and with good pre-built modules so you can quickly get into creating stuff.
Learn graduate school level of Physics and Mathematics -> Assembly -> C -> C++ -> Java
This is the true redpilled programming course.
Good luck dropping into it with no background, especially self taught
>Start with something that motivates you. I usually recommend C# or HTML / CSS
Good advice, having genuine motivation is the key. I only started doing HTML / CSS so I could make a porn blog, then I learned Python so I could organize my porn.
and momma, look at me now.
Java and Python is what they're teaching in schools these days, so you'll be able to find a free online course of one of those languages at edx or coursera. There's also MOOC.
What kind of stuff do you want to program?
For hobby or professionally?
I'm honestly not trolling and I wish I would have started with SICP, however I can see that being a bit too advanced for the first thing to do.
>Good advice, having genuine motivation
I agree on that part.
spend a week on python, but don't get attached
spend a long time learning c and computer architecture with some assembly
then branch out to java or c#
then you can be free to specialize in whatever language you like
In my opinion, coding should be fun. In most cases I've observed that passing ur Hello World a.out into terminal is cool but not really empowering you with a sense of burning passion and creativity. I feel it's more of a routine or chore.
HTML allows you to experiement without compiler errors and is fast to grasp and throw around for fun. This will mostly result in you installing a neat IDE or text editor aswell as teach you some fundementals on text editing.
Later on when you get comfortable, you will get the same sense of achievement creating your first class and object in python or finally grasping something you found in the standard libraries. Only difference is this time it's not a chore.
I started off in C++, but thankfully I went straight onto Allegro graphics api without learning the fundementals. If it werent for allegro it would be a fucking chore and would most likely discourage me. Instead I threw together what was a game and it was fun and creative.
Good luck to OP
I started off with HTML like 15 years ago and the reason enjoyed it so much was because it was visual. I could view page source or use some dev tools extension to modify the page in real time. Remove one thing and see what visually breaks, that's how I learned, in reverse
Python3 hands down. I's widely used and to start learning you need only :
- python installed
- a text editor
- a single file
After you familiarize yourself with the basics learning another language is orders of magnitude easier.
It takes months getting used to think in terms of code so don't forget to practice a little every day.
Not to mention ripping off other sites that look cool and learning from that. Since it's used so many places its easy to see what other people are doing and literally copying their code.
Ripping off custom css from obscure social network sites that allowed you to have custom css pages was the best learning process ever.
Not to mention the large amount of documentation and widespread useage allows for easy troubleshooting and learning.
Fortran is definitely a good language for beginners I'd recommend starting there then learning Assembly afterwards
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>In my opinion, coding should be fun.
I agree, it's just that SICP reignited my love for programming.
Its a really really good book but honestly take the average joe in your neighbourhood and give them SICP and they will be thrown off immediatley.
Most people coming to programming for the first time are not familiar with operators or even calculus math. They have no business in Lisp if they aren't familiar with a command line or 80s unix philosophy. HTML doesn't require you to do any compiling or external commands - what you write is what you see. Python features a simple interface and is more accesible if you want something more accessible and lower level than html
It may have reignited your passion but you already had some kind of flame to reignite.
We must stop living in our comfy 80s bubble where we underestimate ourselves and overestimate the newcomers
Honestly, I took one C programming course in high school and it really wasn't that hard to understand, even being absolute shit at math. I'm now about to graduate in CS.
Yeah, algorithmic thinking is a completely different paradigm and it takes some getting used to, but I don't think it's unlearnable to anyone.
I'm a computer science student at my local university in the United States in 1959, are there any other whizbang new programming languages you can tell me about? I've heard a lot of good things about COBOL, Grace Hopper is a personal hero of mine.
Do you know where I can get more punch cards?
I guess you're right
if you cant reverse a binary tree(quite a hard task
should take like 2 to 3 hours if experienced) every company asks this question you cant practice on that i fu can reverse tree then u can start applying because u know most of fandamentalities of programming dynamically is all about
theory is most of what they care about(companies said above ^^^) but dont worry if u only know some not all they there to teach you at the end of the day you know, if they spot young talent they know they can trust him to becomest a practical employee with a good and vastly superior intellect over time.
hope I was in service u can email me at [email protected]
starting with scheme is shit if that's all you do when it comes to programming
just because mit did it doesn't mean it's good for self teaching